Statement – International Women* Space Feminist, anti-racist political group in Berlin Thu, 18 Mar 2021 14:21:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Statement – International Women* Space 32 32 FROM IWS TO LIEBIG34: COURAGE! Mon, 05 Oct 2020 20:32:29 +0000

Dear Companheiras and Companheirxs of the Liebig34,

We, the International Women* Space, are very proud of you!

We see and admire your struggle and we recognize ourselves in it!

In 2014, the racist capitalist system came represented by more than a thousand cops and tried to evict us from the Gerhart-Hauptmann School!

They didn’t succeed, they simply lost a million of Euros trying to evict a movement!

We hope that will be the case with you!

At the time we were surprised with our strength. Because we were not born the strong women we became! We struggled and we fought all along the way to build our strength in order to fight capitalist patriarchy, its misogyny, classism and racism.

These expressions of capitalism that we experience in our everyday lives now come in the shape of this man Padovicz, who clearly hates the likes of us and cares for nothing but money. Padovicz is a serious predator and should be treated as such, but instead the state gives him the chance to make millions and to protect his right to accumulate more millions.

And again, we see the state sending thousands of cops to defend a property Padovicz decided is his. All that this man represents and the complicity of the state are simply disgraceful, to say the least!

Companheirxs, the fight must continue and our struggle is historical!
Your house, our movement are a way out of this racist capitalist madness!!
We are angry! We are livid each time we see these power junkies that oppress us trying to stop people living self-determined lives!

Let’s transform our anger into energy and let’s not allow any rich asshole to come and take our sense of belonging, our sense of identity and purpose! Because no amount of money can show the value of it. You can’t put a price tag on us!

The whole city should join this struggle and wreak civil disobedience, coming together to protect not only the house of the Liebig 34, but the idea of this space!

Whatever you are doing now and will do in a few days, make sure you are making history and adding a new chapter to the rich feminist movement that brought us so much since women, queers, and trans folks decided to get together and fight back!

We are in so much fucking solidarity with you!!!

International Women* Space

We’re not a virus! Stop Anti-Asian racism! Wed, 05 Feb 2020 16:40:38 +0000 [deutsch unten]

Anti-Asian racism has been reported in Europe and everywhere after the spread of the coronavirus in China. In Berlin, two Chinese women were racially assaulted by two attackers and many Asians have been abused on the street, at work, in public. Women are always victims of violence in these situations.

The health crisis of the coronavirus has caused racist slogans in the media like German news magazine Der SPIEGEL! The cover mage of the Saturday publication of Der Spiegel features a man wearing a red hoody as protection against the infection, protective masks, goggles and headphones, with a huge headline “Coronavirus Made in China.” This way of reporting only causes panic, mutual blaming and even radical discrimination. This is also very definite Anti-Asian racism!

When criticism was levelled against the cover image of Der SPIEGEL, Berliner Zeitung wrote : „However the accusation of racism is excessive in relation to the Spiegel title. It‘s rather a document of dullness.“ Well, ‘dullness’ is also racist!

Now thousands of Asians are fighting against Anti-Asian racism on social media with the hashtag “I’m not a virus” and we are standing together with them.

Asia is made up of 47 countries, with a population of about 4.4 billion. Asia is not one country, it is the world’s largest continent. Many Asians are treated like a virus in Europe now. This racism must be stopped. We’re emphatically opposed to all forms of racism in the world and our struggle against this will not stop.

We’re not a virus!

International Women* Space

Wir sind kein Virus!

Stoppt anti-asiatischen Rassismus!

Nach dem Ausbruch des Coronavirus in China wird in Europa und weltweit von anti-asiatischem Rassismus berichtet. In Berlin wurde eine asiatische Frau von zwei Angreifern rassistisch attackiert und viele Asiat*innen werden auf der Straße, am Arbeitsplatz, in der Öffentlichkeit beschimpft und beleidigt. Die Gesundheitskrise, die durch den Coronavirus ausgelöst wurde, hat Medien wie das deutsche Nachrichtenmagazin „ Der Spiegel“ zu rassistischen Schlagzeilen veranlasst. 

Die letzte Ausgabe des „Spiegels“ zeigt auf der Titelseite einen Mann, der einen roten Schutzanzug mit Atemmaske, Brille und Gehörschutz trägt – betitelt mit einer fetten gelben Überschrift: Coronavirus – Made in China. Diese Art von Berichterstattung löst nur Panik, gegenseitige Anschuldigungen und massive Diskriminierungen aus. Das ist expliziter anti-asiatischer Rassismus. 

Als Kritik an dem Titelbild von „Der Spiegel“ laut wurde, schrieb die „ Berliner Zeitung“ :„Der Vorwurf des Rassismus ist in Bezug auf den Spiegel-Titel aber doch überzogen. Er ist eher ein Dokument der Einfallslosigkeit. “ Wir sagen: Diese Einfallslosigkeit ist rassistisch!

Jetzt kämpfen tausende Asiat*innen in den sozialen Medien gegen diese Art von Rassismus unter dem Hashtag # I‘m not a virus – Ich bin kein Virus. Wir stehen solidarisch an ihrer Seite.

Asien besteht aus 47 Ländern mit 4,4 Milliarden Einwohnern. Asien ist nicht ein Land, es ist der grösste Kontinent der Welt. Viele Asiat*innen werden heute wie Viren behandelt. Dieser Rassismus muss aufhören. Wir wehren uns entschieden gegen jede Form von Rassismus. Unser Kampf wird nie enden. 

Wir sind kein Virus!

International Women* Space
