Aufruf zur Prozessbeobachtung und Kundgebung am 29.10.19 ab 08.00 Uhr Kammergericht Schöneberg – International Women* Space Feminist, anti-racist political group in Berlin Sun, 09 Mar 2025 15:21:14 +0100 en-US hourly 1 Aufruf zur Prozessbeobachtung und Kundgebung am 29.10.19 ab 08.00 Uhr Kammergericht Schöneberg – International Women* Space 32 32 Racism and Migration – Blacksplained Thu, 20 Mar 2025 18:30:00 +0100 As fascism rises, we see the externalization of borders and its devastating impact on migration. But migrant feminists are organizing, […]]]> As fascism rises, we see the externalization of borders and its devastating impact on migration. But migrant feminists are organizing, resisting, and pushing for change!

Join Jennifer Kamau (co-founder of International Women* Space) for an important discussion on the Oranienplatz Movement and the political demands of asylum seekers!

We’ll explore the achievements of this powerful movement, the progress made in the migration discourse over the years, and the ongoing struggle against the rise of fascism.

Buckle up for a feminist perspective on RACISM & MIGRATION – BLACKSPLAINED.

Jennifer Kamau is the Spokesperson and Co-founder of International Women* Space. An Organization that was founded in 2012 from the Oranienplatz Movement. IWS is an anti-racist, anti-capitalist and anti-colonial feminist organization that consists of Refugees and Migrant Women. In 2019 she initiated the Break Isolation Group (BIG) a self-organized working group consisting of only Refugee Women. She is offering political tours with Querstadtein which is a platform for Refugees and Homeless people to share their connection to the city. Furthermore, Jennifer Kamau is a member of the Senate’s Commission against Anti-Black Racism that was commissioned by the UN DEKADE for People of the African descent. Currently working with Community of Practice CoP that is focusing on the externalized EU borders

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This event is open for BIPOC and allies

Location: AfroPolitan Berlin | Möckernstraße 72 | 10965 Berlin

2025-03-20 18:30 2025-03-20 20:00