Self-Organization – International Women* Space Feminist, anti-racist political group in Berlin Thu, 18 Mar 2021 14:21:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Self-Organization – International Women* Space 32 32 Herbstseminare BeVisible 2020: Anti-Black Racism and Resistance through Self-organization Fri, 11 Dec 2020 18:08:00 +0000

On 11. December 2020, Jennifer from IWS gave a talk on anti-Black racism and resistance through self-organization for the third event of the BeVisible Herbseminare series organized by Trixiewiz e.V. The theme for the day was transnational, transcultural and interreligious conflicts. IWS participated alongside Iris Hefets from Jüdische Stimme für gerechten Frieden in Nahost and Hajdi Barz from Romani Phen.

Goods are free to circulate in the world but our bodies are not allowed to circulate in the world. That is the anti-Black racism that we are talking about.

Jennifer Kamau, IWS

You can watch Jennifer’s entire talk at:

A livestream of the event is also available at:

Webinar Recording: Counter Voices of migrant women against neo-right Populism and other threats Fri, 26 Jul 2019 14:13:44 +0000 This webinar “Counter Voices of migrant, including refugee and undocumented women against neo-right Populism and other threats in Europe: Strategies and Practices” was held on 28 March 2019 with four speakers and a Q&A.

  • How migrant Women in Europe work together to resist forms of Fundamentalism, Anna Zobnina, strategy & policy Coordinator @European Network of Migrant Women (ENoMW)

Reflecting on the European experiences and practices of the network, Anna Zobnina will suggest strategies to counter neo-right fundamentalisms. As part of her daily work, she builds the capacity building of migrant women organisations and increases their visibility in European policy making. Anna has over ten years’ experience of feminist research and advocacy of violence and discrimination against women, with a specific focus on migrant women and girls, sexual exploitation and sexual-reproductive health and rights.

  • How are young Feminists responding to neo-right Populism?, Sodfa Daaji, Coordinator @Afrika Youth Movement and organizer Radical Girlss project @ENoMW

Sodfa Daaji will present practices of how young feminists are responding to right wing populism and fundamentalisms. Sodfa is a Tunisian feminist activist who focuses on how culture, religion and tradition affect the achievement of equality. Among others, she has been shortlisted for the women of Europe award in the category “youth in activism” for her advocacy on enhancing women’s rights in Africa, and on advocating against the sexual exploitation of women and girls in Europe.

  • Undocumented women In Europe, their path to ensure access to justice
    Alyna Smith, Advocay Officer @PICUM (Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants)

Alyna Smith will address the situation of undocumented women in Europe, their vulnerability created by insecure status, and examples of practices that prevent violence and ensure access to justice. Alyna works at PICUM, a network of more than 160 organisations across Europe, and in other regions, that advocates for the rights of undocumented migrants. Her work focuses on access to health care and access to justice for undocumented migrants, as well as legal strategies.

  • We exist, we are: the importance of self-organized Women in Germany
    Jennifer Kamau – co-initiator of International Women Space @International Women Space in Germany

Jennifer Kamau will talk about how migrant women can self-organize in the context of gender discrimination and racism they face. Jennifer is a Berlin-based activist and researcher. She is one of the initiators of the International Women Space, which is a network of (former) asylum seekers and migrants that fosters solidarity and collaboration, produces books, organizes campaigns and conferences on the issues of asylum seekers and migrants. This network emerged from the “famous” occupation of the Oranienplatz in Berlin-Kreuzberg some years ago, as a feminist response to the predominantly male concerns of the insurgent refugees.
