Our Stories – International Women* Space https://iwspace.de Feminist, anti-racist political group in Berlin Fri, 25 Feb 2022 12:00:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 https://iwspace.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/cropped-hand-purple-small-32x32.png Our Stories – International Women* Space https://iwspace.de 32 32 Berlin: X women talked about the conditions of lager X https://iwspace.de/2017/06/berlin-x-women-talked-about-the-conditions-of-lager-x/ Fri, 30 Jun 2017 13:30:34 +0000 http://iwspace.de/?p=57873

It’s quite sad to have the current title for this story, but for women who are not citizens, who are not welcome, who are alone, isolated, vulnerable, freedom is not part of their lives, so we cannot say openly where this conversation took place because measures against them can be taken because those who hold the power like playing illegally with women

Niedstr2Oplatz.net: Today was raining as if it was the end of the world. They call it summer but mostly seems Autumn.

All wet, I arrived to the meeting place. We were about to cancel the visit but who said that rain would stop us from meeting women from a lager where they are living in shit conditions.

We met in a Café outside the lager, it sounds nice, like providing some excuse to go out of the lager and meet with friends like people do, but the truth is different, we met outside because women are threaten by “The Office”. They give “friendly advices” to women who want to speak about their situation inside the lagers, those who want to share how is their daily life in a lager have to deal also with menaces, and we’ve seen this not only in one lager, so what will be written today applies for many other places.

Once we ordered some coffee to try to,  at least recover from the dampness, we introduced ourselves, some of us were new, some not. Names from different countries, introductions said in different languages (also I won’t mention them since could point out who was talking to us), some of us were more chatty, it was the first time someone could speak with someone in her own language. Words came out non-stop, like a volcano, too many things to be said, too many months silent, too many experiences to be shared, desperation in the eyes, a big smile for being able to express it.

Translation makes things slow, but gives time to watch, to feel, when finally the words come, they describe how a woman in the lager found herself signing a paper she didn’t understand. The social worker had asked her to sign it but refused to explain what was it about, placed a book in the middle of the paper, but said it was something for some Bundesamt. The woman signed but asked for a copy. Continue reading

H. comes from Iraq and lives in Berlin https://iwspace.de/2017/04/h-comes-from-iraq-and-lives-in-berlin/ Mon, 17 Apr 2017 10:08:07 +0000 http://iwspace.de/?p=57344 We met H. on a Saturday afternoon in the refugee home where she is living in Berlin. The brownish Neo-Baroque house, built during World War I, was for a long time the City Hall of Friedenau, in the district of Tempelhof-Schöneberg. In 2016, the massive building was sold and it became what it is now: a place where hundreds of women and their children seeking asylum live. A friend, who also lives there, had arranged the meeting.

To get inside the house, you have to be invited by one of the residents and give your ID to the management personnel, who will return it to you once you leave the premises. Standing between you and the main doorway is the security, formed by men of different nationalities. In common they have their blue uniforms, the same colour as the Berliner police, and a look that seems to suspect the visitors. The interior of the house is like many other administrative German buildings. Dark, long corridors, door after door, all closed. On each floor there is a hall, which in old times probably served as a waiting room. On one of the floors we came across a group of children playing as well as a pair from the security, who sit still in a corner and watch. The atmosphere is sad.

After walking up and down stairs and hallways, we come to H.’s room. She is waiting for us and had already separated folders containing piles of documents she wanted to show us.

The story of H. follows a pattern of many impoverished women born and raised in Iraq. At the age of fourteen, she was forced to marry a man eighteen years older than her. She had eight children, of which six were girls. A life as a slave, that’s how she felt, she says.

Some years ago, at around the same age as their mother, the two oldest girls were forced to marry older men. H. tells us she spent her life at home in Abu Ghraib getting pregnant with a man who had three other wives and many other children in different countries. The money he got had to be split between these families, which made the already hard life of H. and her children much harder.

To try and understand a bit more of H.’s background, we asked her about the war in Iraq. She looks absent and tells us her life was lived in isolation and that she never knew much of what was going outside her home. Once she saw local militias kill a man in her neighborhood and another time her whole village had to be evacuated to another nearby, to a school building, where masks were distributed for protection against a suspected chemical weapons attack. Twenty days later they were told it was safe to go back home.

We asked her about the Abu Ghraib prison, notorious after reports were published denouncing the brutal treatment of Iraqi prisoners under the US Military and its coalition partners administration. She said she knew nothing of this period. Later she remembered that her husband had been incarcerated in that prison for six years under Saddam Hussein, but that was before their marriage.

A few years ago her husband left her for one of his other families. It didn’t take long and she left Iraq and went to Turkey, taking her four daughters with her. In Turkey they stayed for two years until the husband contacted them again and demanded that they pack up and come over to Germany. H. took her daughters and started the long journey from Turkey to Greece by boat, on the road through the Balkan route, to Austria and finally to Germany. As soon as she arrived the misery of this marriage began again with the man giving the then oldest daughter to an acquaintance of his, a 30 years old drug dealer. H. has never seen her daughter again. Left with three girls, they lived in different refugee accommodations in different German cities until they were separated from the man and came to Berlin. Since they split, H. is receiving constant life threats from her husband and has attempted suicide. She picks up the hospital report as proof of what she is telling us. A month ago, the Youth Office took two of her children away from her as she was considered unfit to take care of her girls. The third girl went to live with her father.

Before moving to Friedenau, H. was living in another refugee home, where neighbours and social workers reported having witnessed her beating her children. H. doesn’t seem to understand what she’s done wrong. She wants her children back and she cries when speaking about them. She is also desperate to be sent back to Iraq together with her daughters. Her husband is also fighting to have custody of the children. In one of the many documents H. showed us, we read the report of the Youth Office and read the statements given by the children. They don’t want to go back to Iraq. They want to study, to stay. They are allowed to visit their mother in the house in Friedenau and they do it frequently.

By now the table around which we are having our conversation is covered with papers. All written in german. She looks at us as if asking if there is any hope for her, if there is something in any of those documents that could help her to get her children back. As she speaks we see the empty double beds where the children were supposed to sleep. Next to it is H.’s bed and between them there is a big window, showing an intimidating outside world that communicates with her through the piles of documents H. cannot read. There is not much left to say. The Youth Office report is clear, H. has hardly any chance of having her children live under the same roof as her. At least not in Berlin. In a better world H.’s life story would guarantee her the right of political asylum based on gender persecution.

Abschiebung ist wie sterben/ Deportation is like dying https://iwspace.de/2017/02/abschiebung-ist-wie-sterben-deportation-is-like-dying/ Sat, 18 Feb 2017 16:41:00 +0000 https://iwspace.de/?p=75637

Titel: Abschiebung ist wie sterben / Deportation is like dying
Dauer: 22 min
Synopsis: alone she resisted twice her deportation. A conversation between Doris and Jennifer about being a refugee woman, resisting deportation and everyday racism.
Alleine wehrte sie sich gegen zwei Abschiebungen. Ein Gespräch zwischen Doris und Jennifer über die Erfahrung eine geflüchtete Frau zu sein, über den Widerstand gegen die Abschiebung und alttäglichen Rassismus.

On the 7th of September, 2016, around 4 o’clock in the morning, in a Heim in Hennigsdorf, Doris was again compelled out of her room, violently pushed in to a police car and taken to the airport in one more forced deportation attempt. They didn’t succeed because the pilot refused to take in a woman in such a distress. They came as they do: in many, violently pushing, humiliating, handcuffing as if the woman was a dangerous criminal.
More here: https://iwspace.wordpress.com/2016/09/21/hennigsdorf-they-tried-to-deport-her-again/

The deportation that never was https://iwspace.de/2016/07/the-deportation-that-never-was/ Thu, 07 Jul 2016 10:49:21 +0000 http://iwspace.de/?p=57414 deutsche Version weiter unten

deportation1Last Thursday, the 30th of July, as I went to the Foreign Office/Ausländerbehörde to renew my Identity Card/Ausweis, they told me there was a bomb threat in the building and that they couldn’t work on my papers, that I should come back the next day, on Friday, at 8 o’clock in the morning, but on Friday, at around 3 o’clock in the morning, they came to deport me. I was praying in my room in the Heim when I heard a very strong knock on my door. I opened it and saw two police women standing there. Together with them was the boy from the Ausländerbehörde, the same boy who had told me to go back on Friday to renew my Ausweis. This boy is a wicked boy.

The first words which came out from his mouth were: “give me your Ausweis”. I gave him and he said: “this time you are going to Cameroon.”

The police women, who until now, had only stood there, asked if they could help me packing my things. I said no because I was not going to pack anything. They wanted me to get dressed and I asked them to wait outside the room so I could put on my clothes, but they didn’t accepted it and suggested I get changed in the toilet. They followed me to the toilet and watched over at the door until I was ready. I went back to my room and they followed me inside.

The boy stayed always in the corridor. His name is Herr Schley. He is around 30 years old and very wicked, a very bad person. There is also a girl in this Ausländerbehörde, Frau Donov. They are the ones responsible for renewing my Ausweis. They are both wicked. I can tell when I see wicked people.

I went to my room followed by the police women. I took my bag and packed it with my Bible. My Bible is like my child. I sleep with my Bible, I am always with it. I also packed the dress I wear for praying and went out, locking the door behind me. And then I heard the wicked boy saying: Tschüß, as he took the key from me. He now had my Ausweis and my Key.

There was a car outside. The boy got in and sat next to the driver, who had been waiting there. I sat on the back seat in the middle of the two police women, like someone who had committed a crime. I was being taken to the airport and on the way they were laughing and speaking amongst themselves in german. I could understand a little bit, they were laughing at me. What came out from my mouth was to cry. I cried to God, I said “God, in my heart, I don’t know what to do, I can’t understand what is going on”. When I stopped crying I got my Bible from my bag and opened on the story of Job. I bended over my body and cried a little more. The others in the car couldn’t look straight to my face because they felt ashamed.

When we reached the airport, we had to wait because the airport was still closed. The time was around 3:30 in the morning. It didn’t take us long from the Heim to the Tegel airport.

They parked the car in front of the main doors and the driver, the wicked boy and one of the police women went outside to have fresh air. I was left in the car with the other police woman, who was making sure I couldn’t run away. I was feeling really tired, but I asked them if I could also go outside for a bit of fresh air. They said no. It was as if I was in a prison, as if I had killed someone. That was what was going through my head.

I stayed in the car until 4 o’clock in the morning and, during this time, they never gave me anything to eat or to drink and they were still laughing at me.

When the airport opened, they escorted me inside. Only the driver stayed behind.

As I was going through the security check-in and was asked to give my bag and my jacket, I decided to start removing all my clothes. I told them: you people want to see something? I will show you! And I begun to strip off everything I was wearing. They stopped me before I could take off my tights and the tiny blouse I was wearing underneath my blouse. I begun to cry and to roll on the floor and at the same time I was shouting and telling them I was going to kill myself.

A big police man from the airport had pity on me and approached. He held me, picked up my clothes from the floor and tried to make me wear them back on, but I told him that if I was going to die I didn’t need any of those clothes, they couldn’t help me anymore. This man took me to a separate room, he offered me a chair to sit, which I refused. I sat on the floor, because sitting on a chair could not help me either. Then he started asking me some questions like how long had I been in Germany, if I had arrived 6 or 3 months ago. I told him I have been here for almost 6 years. The man bent over his head, took some paper, wrote something on it and gave it to police. He told me: in four days time you will be sent back to Cameroon.

The police, the boy, those who had watched everything I did, now had to take me back to the Heim. The man gave them the paper and they had to collect all my things from the floor and drive me back to the Heim. I was semi naked in the car. I refused to dress up. This time, I sat alone in the back and they were no longer talking to each other or laughing, they were all quiet, all of them. They kept silent all the way back.

When we arrived in Hennigsdorf, they opened the door and I went outside the car, they gave me my bag and my clothes. I thought those things had stayed in the airport, but they had brought them back. The wicked boy gave me my keys back as well as my Ausweis. He didn’t say a word to me. He was not feeling well.

Yesterday, Tuesday, I went to the Ausländerbehörde and saw him. He saw me, but he couldn’t look at my face. He was looking down, ashamed.

When I went there I was prepared to die. I’ve already told them I am capable of killing myself. I was there to renew my Ausweis and the boy ran away. In his place came the other wicked woman. I was angry and I didn’t want to look them straight on their faces, so when they finished with it, they called me and returned my Ausweis, telling me to come back on the 14th, next week.

As I walked away from this place, I started thinking of this sister. When I got home, I saw I had a missed call on my phone. I couldn’t recognize the number, but I thought, let me check who was it and I called back. It was the sister I was thinking of and she told me she was in the Heim. I told her I was just thinking of her. She asked me where I was and I told her I was in my room. She said she wanted to come over because people have told her what had happened to me. And so she did and after I explained everything to her, she begun giving me a bit of counseling, some advices, because I didn’t know what to do. She told me I must not sleep in the Heim at least for sometime. She contacted you, she called this woman who spoke in french with me and we made an appointment for today at 11h. Finally I got myself a lawyer. Until now I didn’t have a good lawyer. I had one, to who I went on Friday, after all this happened. I went to see her and she didn’t even greet me, as If I am nothing. And I am there with this type of problem. Anytime I went there she said she was going to do something she never did, she was always lying. I payed her, almost 500 Euro already. I gave her documents from Africa and it was never enough, she kept asking me for more documents, but I said to her: these things cost money and I can not keep bringing documents. Try and work with these you have. In the end I am trying to tell you, only God can help me. God touched you and you are a good person, but humans can not help me. It is God who helps me.

So that is the end of my story. The whole day I was working to find a lawyer. Thanks that you are helping to write for me. Thank you and may god bless you.


Die Abschiebung, die niemals statt fand

Letzten Donnerstag, dem 30. Juli, wurde mir, als ich in die Ausländerbehörde gegangen bin, um meinen Ausweis zu verlängern, gesagt, dass es einen Bombenalarm gab und dass sie meine Papiere nicht bearbeiten könnten und dass ich am nächsten Freitag wieder kommen solle, am Freitag um 8 Uhr morgens. Aber am Freitag, ungefähr um 3 Uhr morgens, kamen sie, um mich abzuschieben. Ich war in meinem Zimmer im Heim und habe gebetet, als ich ein sehr lautes Klopfen an meiner Tür hörte. Ich habe geöffnet und sah dort 2 Polizisten stehen. Zusammen mit ihnen war der Typ von der Ausländerbehörde, der selbe Typ, der mir gesagt hatte, dass ich am Freitag wieder kommen solle, um meinen Ausweis zu verlängern. Dieser Typ ist ein böser Mann.

Das erste, was aus seinem Mund kam, war: “Gib mir deinen Ausweis”. Ich habe ihn ihm gegeben und er sagt: “Dieses Mal gehst du nach Kamerun.”

Die Polizistin, die bis dahin nur da gestanden hatte, fragte, ob sie mir helfen sollten, meine Sachen zu packen. Ich habe Nein gesagt, weil ich nichts packen wollte. Sie wollten, dass ich mich anziehe und ich habe sie gebeten, draußen zu warten, damit ich meine Kleidung anziehen konnte, aber sie haben das nicht akzeptiert und vorgeschlagen, dass ich mich im Badezimmer umziehen könnte. Sie sind mir ins Badzimmer gefolgt und haben die Tür bewacht bis ich fertig war. Ich ging zurück in mein Zimmer und sie sind mir hinein gefolgt.

Der Typ stand die ganze Zeit im Flur. Sein Name ist Herr Schley. Er ist ungefähr 30 Jahre alt und sehr böse, eine sehr schlechte Person. Es gibt auch eine Frau in der Ausländerbehörde, Frau Donov. Sie sind diejenigen, die für die Verlängerung von meinem Ausweis verantwortlich sind. Sie sind beide böse. Ich kann sagen, wenn ich böse Leute sehe.

Ich bin, gefolgt von der Polizistin, in mein Zimmer gegangen. Ich habe meine Tasche genommen und meine Bibel eingepackt. Meine Bibel ist wie mein Kind. Ich schlafe mit meiner Bibel, ich habe sie immer bei mir. Ich habe auch das Kleid eingepackt, dass ich zum beten trage, und ich bin raus gegangen, habe die Tür hinter mir geschlossen. Und dann habe ich den bösen Typ sagen gehört: Tschüss, und er hat mir den Schlüssel abgenommen. Jetzt hatte er meinen Ausweis und meinen Schlüssel.

Draußen war ein Auto. Der Typ ist eingestiegen und hat sich neben den Fahrer gesetzt, der dort gewartet hatte. Ich saß hinten in der Mitte zwischen zwei Polizistinnen, wie eine, die ein Verbrechen begangen hat. Ich wurde zum Flughafen gebracht und auf dem Weg dort hin haben sie gelacht und untereinander auf deutsch geredet. Ich konnte ein bisschen was verstehen, sie haben über mich gelacht. Was aus meinem Mund kam war Klagen. Ich habe Gott angeklagt, ich sagte: “Gott, in meinen Herzen, ich weiß nicht was ich machen soll, ich kann nicht verstehen, was passiert.” Als ich aufgehört hatte zu weinen, habe ich meine Bibel aus meiner Tasche geholt und sie bei der Geschichte von Job geöffnet. Ich habe mich nach vorne gelehnt und ein bisschen mehr geweint. Die anderen im Auto konnten mir nicht direkt ins Gesicht sehen, weil sie sich schämten.

Als wir am Flughafen ankamen, mussten wir warten, weil der Flughafen noch geschlossen war. Es war ungefähr 3.30 Uhr morgens. Es hat nicht lange gedauert vom Heim zum Flughafen Tegel. Sie haben das Auto vor dem Haupteingang geparkt und der Fahrer, der böse Typ und eine der Polizistinnen sind ausgestiegen, um frische Luft zu schnappen. Ich blieb im Auto gemeinsam mit der anderen Polizistin, die aufpasste, dass ich nicht wegrennen konnte. Ich fühlte mich sehr müde, aber ich fragte sie, ob ich auch ein bisschen nach draußen konnte, um frische Luft zu schnappen. Sie sagten nein. Es war, als ob ich im Gefängnis wäre, als ob ich jemanden getötet hätte. Das ging mir da durch den Kopf.

Ich blieb bis 4 Uhr morgens im Auto und während dieser Zeit haben sie mir nichts zu trinken oder zu essen gegeben und sie haben immer noch über mich gelacht.

Als der Flughafen geöffnet hat, haben sie mich nach drinnen eskortiert. Nur der Fahrer blieb draußen.

Als ich durch den Security-Check musste und gebeten wurde, meine Tasche und meine Jacke abzugeben, habe ich entschieden, dass ich anfange, alle meine Kleidung auszuziehen. Ich habe ihnen gesagt: Ihr Leute wollt was sehe? Ich werde euch was zeigen! Und ich habe angefangen, alles auszuziehen, was ich anhatte. Sie haben mich gestoppt, bevor ich meine Strumpfhose und die kleine Bluse, die ich unter meiner Bluse trug, ausziehen konnte. Ich habe angefangen zu weinen und auf dem Boden hin und her zu rollen und gleichzeitig zu schreien und ihnen zu sagen, dass ich mich umbringen würde.

Ein großer Polizist vom Flughafen hatte Mitleid mit mir und näherte sich. Er hat mich festgehalten, meine Kleidung vom Boden aufgehoben und versucht, dass ich sie wieder anziehe, aber ich habe ihm gesagt, dass ich keines dieser Kleidungstücke brauchen würde, wenn ich sterbe, sie konnten mir nicht mehr helfen. Dieser Mann hat mich in einen separeten Raum gebracht, er hat mir einen Stuhl zum Sitzen angeboten, was ich ablehnte. Ich habe mich auf den Boden gesetzt, weil mir auf einem Stuhl zu sitzen auch nicht helfen würde. Dann hat er angefangen, mir Fragen zu stellen, so wie seit wann ich in Deutschland war, ob ich vor 6 oder vor 3 Monaten angekommen bin. Ich habe ihm gesagt, dass ich seit fast 6 Jahren hier bin. Der Mann hat seinen Kopf vorgebeugt, hat ein paar Papiere genommen, was darauf geschrieben und es der Polizei gegeben. Er hat mir gesagt: In 4 Tagen wirst du nach Kamerun geschickt werden.

Die Polizei, der Typ, die alles was ich getan hatte, beobachtet hatten, mussten mich jetzt zurück zum Heim bringen. Der Mann gab ihnen das Papier und sie mussten meine Sachen vom Boden aufsammeln und mich zurück zum Heim fahren. Ich war halbnackt im Auto. Ich habe mich geweigert, mich anzuziehen. Dieses Mal saß ich alleine hinten und sie haben nicht mehr miteinander geredet oder gelacht, sie waren still, sie alle. Sie blieben den ganzen Rückweg still.

Als wir in Henningsdorf ankamen, haben sie die Tür geöffnet und ich bin aus dem Auto ausgestiegen, sie haben mir meine Tasche und meine Kleidung gegeben. Ich hatte gedacht, dass diese Sachen am Flughafen geblieben wären, aber sie haben sie mit zurück gebracht. Der böse Typ hat mir meine Schlüssel und den Ausweis wieder gegeben. Er hat kein Wort zu mir gesagt. Er fühlte sich nicht wohl.

Gestern, am Dienstag, bin ich zur Ausländerbehörde gegangen und ich habe ihn gesehen. Er hat mich gesehen, aber er konnte mir nicht ins Gesicht schauen. Er hat nach unten geschaut, beschämt.

Als ich hinging, war ich darauf vorbereitet zu sterben. Ich hatte ihnen schon gesagt, dass ich bereit war, mich umzubringen. Ich war da, um meinen Ausweis zu verlängern, und der Typ ist abgehauen. An seiner Stelle kam die böse Frau. Ich war wütend und ich wollte ihnen nicht ins Gesicht schauen, als sie fertig waren, haben sie mich gerufen, mir meinen Ausweis wieder gegeben und mir gesagt, dass ich am 14ten wieder kommen sollte, nächste Woche.

Als ich von dem Ort wegging, habe ich angefangen über diese eine Schwester nachzudenken. Als ich zuhause ankam, sah ich, dass ich einen verpassten Anruf auf meinem Telefon hatte. Ich kannte die Nummer nicht, aber ich dachte, lass mich mal sehen, wer das ist, und ich habe zurückgerufen. Es war die Schwester, an die ich gedacht hatte, und sie hat mir gesagt, dass sie im Heim war. Ich habe ihr gesagt, dass ich grade an sie gedacht hatte. Sie hat mich gefragt, wo ich bin, und ich habe ihr gesagt, das ich meinem Zimmer bin. Sie sagte, dass sie kommen wollte, weil die Leute ihr erzählt hatten, was mit mir passiert ist. Und das hat sie getan und ich habe ihr erzählt, was mir passiert ist. Während ich ihr erzählte, hat sie anfangen, mich ein bisschen zu beraten, ein paar Ratschläge, weil ich nicht wusste, was ich machen sollte. Sie hat mir gesagt, dass ich nicht im Heim schlafen sollte, zumindest für eine Zeit. Sie hat euch kontaktiert, sie hat diese Frau angerufen, die auf französisch mit mir gesprochen hat, und wir sind heute um 11 Uhr zu einem Termin gegangen. Endlich habe ich einen Anwalt. Bis jetzt hatte ich nie einen guten Anwalt. Ich hatte eine, zu der ich am Freitag bin, nach dem all das passiert ist. Ich bin zu ihr und sie hat mich nicht mal begrüßt, als ob ich nichts wäre. Und ich bin da mit dieser Art von Problem. Jedes Mal, wenn ich zu ihr bin, hatte sie gesagt, sie würde etwas tun, was sie nie getan hat, sie hat immer gelogen. Ich habe sie bezahlt, schon fast 500 €. Ich habe ihr meine Dokumente aus Afrika gegeben und es war nie genug, sie hat immer weiter nach Dokumenten gefragt, aber ich habe zu ihr gesagt: diese Sachen kosten Geld und ich kann nicht ständig Dokumente bringen. Versuch es und arbeite mit denen, die du hast. Letztendlich versuche ich dir zu sagen, dass nur Gott mir helfen kann. Gott berührt dich und du bist eine gute Person, aber Menschen können mir nicht helfen. Es ist Gott, der mir hilft.

Das ist das Ende meiner Geschichte. Den ganzen Tag habe gearbeitet, um einen Anwalt zu finden. Danke, dass du mir hilfst, das zu schreiben. Danke und Gott segne dich.

13 years in Germany & threatened with deportation many times https://iwspace.de/2015/04/13-years-threatened-with-deportation-many-times/ Wed, 15 Apr 2015 12:04:07 +0000 http://iwspace.de/?p=57842

“I’ve been here for 13 years and threatened with deportation many times” – Regina

My name is Regina, I come from Uganda. I’ve been here in Germany for the last 13 years. I apply for political asylum, they reject. I apply again, they reject. I’ve been applying for so many times. And all this time I’ve been living with a ‘Duldung’, which simply means that I’m just being … they are just being patient with me … I’m just being tolerated.

Listen to Regina tell her story:
