climate justice – International Women* Space Feminist, anti-racist political group in Berlin Thu, 08 Aug 2024 11:44:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 climate justice – International Women* Space 32 32 “When we talk about climate justice, we demand an end to greenwashing & pollution colonialism!” Tue, 23 Apr 2024 12:41:52 +0000 On April 19th 2024, we marched the streets for the first anti-colonial climate justice strike led by BIPOC4future, Migrants for Future, Debt for Climate, Palestine Speaks, Alliance of Internationalist Feminists, and Jüdische Stimme.  Read the speech by IW*S held by Ann here:

This year marked the 10th anniversary of the eviction of the O-Platz Movement. We still remember the demands and the echoes of the voices of thousands of people saying: “You cannot evict a movement’. This month, Europe and Germany continue to wage their racial and fascist war against refugees and migrants!

Germany has retrogressed and fascism is present everywhere. Our fight continues.

The EU effectively abolished the fundamental right to asylum. In Germany, mass accommodation centers for refugees, the Lager, will force refugees to work for a sum of money that is beyond inhumane. For 80 cents an hour, refugees will have the obligation to work – often doing the cleaning services that the state is not willing to pay for. If they refuse to work, their benefits can be cut by 180 euros per month. The degradation and dehumanization has no limits. Germany has reimplemented new forms of Residenzpflicht and “Bezahlkarten” – cards that will determine where refugees can buy what goods and services. Refugees will no longer be able to pay in cash. Bezahlkarten are disenfranchising, unconstitutional,  and racist!

EU politicians have agreed on faster asylum procedures, more deportations and less money for refugees with the GEAS reform. GEAS will relieve singular countries of the EU from their responsibility for migration. The EURODAC, the European database is a violent surveillance tool and enforces the EU’s discriminatory and hostile asylum and migration policies, increasing deportations, detentions and a broader climate of racialised criminalisation. People will be deported to countries they have never lived in. Refugees are burning the skin on their thumbs to prevent their fingerprints and, thus, their data from being saved.

So many refugees die on their way to Europe, are found dead without proper investigation when they arrive, or commit suicide because these experiences are so painful.

Having a neutral stance towards things that kill us is not an option for us. This includes climate change!

One person is likely of dying from hunger every 48 seconds in drought-ravaged countries in Africa! Nothing about the climate crisis is natural– it is rooted in the history of colonialism, imperialism, white supremacy, and capitalism. Death through famine occurs because our lands can no longer produce enough food. When it doesn’t rain, we die, when it does, we die. With industrial ships the size of airplanes, Europe profits by overfishing our African coasts, leaving our countries with nothing. Droughts, earthquakes, heatwaves and floods have become far too frequent! It is the reason climate refugees and migrants are forced to leave.

Climate change is political! Migration is a right! Seeking asylum is a right!

Carbon is turned into a commodity that can be traded. Again, the Global South is becoming an investment opportunity where our lands are commodified. This relation takes away the emission rights from the local communities to polluters, who want to finance their own industrialization and capitalist processes. The Global North is dumping its waste into the Global South. By outsourcing its waste the Global North relieves itself of the responsibility of managing consumerism and waste management.  The so-called “sustainable forestry” of the Global North seeks to plant monoculture tree plantations in African countries. Under ‘green capitalism’ locals suffer from the loss of crops, forest resources and livelihoods. Now, the EU has the so-called RePowerEU, which is part of Europe’s Green Deal. RePowerEU is aimed at finding alternatives sources of energy for Europe. These alternatives are Europe’s latest neocolonial resource grab.

Politicians who deny climate change actively support right-wing parties; fossil is feeding fascism!

Planting trees in the Global South is ineffective, it will do nothing for the carbon stored below ground and it is unsustainable:  it is based on land grabbing, deforestation, biodiversity loss, food insecurity, and conflicts. It takes away the way local and Indigenous rights and culture, the way they interact with their land and the economic and social system tied to it.  Even though the countries in the Global South emit the least, they are given this responsibility, while the West continues its status quo.

We see through your motives of profitability!

When we talk about climate justice we demand an end to greenwashing and this pollution colonialism!  

Extreme weather conditions occur after a land, its infrastructure and its resources have been exploited. Whether it is the American occupation effectively shutting down the agricultural sector and exports in Haiti, or the extraction of cobalt, copper, gold, lithium and other minerals in the Democratic Republic of Congo, or the floods in Pakistan, the land theft in Palestine– we see how when it comes to resources, imperialist countries will corrupt our governments, support genocide and walk over dead bodies. We cannot create climate justice by using the same tools that brought us here in the first place- Capitalism, consumerism, extractivism, and a white supremacist gaze!

We see through your fossil fuel fascism, neo-colonial resource grab and the suffering caused by extractive capitalism!

Despite all that has happened to us we remain resilient! We are here and we will stay here! 

As grassroots organizations all around the world: When we unite, we are strong!

Protesting climate change is not a HYPE Wed, 20 Sep 2023 21:15:25 +0000

Text by Rose Wanjiku

Let us take a moment to remember all the people who died in the earthquake in Morocco and in the floods in Libya. We also remember thousands of people who have died in the Mediterranean Sea fleeing hunger, war and oppression.

Floods in LIbya have killed 8,000. Thousands more are missing. Many more will be displaced and forced to move!

This month alone, thousands of people have died or been displaced in Brazil, Guatemala, Turkey and Greece. There have been deadly storms in almost as many days in September so far. Climate scientists warn that “nowhere is immune”. Climate-driven rain storms have become frequent. The world is under siege.

Nature is reminding us of the cost of capitalism and carbon economies; destruction of humanity.

I am sure many of you here today, have stood in solidarity with the people of Libya perhaps contributed towards emergency aid. Charity is good and I encourage all of you to ‘help’.

Last year, protestors from Last Generation in 33 glued themselves to roads to protest continued use of fossil fuel by Germany.

These protests were ‘loud’ in parts of Berlin because of the traffic jam they caused. There were equal protests about the inconvenience.

Imagine that! Some politicians in Spandau and Charlottenburg took note only because of the traffic jam that made life difficult and unbearable for those going to work.

Well, the lives of millions of people in Africa and most of the Global South are difficult and unbearable because of those cars and the fossil fuel they run on. Life is difficult and unbearable because of CLIMATE CHANGE!

It is difficult and unbearable for millions of people who have endured FOUR DROUGHTS due to failed rains. It is difficult and unbearable because their lands can no longer produce food! Extreme weather events have disrupted lives, led to migration and worsened food insecurity in Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, South Sudan and Kenya.

It is a great injustice to destroy people’s livelihoods and turn around to give food donations to save them from hunger!

There is not enough food in Africa, not because we are lazy. It is because we can no longer depend on the rains to grow our foods. It is because thousands of people are being displaced from their lands. If floods don’t find people in their homes, it catches them when they flee.

When the German government refuses to allow people to seek asylum because of the climate change crisis. It is an injustice! Germany wants asylum seekers to tell stories of WARS and CONFLICTS. Let us try another way. Germany should tell us how its ‘green growth’ path is displacing thousands of people and disrupting their livelihoods. Germany should tell us stories of mineral and oil EXTRACTIONS that fuel wars and conflicts fought with weapons YOU make!

For us from Africa and the Global South, protesting climate change is not a HYPE, it’s not because we are HIPPIES. It is because we are living the realities of climate change. The droughts and the floods are our reality.

Globally, 20 people become refugees every minute. As the climate crisis renders tracts of lands uninhabitable, even more people will be forced to find new homes. Germany and Europe must bring down borders to allow climate crisis refugees.

Climate justice does not mean the neo-colonial ‘new frontier of renewable energy sources’ greenwashing story Germany and the rest of Global North is peddling in Africa. The Global North should not turn the Global South into a dumping and field for technology trials.

Did you know Germany is going to spend billions of your dollars to build a fertilizer plant in Kenya? Basically Germany is importing more pollution and poison to Africa to ‘boost’ food production! Yes, food is VERY political. Africa does not need charity! It needs climate justice, reparations and debt cancellation!

I know many of you believe something must be done in Africa and in the Global South. Yes, SOMETHING MUST be done, but Carbon trading and green economy is NOT IT. Asking Africa to plant trees to provide sinks for Germany’s carbon pollution is NOT IT. Taking Africa’s minerals and resources in exchange for ‘Green Technology’ is NOT IT.

Germany wants to build a hydrogen power plant in Namibia to export power to Europe while over 600 million people in Africa have no electricity and 970 million have no access to clean cooking technologies. This is a gross injustice.

This is to those who stand in solidarity with us here in Germany. Stand with us, not against us. I come from the Most Affected Population and Area or MAPA. Those of us coming from the Global South have had to organise under this name to be heard. I hear talks about mainstream climate activists and ‘others’. Apparently, we are the others, the most affected yet, little resources come to support our organising.

Organising this event has taken sweat and tears. I salute all those who gave their time and resources. THANK YOU! I ask, why should we struggle to be heard? Why should we only be tokenised and only allowed ‘talking slots’ in the so called mainstream climate justice movement?

Why is the climate change movement by the Most Affected people surviving on acts of charity? It is time to decolonise the funding structure of the climate change justice movement! We cannot keep replicating the same capitalistic, oppressive and demeaning structures we say we are fighting against!

Climate change affects EVERYONE! Climate change and climate justice is about all of us. There is no mainstream voice and the voice of others!

Climate change knows NO CLASS. Climate Change knows NO BORDERS! Climate crisis is a reason for migration, it is a reason for asylum!

We stand in solidarity with PALESTINE, IRAN, SOUTH SUDAN, SUDAN, WEST SAHARA, NIGER and all comrades living in shackles of patriarchy and neo-colonialism!

“Climate refugees must be granted asylum!” Thu, 24 Aug 2023 21:08:33 +0000

This speech was written by Rose and read by Anne at the demo: “Open doors – Open borders! Recognize climate crisis as reason for asylum!” on 20th August 2023 in front of Germany’s Ministry of the Interior:

As I stand here today, the reason for my being in this country is an inconsequential story to the German government. Myself and thousands of other migrants must tell a story. It is not a story enough if it is not about war and persecution.

Well, today I am here to tell a story. A story of persecution caused by CAPITAL GREED. It is a story that Germany and the rest of the Global North does not want to listen to. But, we must tell the story of CLIMATE CHANGE. We must tell the story of climate refugees. We must tell the story of climate justice! The Global North’s “under-development” of the Global South is violence. It is persecution.

Climate change displaces communities, disrupts their livelihoods, and compels people to seek refuge in new lands. People from the Global South are being displaced not only by climate change, but also by zones of carbon capitalism — in the name of “green energy”.

Africa is facing one of the worst droughts in years. The drought has affected about 50 million people in KENYA, ETHIOPIA, and SOMALIA directly and another 100 million. Last year 43,000 people died in SOMALIA due to hunger caused by the impacts of the climate crisis. Nearly half of these were children younger than 5.
This could be the population of four small towns in Germany. Is this cost of inaction not persecution enough?

When women, children and men lose their lives in the Mediterranean Sea because their livelihoods have been destroyed, Europe’s response is to erect more borders, including enhanced sea, air, and land patrols; drone surveillance; and let human beings disappear beneath the waves or set themselves on fire in detention centers.

People are migrating because of the climate change crisis. Borders are not natural divisions between people or just lines on a map, they are mechanisms of CAPITALIST GREED. Borders protect the economic, political, and cultural privileges of colonialism and capitalism.

Border laws create an illusion that those who identify as white can survive climate catastrophe by controlling the movement of persons classified as non-white. Climate-displaced persons are depicted as threats to national security.

Are you not experiencing it all here in Germany? The heat waves, wildfires and floods? No borders can stop this reality. Climate change knows no borders.

The national security response classifies “climate refugees” as barbarians crashing the gates of civilization. Climate refugees are not criminals! Climate crisis is a reason for seeking Asylum. Climate refugees must be granted asylum!

Granting migrants of the climate crisis asylum is not an act of charity, it is taking responsibility for CARBON CAPITALISM. Climate migrants are victims of climate change produced by YOUR industrialized economies: It is your fuel industries that poison the air, land, and water.

To feed itself Africa and most of the Global South is told to adopt ‘climate smart strategies’. What is smart about displacing thousands of people to fire up Europe’s ‘green economy agenda’? Let us pause for a moment and think about the “slow violence” of Germany’s carbon capitalism. Think about communities living in the shadow of polluting petrochemical facilities and power plants.

Climate change is not a technical issue, it is a social issue that calls to end extractive colonial and racial capitalism.

Climate displacement is an injustice, “not a random, faultless act of God.” Climate crisis is a reason for asylum.
