Conference – International Women* Space Feminist, anti-racist political group in Berlin Thu, 18 Mar 2021 14:27:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Conference – International Women* Space 32 32 IWS’s Conference among the 5 amazing feminist spaces that brought us (AWID) joy in 2017 Thu, 01 Feb 2018 16:55:09 +0000 AWID‘s list of 5 amazing feminist spaces that brought us joy in 2017. Our conference – Als Ich Nach Deutschland Kam – is one of them!!

There is something magical about being in a space filled with amazing people who in various ways make the world a better place for all of us.

This year, many of us at AWID have continued to be inspired by the community of activists, and movements with whom we have held space. These include feminists who use digital technologies to create vibrant online communities, to people protecting the planet for future generations, to migrant workers and refugees highlighting the need for fair working conditions for all, to economists who conceptualise a world rooted in just economies.

Here are a few of the amazing feminist spaces we participated in this year.

When I came to Germany

Berlin, Germany


This conference organized by International Women Space, a feminist political group brought together refugee women, guest, contract, and migrant workers to share experiences of working to resist everyday violence, racism, sexism, patriarchy and all forms of discrimination.

AWIDers Inna Michaeli and Lejla Medanhodzic had this to say:

“What a feeling, to be in a space by and for migrant and refugee women! Isolation is one of the common experiences for women surviving through migration, escape routes, asylum systems, displacement and deportations. This self-organized conference enabled migrant and refugee women, and German women affected by racism, to come came together not only across languages (Turkish, Arabic, Vietnamese, Farsi, English and German), but also across generations.”

Participants had the chance to hear from generations of women who came to East and West Germany as workers and refugees from the 1970s to today. Inna and Lejla left the conference feeling that, “…we’ve-discovered a history of struggles in the workplace, in society, and in the face of institutional oppression and state violence. Struggles that shatter mainstream narratives of victimhood and celebrate women’s solidarity and resistance.”

Asia Pacific Feminist Forum: Resisters, PerSisters, SISTERS

Chiang Mai, Thailand.

This third gathering of the Asia Pacific Feminist Forum provided the AWID team who attended the event with an opportunity to learn from the people most affected by climate change, corporate power and rising fundamentalisms.

Aimee Santos-Lyons, had this to say about the inspiring gathering:

“We learned directly from indigenous people describing the impact of climate change on their small Pacific islands, women farmers discussing how corporate greed and trade treaties have decimated their seed banks and made ‘factory wives’ of village women, and how LGBTQ activists are resisting the fundamentalisms that are being imposed on their bodies, sexualities and relationships.˝

This gathering also provided “opportunities for a warm embrace, to share defiant music together and incubate cross-movement collaborations that seek to strengthen all our work.”

XIV Latin American and Caribbean Feminist Encuentro (EFLAC)

Montevideo, Uruguay.

Latin American and Caribbean Feminist Encuentro
© Vero Vidal

Latin American and Caribbean Feminist Encuentro

Over 2200 feminists attended this year’s Encuentro. For many activists in the region, the EFLAC is a space to debate, feel the feminist pulse of the movement, and a much needed place to recharge our activist batteries. Gabby De Cicco who has attended several Encuentros had this to say, “Activists at this event had a loud and clear message. We need a holistic, intersectional approach to addressing the different forms of oppression and privileges that are affecting us.”

Lifelong feminist Verónica Vidal, was a first time attendee at the 14th Encuentro. In her words:

“Seeing our movements discussing and exchanging about the forces and contexts that are oppressing women in my region made me think that we are a powerful force when we get together and unite our struggles beyond our multiple diversities and identities.”

Making a Feminist Internet: Movement Building in a Digital Age

Port Dickson, Malaysia.

The Internet has created new possibilities for connection, belonging, organizing and activism. In particular, digital technologies have allowed feminists to carve out space to amplify feminist discourse.

Rochelle Jones was a this year’s ‘Making a Feminist Internet’ convening organised by the Association of Progressive Communications and has this to say:

“We don’t actually need to unravel the internet to change its nature, form, colour – we just need to engage with it. And it’s happening right now, from feminist servers and hacking digital security, to challenging the power of the corporations that control and manipulate our data.”

Read Rochelle’s in depth reflections on this event

African Feminist Macroeconomics Academy (AFMA)

Johannesburg, South Africa

African Feminist Macroeconomics Academy

Participants at AFMA

The African Women’s Development and Communications Network (FEMNET) convened the first ever African Feminist Macroeconomics Academy (AFMA) this year. This intensive week-long training was an opportunity for feminist activists to understand how current neoliberal economic models perpetuate gender inequalities in Africa and why it is critical, now more than ever, to use a feminist analysis to challenge these.

For AWIDer Felogene Anumo, spaces such as AFMA “are precious in that they advance knowledge and information sharing and solidarity building among feminists in the continent. Personally, I found it inspiring to be in a room full of feminist activists and academia who are changing the face of macroeconomics which is often ‘too white, too old, too male’.”

So there you have it. A roundup of five feminist spaces that we spent time in, learnt at, and contributed to this year. Were you in any of these awesome feminist spaces? Tell us about your experiences there, and share with us any feminist gatherings that we need to have on our radar in 2018.



International Women Space lädt ein: Konferenz “Als ich nach Deutschland kam” Sun, 13 Aug 2017 14:41:54 +0000 Als ich nach Deutschland kam: Gastarbeiterinnen, Vertragsarbeiterinnen, Migrantinnen und geflüchtete Frauen aus den 1970er, 1980er und 1990er Jahren und von heute berichten von ihren Erfahrungen.

International Women Space (IWS) organisiert im Oktober 2017 eine zweitägige Konferenz in Berlin. In sechs Podiumsdiskussionen teilen Frauen ihre Erfahrungen: Frauen, die als Gastarbeiterinnen nach Westdeutschland kamen; Frauen, die als Vertragsarbeiterinnen nach Ostdeutschland kamen; Frauen, die als Migrantinnen und Geflüchtete in das wiedervereinte Deutschland kamen, sowie deutsche Frauen, die von Rassismus betroffen sind.

Die Referentinnen werden über das Ankommen in Deutschland, das Arbeiten und Leben hier, sowie die politische Organisation als Frauen in diesem Land sprechen.

Die Diskussionen werden in mehreren Sprachen stattfinden und werden simultan in Deutsch, Englisch, Arabisch, Farsi, Türkisch und Vietnamesisch übersetzt. Für Kinderbetreuung ist gesorgt. Der Eintritt ist frei.

Die Konferenz „Als ich nach Deutschland kam“ richtet sich nur an Frauen. Vor allem möchten wir alle Migrantinnen und geflüchtete Frauen, sowie deutsche Frauen, die von Rassismus betroffen sind, einladen, zusammen zu kommen.

28. Oktober 2017 | 09:30 – 18:30 Uhr
29.Oktober 2017 | 10:00 – 18:30 Uhr (+ Chillout bis 21 Uhr)

Flutgraben e.V., Am Flutgraben 3, 12435 Berlin

>>> ANMELDUNG für einen oder beide Tage online unter Anmeldeschluss ist der 15.10.2017.

>>> Konferenz-Infos & Programm

Für Fragen kontaktiere uns via E-Mail unter


When I came to Germany: guest workers, contract workers, and migrant and refugee women from the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s and from today share their experiences

International Women Space (IWS) is organising a two-day conference with six panel discussions focusing on the experiences of women who came to West Germany as guest workers, to East Germany as contract workers, as migrants and refugees to the reunified Germany and of German women who are affected by racism.

The invited speakers will talk about and compare their experiences of arriving and settling in Germany as well as working and organising as women here.

The panels will be held in multiple languages with simultaneous translation into German, English, Arabic, Farsi, Turkish and Vietnamese. Childcare can be provided. Attendance is free.

We particularly want to encourage migrant and refugee women as well as German women who are affected by racism to attend.

28th October 2017 | 09:30 – 18:30
29th October 2017 | 10:00 – 18:30 (+ Chillout until 21:00)

Flutgraben e.V., Am Flutgraben 3, 12435 Berlin

>>> REGISTER for one or both days online at The registration deadline is the 15.10.2017.

>>> Conference details & programme

If you have any questions please contact us by email on



عندما جئت إلى ألمانيا: تجارب وخبرات نساء العمالة الوافدة والمؤقتة والمهاجرات واللاجئات منذ السبعينات وحتى اليوم

تنظم مؤسسة النساء الدولية في برلين مؤتمرًا لمدة يومين يتناول خبرات النساء في إطار ست حلقات نقاش: نساء العمالة الوافدة في ألمانيا الغربية والعمالة المؤقتة في ألمانيا الشرقية والمهاجرات واللاجئات إلى جمهورية ألمانيا الاتحادية بالإضافة إلى الألمانيات اللاتي يتعرضن للعنصرية.

حضور المؤتمر مجاني وستنعقد حلقات النقاش بلغات مختلفة مع ترجمة فورية إلى العربية والألمانية والإنكليزية والفارسية والتركية والفيتنامية كما أن هناك قسم مخصص لرعاية الأطفال.

هذا المؤتمر للنساء فقط ونود بصفة خاصة أن نشجع المهاجرات واللاجئات والألمانيات اللاتي يتعرضن للعنصرية على الحضور.

التسجيل لليومين أو ليوم واحد فقط الموعد النهائي للتسجيل: الخامس عشر من أكتوبر/ تشرين الثاني <٢٠١٧

متى؟ 28 & 29 أكتوبر 2017

متى؟ Flutgraben e.V., Am Flutgraben 3, 12435 Berlin

>>> التسجيل لليومين أو ليوم واحد فقط الموعد النهائي للتسجيل: الخامس عشر من أكتوبر/ تشرين الثاني ٢٠١٧

ويمكنك أيضا الاتصال بنا عن طريق البريد الإلكتروني:

وقتی به آلمان آمدم: کارگران زن مهمان، کارگران زن قراردادی، زنان مهاجر و زنان پناهنده (از دهه‌های ۱۹۷۰،۱۹۸۰، ۱۹۹۰ و امروز) تجربه‌هایشان را با یکدیگر به اشتراک می‌گذارند

فضای زنان بین‌‌الملل (International Women Space) کنفرانسی دو روزه را همراه با شش پنل برگزار می‌کند که به تجربه‌ی زنان در آلمان می‌پردازد: زنانی که به عنوان کارگر مهمان به آلمان غربی آمدند، آنهایی که به عنوان کارگر قراردادی به آلمان شرقی رفتند، آنهایی که به عنوان پناهنده و مهاجر به آلمان متحد آمدند و یا زنان آلمانی که در معرض راسیسم (نژادپرستی) قرار گرفته‌اند.

سخنران‌های این سمینار درباره تجربیاتشان از آمدن به آلمان و ساکن‌شدن در این کشور و نیز کارکردن و سازماندهی‌کردن در آن خواهند گفت.

پنل‌های این کنفرانس به صورت چندزبانی و همراه با ترجمه‌ هم‌زمان به آلمانی، انگلیسی، فارسی، ترکی و ویتنامی برگزار می‌شوند. امکانات نگهداری از کودک نیز ارائه می‌شود. شرکت در این کنفرانس رایگان است.

تنها ورود زنان به این کنفرانس آزاد است. ما به‌ویژه از زنان مهاجر و پناهنده و زنان آلمانی در معرض راسیسم می‌خواهیم تا در این کنفرانس شرکت کنند.

زمان؟28 و 29 اکتبر 2017

کجا؟Flutgraben e.V., Am Flutgraben 3, 12435 Berlin

>>> برای شرکت در روز اول یا هر دو روز این کنفرانس با مراجعه به این آدرس اینترنتی ثبت‌نام کنید:  آخرین مهلت ثبت‌نام 15.10.20177  است.

>>> اطلاعات بیشتر، جدول برنامه و ثبت نام

پرسش‌هایتان را نیز می‌توانید به آدرس ایمیل روبرو ارسال کنید:

Almanya’ya geldiğimde: 1970, 1980 ile 1990’lı yıllardan, ayrıca günümüzden de misafir ve sözleşmeli işçi kadınlar ile göçmen kadınlar deneyimlerini paylaşıyor.

International Women Space (IWS) Ekim 2017’de Berlin’de iki gün sürecek bir konferans organize ediyor. Konferansta, misafir işçi olarak Batı Almanya’ya gelmiş kadınlar, Doğu Almanya’ya sözleşmeli işçi olarak gelmiş kadınlar, Almanya’nın birleşmesinden sonra gelmiş göçmen ve mülteci kadınlar ve ayrıca ırkçılığa uğramış Alman kadınlar altı panelden oluşan tartışmalarla deneyimlerini paylaşacaklar.

Katılımcılar, Almanya’ya geliş öykülerini, bu ülkedeki çalışma ve yaşam koşulları ile politik örgütlenme deneyimlerini kadın olarak nasıl yaşadıkları hakkında konuşacaklar.

Tartışmalar çok dilli yapılacak ve Almanca, İngilizce, Arapça, Farsça, Türkçe ve Vietnamca dillerine simultane çevrilecektir. Çocuk bakımı sağlanacaktır. Giriş ücretsizdir.

“Almanya’ya geldiğimde“ başlıklı konferans sadece kadınlara yöneliktir. Özellikle ırkçılık mağduru olan tüm göçmen, mülteci ve Alman kadınları bir araya gelmeye davet ediyoruz.

28 Ekim 2017 | 09:30 – 18:30 28
29 Ekim 2017 | 10:00 – 18:30 (+ Chillout saat 21’e kadar)

Flutgraben e.V., Am Flutgraben 3, 12435 Berlin

>>> Bir gün veya her iki gün için ‚‚ adresine online KAYIT OL. Kayıt için son gün 15.10.2017.

>>> Konferans detayları & program 

Sorularınız için bize e-mail adresi üzerinden ulaşabilirsiniz.



Khi tôi đến Đức: Thợ khách nữ, nữ công nhân hợp tác lao động, phụ nữ nhập cư và phụ nữ lánh nạn từ những năm 1970, 1980, 1990 và ngày nay kể về những kinh nghiệm của họ.

Trong tháng 10 năm 2017 tại Béc-lin International Women Space (IWS) sẽ tổ chức một hội thảo kéo dài hai ngày. Tại sáu cuộc thảo luận tại hội thảo, những người phụ nữ trước đây đến Tây Đức làm thợ khách, những phụ nữ đến Đông Đức làm công nhân hợp đồng, những phụ nữ nhập cư, những phụ nữ đến lánh nạn ở nước Đức thống nhất cũng như những phụ nữ Đức bị ảnh hưởng bởi nạn phân biệt chủng tộc sẽ chia sẻ những kinh nghiệm của mình.

Là phụ nữ các diễn giả sẽ nói về việc họ đến Đức, công việc và cuộc sống ở đây, cũng như tổ chức chính trị ở đất nước này.

Các cuộc thảo luận sẽ được thực hiện bằng nhiều ngôn ngữ và đồng thời được dịch sang tiếng Đức, tiếng Anh, tiếng Ả Rập, tiếng Farsi, tiếng Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ và tiếng Việt. Có dịch vụ giữ trẻ trong thời gian hội thảo. Tham dự miễn phí.

Hội thảo „Khi tôi đến Đức“ chỉ dành cho phụ nữ. Trước hết chúng tôi muốn mời tất cả phụ nữ nhập cư, phụ nữ lánh nạn cũng như phụ nữ Đức bị ảnh hưởng bởi nạn phân biệt chủng tộc, đến tham dự.

28 tháng Mười 2017 | 09:30 – 18:30 giờ
29 tháng Mười 2017 | 10:00 – 18:30 giờ (+ nghỉ ngơi đến 21 giờ)

Flutgraben e.V., Am Flutgraben 3, 12435 Berlin

>>> ĐĂNG KÝ cho một hoặc cả hai ngày trực tuyến qua: Hạn chót đăng ký là 15.10.2017.

>>> Thông tin và chương trình hội thảo

Nếu có thắc mắc, vui lòng gửi e-mail đến

Impressions of the expert conference “Protection of Refugees against gender-based Violence” Fri, 10 Feb 2017 18:30:44 +0000

Die Fachveranstaltung “Schutz von geflüchteten Menschen vor geschlechtsspezifischer Gewalt” hat am 23.9.2016 in Berlin stattgefunden.

Im folgenden finden Sie ein Bericht über die Veranstaltung. Einen weitereren Bericht gibt es auf der Seite der Beauftragten für Migration, Flucht und Integration.

Deutsche version unten<


There are two forms of violence, according to Jennifer Kamau, an activist of International Women’s Space Berlin, a political group. The first form hits people directly and comes from individuals and structures, while the second form occurs when the public looks away and stays silent. The latter is worse because it ends up accepting and reinforcing certain other forms of violence, in particular, (structural) racist violence.

Along with other activists, Jennifer visits women in refugee centres, bringing their first-hand experiences of violent abuse to the public. In her workshop titled “Self-organized groups and empowerment“, Kamau spoke passionately about violence against (refugee) women in Germany. She raised the question of human rights “Where are they? (human rights) “, she asked.

Jennifer Kamau’s workshop was one of many that were held at the conference titled “Protection of Refugees against gender-based Violence – Empowerment of Refugee Women “. It was organized by Frauenhauskoordinierung (Association of Women’s Shelters) in cooperation with leading German independent welfare organisations. The idea was to bring project funders and other stakeholders in this field to share/exchange information and network. Self-organisations and representatives of LGBTTIQ were also speakers at the event. The conference was part of a project funded by the Federal Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration. The project aims to implement measures to protect refugee women against violence and to empower them.

Since counselling and support structures for refugee women are not available everywhere, Frauenhauskoordinierung focuses on developing approaches for a better transition management. In order to provide such access, the support systems must be connected with the areas of migration and asylum.

At the conference, Heike Rabe of the German Institute for Human Rights spoke about the legal challenges and loopholes that exist in the current system at the interface between immigration law and violence protection. She raised the issue of how immigration and welfare authorities deal with women subject to the Residenzpflicht or residency requirement, who may want to move to another city or live in another federal state following incidents of violence at their centre. Heike Rabe believes the current immigration, asylum and benefit laws are sufficient. They ‘just’ need to be practised. She spoke about existing legal provisions by which the State can transfer residents and thus protect the survivor by separating her from the perpetrator. The Protection Against Violence Act and police powers to intervene apply at these centres. However, what is lacking is the effective application of the provisions stipulated in the immigration, asylum and benefits laws. Heike Rabe called for appropriate guidelines for authorities to assess cases of gender-based violence. On the other hand, it is important to have support systems that encourage women to assert their rights, she stressed.

Another speaker, Elisabeth Ngari, of Women in Exile spoke about “empowerment, victimisation, and solidarity“. She believes women refugees face double victimisation – first, as displaced people and then also as women. She therefore stressed the importance of empowering women refugees. Her organisation conducts workshops where women refugees talk about current topics, exchange information and discuss gender-specific issues. Women in Exile are a politically active group and have called for, among other things, the abolishment of all lagers in their campaign: “No Lager For Women”.

What can social work do or ‘offer’ in this context? Prof. Nivedita Prasad from Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin, who raised this question, has called for social work to be regarded as a human rights profession. Social workers must check that all women have access to protection measures and spaces. Empowerment must be integral to every social workers’ understanding of their profession. Nivedita Prasad also spoke about the dangers of racist exclusions, like the created separation of ‘us’ and ‘them’, the culturalizing instrumentalization of violence against women (e.g. Cologne incident on New Year’s Eve 2015), the ‘integration mania instead of inclusion’, as well as the intersectionality of sexualized violence and asylum. Ultimately, she said, it is important that every social worker starts with him/herself to make structural inadequacies, visible and public. How is racism dealt with in your field of work? When looking for a new co-worker, why do I not look for a multilingual colleague who I can engage with at eye level and instead go for “just“ an interpreter?

At the final panel, Denise Klein from agisra e.V., Cologne said that our current system of violence protection is a ‘two tier’ one. “We are the ones that created the collective centres and Asylum Seekers Benefits’ Law (Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz), and now we see the consequences of that. If refugees had the same rights and liberties, then we would not need a special support system for them“.

According to Jennifer Kamau, it is time that white people took responsibility. “Africa is not poor. You took us all. You told us: here it’s better, so now we are here but we suffer from your system. Changing the structure in your country is not our but your task“, she stressed.

In conclusion, the conference sent a very strong signal by questioning structures that maintain white privilege. The idea was to come out of one’s comfort zone and use our position to fight for protection against gender-based violence and (structural) racism and to forge honest relationships based on trust with women refugees and stand in solidarity with their self-organized struggles. “If you want to change you have to start on your own, with whatever little you can do. But stop being silent about the things you see“, urged Jennifer Kamau.

Eindrücke von der Fachveranstaltung „Schutz von geflüchteten Menschen vor geschlechtsspezifischer Gewalt“ am 23. September 2016, Berlin

Nach Jennifer Kamau, Aktivistin der Gruppe International Women‘s Space Berlin, gibt es zwei Formen von Gewalt: diejenige, die von Personen oder Strukturen ausgehend Menschen direkt (be)trifft und diejenige, die entsteht, wenn die Öffentlichkeit dabei wegschaut und schweigt. Letztere sei die schlimmere, weil sie bestimmte Formen von Gewalt – vor allem (strukturelle) rassistische Gewalt – akzeptiert und damit verfestigt.

Sehr eindringlich spricht Jennifer Kamau in ihrem Workshop zum Thema „Selbstorganisierte Gruppen und Empowerment“ über Gewalt gegen (geflüchtete) Frauen in Deutschland. „Where are the human rights?“, fragt sie. Gemeinsam mit anderen Frauen macht sie auf die Missstände politisch aufmerksam, besucht geflüchtete Frauen in Unterkünften und verleiht den unzähligen Geschichten von Gewalterfahrungen in Deutschland eine Stimme.

Es ist ein Workshop neben vielen anderen an diesem Tag auf der Fachveranstaltung „Schutz von geflüchteten Menschen vor geschlechtsspezifischer Gewalt – Empowerment von geflüchteten Frauen“, organisiert von Frauenhauskoordinierung in Kooperation mit den Spitzenverbänden der freien Wohlfahrtspflege. Es geht um fachlichen Austausch und Vernetzung von Projektträgern und weiteren Akteuren, die sich in diesem breiten Themenfeld engagieren. Selbstorganisationen und Vertreter_innen von LSBTTIQ* sind als Referierende und Expert_innen aktiv eingebunden. Anlass ist ein im Rahmen der Bundesbeauftragten für Migration, Flüchtlinge und Integration gefördertes Projekt, in dem Maßnahmen zum Gewaltschutz und zur Stärkung der Frauen umgesetzt werden.

Frauenhauskoordinierung richtet zudem den Blick auf die Erarbeitung von Ansätzen für ein erfolgreiches Übergangsmanagement, denn nicht überall sind das Angebot und der Zugang zu Beratung und Unterstützung für geflüchtete Frauen gesichert. Dafür sei vor allem die Vernetzung der Hilfesysteme mit den Bereichen der Migration und Flucht notwendig.

So spricht Heike Rabe vom Deutschen Institut für Menschenrechte in ihrem Vortrag über die rechtlichen Herausforderungen und Lücken an der Schnittstelle zwischen Ausländerrecht und Gewaltschutz. Wie gehen die Ausländer- und Leistungsbehörden damit um, wenn Frauen, die der Residenzpflicht unterliegen oder Wohnsitzauflagen haben, aufgrund eines Gewaltvorfalls in einer Unterkunft schnellstmöglich in eine andere Stadt oder in ein anderes Bundesland umziehen möchten? Nach ihrer Auffassung sind die bestehenden Gesetze ausreichend. Sie müssen „nur“ angewandt werden. Die Behörden haben die Möglichkeiten der Umverteilung und damit der Trennung von Täter und Opfer im Sinne des Schutzes der Betroffenen. Das Gewaltschutzgesetz und die polizeilichen Eingriffsbefugnisse greifen auch in den Unterkünften. Es fehlt aber zum einen an der effektiven Anwendung der Vorschriften im Aufenthalts-, Asyl- sowie Leistungsrecht. Hier wären sogenannte ermessenleitende Vorgaben im Fall von geschlechtsspezifischer Gewalt für die Behörden hilfreich. Zum anderen ist es wichtig, dass das Unterstützungssystem Frauen ermutigt, ihre Rechte geltend zu machen.

Elisabeth Ngari von Women in Exile referiert über „Empowerment, Viktimisierung, Solidarität“. Sie spricht von der doppelten Viktimisierung, der geflüchtete Frauen durch die Fluchterfahrung und das gleichzeitige Frausein ausgesetzt werden. Empowerment von geflüchteten Frauen sei daher sehr wichtig. Women in Exile führen daher Workshops mit anderen geflüchteten Frauen durch; hier wird den Themen der Frauen Raum gegeben, es werden Informationen geteilt und aktuelle Probleme diskutiert. Damit diese Themen auch in der Öffentlichkeit hörbar werden, sind Women in Exile politisch aktiv und fordern unter anderem im Rahmen einer Kampagne: „Keine Lager für Frauen“.

Was kann Soziale Arbeit in diesem Kontext tun bzw. „leisten“? Prof. Dr. Nivedita Prasad von der Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin appelliert an eine Soziale Arbeit als Menschenrechtsprofession. Jede_r Sozialarbeiter_in muss prüfen, ob Schutzmaßnahmen und -orte verfügbar und zugänglich für alle Frauen sind. Empowerment gehöre zum Grundverständnis einer jeden Sozialen Arbeit. Sie spricht aber auch von Hindernissen, die sich vor allem in der gefährlichen Praxis rassistischer Ausschlüsse wiederfinden. So zum Beispiel durch die häufige diskursive Trennung zwischen „wir“ und „den anderen“, die kulturalisierende Instrumentalisierung von Gewalt gegen Frauen (Beispiel Köln, Silvester 2015), die „Integrationsmanie statt Inklusion“ sowie die Intersektionalität von sexualisierter Gewalt und Flucht. Wichtig sei es letztendlich, dass jede_r Sozialarbeiter_in bei sich selbst anfängt und versucht strukturelle Defizite sichtbar und öffentlich zu machen: Wie wird mit Rassismus in meinem Arbeitsumfeld umgegangen? Warum suche ich bei der Stellenbesetzung nicht eine_n mehrsprachige_n Kollegin_Kollegen „auf Augenhöhe“, sondern „nur“ eine_n Dolmetscher_in?

Auch auf dem Abschlusspodium wird es deutlich: Es gäbe aktuell einen Gewaltschutz „zweiter Klasse“, so Denise Klein von agisra e.V. in Köln. „Wir haben die Massen- und Gemeinschaftsunterkünfte und das Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz geschaffen – jetzt sehen wir die Konsequenzen. Wenn Geflüchtete die gleichen Rechte und die gleiche Freizügigkeit hätten, dann bräuchte es kein gesondertes Unterstützungssystem.“

Laut Jennifer Kamau ist es – schon längst überfällig – an der Zeit, dass weiße Menschen Verantwortung übernehmen. Schließlich betont sie: „Africa is not poor. You took us all. You told us: here it’s better, so now we are here but we suffer from your system. Changing the structure in your country is not our but your task.“

In diesem Sinne hatte die Veranstaltung eine sehr eindringliche Note, die ans eingemachte weiße Privilegiennest ging. Es sollte darum gehen, die eigene „comfort zone“ zu verlassen und eigene Machtpositionen im Kampf für Schutz vor geschlechtsspezifischer Gewalt und (strukturellem) Rassismus zu nutzen. Es geht auch darum, ehrliche Vertrauensbeziehungen zu geflüchteten Frauen aufzubauen und sich mit bestehenden selbstorganisierten Kämpfen zu solidarisieren. „If you want to change you have to start on your own the little you can do. But stop being silent about the things you see“, so Jennifer Kamau.

Susann Thiel

Referentin für Flüchtlingshilfe/-politik

Der Paritätische Gesamtverband
Oranienburger Str. 13-14
10178 Berlin
Tel.: 030 246 36 – 456
