NEWS – International Women* Space Feminist, anti-racist political group in Berlin Wed, 21 Aug 2024 17:39:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 NEWS – International Women* Space 32 32 Do you live in a Heim / Shelter in Berlin or Brandenburg > Could you answer a few questions about the Bezahlkarte? Wed, 21 Aug 2024 17:33:12 +0000

The introduction of the Bezahlkarte for refugees is taking us back then to the old system of Vouchers we once fought to be abolished.

We want to identify where the Bezahlkarte is already in use and where it will be soon. We want to know what information is being shared about it and what questions people have.

We have created a short survey for anyone living in Heims / Shelters in Berlin or Brandenburg.

There are only a few questions and it will take just take a few minutes to answer.

Information shared is anonymous.




The Voucher System was used to pay refugees social assistance by the State. In 2012 the O-Platz refugee movement come together to fight the voucher system and the Residenzpflicht. Both stopped! Over the past years, refugees received this assistance through cash or over the counter cashing cheques!

Now, we see a change and the introduction of the Bezahlkarte which is taking us back then to the old system.

IW*S are hosting open meetings on the Bezahlkarte topic for organisations / collectives / individuals to join together again and to oppose this again! This survey will support and ground our work.

Sign the Petition/ Unterschreib die Petition: Justice for Rita Now! Tue, 23 Apr 2024 10:48:48 +0000 5 years after the murder of Rita Ojunge we still demand answers for this femicide: Rita’s death is one example of the systemic negligence, racism, and complete lack of action of the authorities in dealing with the violence against Black women*.

To sign the petition demanding that the Public Prosecutor General’s Office of the State of Brandenburg fully investigates the murder of Rita click here.

To read more about the case of Rita on our website click here.


5 Jahre nach dem Mord an Rita Ojunge fordern wir immer noch Aufklärung für diesen Femizid: Ritas Tod ist ein Beispiel für die systemische Fahrlässigkeit, den Rassismus und die völlige Untätigkeit der Behörden im Umgang mit der Gewalt gegen Schwarze Frauen*.

Wir fordern die Generalstaatsanwaltschaft des Landes Brandenburgs auf, die Ermittlungen zur Tötung der Rita O. an sich zu ziehen und lückenlos aufzuklären.  Um die Petition zu unterschreiben klicke hier.

Um mehr über den Fall Rita auf unserer Website zu erfahren, hier klicken.

Stop the EU Pact On Migration and Asylum! Wed, 10 Apr 2024 09:00:38 +0000

On April 10th the members of the EU Parliament will finalize the Pact and Migration and Asylum.
The EU’s new Pact entrenches a policy framework of deterrence, detention, racial profiling, and criminalization.

161 Civil Society Organizations, including IW*S, call on the members of the EU Parliament to Stop this Pact by rejecting this vote.

The Pact foresees an end to the right of the asylum as we know it. It’s a time to say NO!

To read the statement click here.


Am 10. April werden die Mitglieder des EU-Parlaments den Pakt zu Migration und Asyl abschließen.
Der neue EU-Pakt setzt auf Abschreckung, Inhaftierung, Racial Profiling und Kriminalisierung.

161 zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen, darunter auch IW*S, rufen die Mitglieder des EU-Parlaments auf, diesen Pakt zu stoppen, indem sie die Abstimmung ablehnen.

Der Pakt sieht ein Ende des Asylrechts vor. Es ist an der Zeit, NEIN zu sagen!

Um die Erklärung zu lesen, hier klicken.

Justice for Rita Now! Tue, 09 Apr 2024 08:40:02 +0000 On Sunday IW*S went to Potsdam to commemorate the murder of our friend Rita Awour Ojunge. On April 7th 2019, five years ago, our friend Rita Awour Ojunge disappeared from the Lager in Hohenleipsisch. It took the police three whole months to find her remains which were in the immediate vicinity of the Lager she was living– 200 meters. Despite the fact that friends and neighbors filed reports for her disappearance, the police did not react. 

Rita was 32 years old at the time of her murder and had lived in Germany for 7 years, , leaving behind a 2-and a 4-year old. Due to Germany’s racist asylum laws, she was forced to live in isolation in the Hohenleipisch refugee shelter, where she has been waiting for a decision on her asylum case for years. The negligence of the police, who only looked for her after two months, was met with silence even after her body was found. The mainstream media did not render Rita much attention– always staying quiet when it comes to Black women*.

Rita had already told the Hohenleipisch’s management some time ago that she felt threatened by a man who lived in the room opposite hers. But they simply shrugged it off. Lager are not safe places- they are lawless places. Protective rights fail to apply for refugees. The conditions of Lager create despair, depression, suicide, self-harm, aggression and intentionally isolate refugees. After Rita’s death, women* no longer dared to go out in the evening or travel back to the camp alone after dark because they had to walk long distances on the street or through the woods, with no protection. This applied to all the camps in remote areas.

We must not fall into the trap of seeing violence against women* as a social problem brought to Germany from outside. Research shows that femicide and violence towards (ex-)partners against women are high.  Every woman* in this society must be protected from femicide, regardless of their residence status. Violence against women* is a global problem, and misogyny is a global system that cannot be scapegoated to particular non-white groups. 

We remember our sister every day and keep fighting for justice. Justice for Rita Now! Alle Lager Abschaffen!

We continue to put pressure on the authorities to demand answers. Sign the petition that demands that the Public Prosecutor General’s Office of the State of Brandenburg fully investigates the killing of Rita O. here.

Free Congo! Tue, 02 Apr 2024 13:07:38 +0000  

On March 23rd, we went to the #FreeCongo demonstration in Berlin. The expansion of multinational mining operations has led to large-scale land theft, exploitation of resources and human labor, human rights abuses, including sexual assault and other forms of violence in the DRC. The Global North has played an enormous role in generating the conditions for violence. Al Jazeera writes: “Increasing demand for so-called clean energy technologies has also created a demand for specific metals, including copper and cobalt, essential for making lithium-ion batteries. These batteries are used for devices such as electric cars and mobile phones”. 9 companies and 8 governments killed 6 million Congolese in less than 25 years. No to the Silence! Freedom for Congo!


Am 23. März waren wir bei der #FreeCongo-Demonstration in Berlin. Die Ausweitung des multinationalen Bergbaus hat in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo zu großflächigem Landraub, Ausbeutung von Ressourcen und menschlicher Arbeit, Menschenrechtsverletzungen, einschließlich sexueller Übergriffe und anderer Formen von Gewalt geführt. Der globale Norden hat eine enorme Rolle bei der Schaffung der Bedingungen für die Gewalt gespielt. Al Jazeera schreibt: “Die steigende Nachfrage nach so genannten sauberen Energietechnologien hat auch eine Nachfrage nach bestimmten Metallen geschaffen, darunter Kupfer und Kobalt, die für die Herstellung von Lithium-Ionen-Batterien unerlässlich sind. Diese Batterien werden für Geräte wie Elektroautos und Mobiltelefone verwendet”. 9 Unternehmen und 8 Regierungen haben in weniger als 25 Jahren 6 Millionen Kongolesen getötet. Nein zum Schweigen! Freiheit für den Kongo!


African Ambassadors Labor Mobility Summit Sun, 24 Mar 2024 14:12:31 +0000 At the African Ambassadors Labor Mobility Summit last week we met with political representatives, African ambassadors, chambers of commerce, civil society and diasporic associations, among others. We discussed the potentials of labour migration, as well as the challenges and possible solutions, the necessary interfaces and cross-border cooperation as well as favourable framework conditions for successful labour migration.

Our take on this topic is that there is a need to decolonize the discourse around so-called “labour migration”. The discourse itself obliges refugees and migrants from the Global South to adhere to the standards and expectations of the Global North, while changing little about labour relations in Germany. Refugees and migrants in Germany are in search of work but are disenfranchised in their right to work due to a bureaucracy that is full of barriers and laws that marginalize based on residence status. While capitalist policies differentiate between “valuable” and “non-valuable” work, “skilled” and “unskilled” labour, racist policies operate with debates around “integration”, thereby othering refugees and migrants. Although collective charter-flight deportations are extremely expensive, costing 4.000 Euro per person in 2021*, Germany would rather deport than employ. At the same time, certificates, careers and degrees obtained in the Global South are often invalidated and do not receive recognition in Germany. This makes it difficult for refugees and migrants to find employment. In addition to this, right-wing populist demands are gaining traction: Lager are refusing to pay for cleaning services and are therefore reintroducing the “work obligation” for refugees, whereby people in the asylum process are forced to work for 80 cents an hour. If they refuse to work, their benefits are cut by up to 180 euros per month.

#BezahlkartenStoppen Fri, 15 Mar 2024 12:32:05 +0000

A day of action against the payment card (“Bezahlkarte”) is taking place on social media today. The payment card interferes with numerous fundamental rights of refugees. We say: no interference on freedom of action and self-determination!

The planned unequal treatment and partial disenfranchisement through the payment card cannot take place! Prevent its implementation, organize local protests! Get involved! The payment card has the potential of social surveillance of marginalized groups through right-wing authoritarian and racist politics.

Racism out of the laws!

For more information (in German) click here.


Heute findet in den sozialen Medien ein Aktionstag gegen die Bezahlkarte statt #BezahlkartenStoppen. Durch die Bezahlkarte wird in zahlreiche Grundrechte von Geflüchteten eingegriffen. Keine Eingriffe in die Handlungsfreiheit und in die Selbstbestimmung!

Die geplante Ungleichbehandlung und stellenweise Entmündigung durch die Bezahlkarte darf nicht stattfinden! Verhindert die Umsetzung, organisiert vor Ort die Proteste. Beteiligt euch! Die Bezahlkarte hat das Potential der sozialen Überwachung marginalisierter Gruppen durch eine rechtsautoritäre und rassistische Politik.

Rassismus raus aus den Gesetzen!

Für mehr Informationen hier klicken.

End Femicide Now! Tue, 20 Feb 2024 13:23:59 +0000 Recently, mass mobilizations of women* in Kenya against femicide have taken place. On January 27th, the Anti-Femicide March was organized in Nairobi. IW*S’ Jennifer Kamau marched with thousands of women in Nairobi. This was the largest event ever held in the country against sexual and gender-based violence.

Kenyan media reports that at least 14 women have recently been murdered this year alone. At least 500 cases of femicide have been recorded in Kenya since 2016, many more go unreported. Being a woman should not be a death sentence.

Including this, feminists in Kenya transformed Valentine’s Day to continue demanding for justice. On this day, we remembered our lost sisters, the victims of femicide. We put pressure on Parliament to answer to our demands on the #EndFemicideKE statement. We stand together in solidarity and honor the lives lost to femicides.

Say Their Names! End sexual and gender-based violence! Protect Queer Kenyans! We are not safe!
Thank you to the organizers @usikimye_ @feministsinkenya

Photo credits: Cindy Mukami

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 75: Rethinking and Constructing its Future Together Mon, 18 Dec 2023 12:11:12 +0000  

On December 8th, Jennifer Kamau from IW*S presented in the panel “Empowering voices: the Struggle of Migrant Women and Undocumented Migrants” together with Elizabeth Ngari and Encarnación Gutiérrez Rodríguez at the Human Rights Conference at Ghent University in Belgium. Jennifer spoke about building spaces within the women’s struggle in the refugee movement, and Elizabeth presented the work of Women in Exile & Friends and their approach of building bridges to break borders. Encarnación presented her paper topic of ‘Human-rights-ization between Negation and Experience’. Their dual identity and intersectional challenges as both refugees and women* render them particularly susceptible to racial discrimination, marginalization, and gender-specific hardships. Adania Shibli, a Palestinian writer, also presented her topic “Silence through Literature”.

Am 8. Dezember präsentierte Jennifer Kamau von IW*S zusammen mit Elizabeth Ngari und Encarnación Gutiérrez Rodríguez auf der Menschenrechtskonferenz an der Universität Gent in Belgien das Panel “Empowernde Stimmen: die Kämpfe von Migrant*innen und undokumentierte Migrant*innen”. Jennifer sprach darüber, wie innerhalb der Geflüchtetenbewegung Räume geschaffen werden konnten und mussten, für die Kämpfe von Frauen, und Elizabeth stellte die Arbeit von Women in Exile & Friends und ihren Ansatz vor, Brücken zu bauen, um Grenzen zu überwinden. Encarnación präsentierte ihren Vortrag zum Thema “Menschenrechtsbildung zwischen Negation und Erfahrung”. Ihre doppelte Identität und die sich überschneidenden Herausforderungen als Geflüchtete und Frauen* machen sie besonders anfällig für rassistische Diskriminierung, Marginalisierung und geschlechtsspezifische Nöte. Adania Shibli, eine palästinensische Schriftstellerin, stellte ebenfalls ihr Thema “Schweigen durch Literatur” vor.



Poetry Slam Throwback! Sat, 09 Dec 2023 13:40:10 +0000 On December 6th, Resilient Voices collaborated with Oya Bar to organize a networking event that brought together the voices of queer refugees and other groups of the queer community.

We connected to share thoughts, empower each other, and amplify the voices of FLINTA+. By exchanging our experiences, we provided a space to build bridges, spark discussions, and create relationships of solidarity. Resilient Voices is a queer working group within IW*S born from the need to have a safer space to address queer issues and topics fueled by systems of oppression including racism, homophobia, transphobia, neo/colonialism, and capitalist structures. The performances moved, stirred, and thrilled us. We could laugh and release! To everyone who participated: thank you for your bravery, vulnerability, and creative contributions. And many thanks to ILGA Europe for funding this event.


Poetry-Slam-Rückblick! Am 6. Dezember organisierte Resilient Voices in Zusammenarbeit mit der Oya Bar ein Networking-Event, das die Stimmen von queeren Geflüchteten und anderen Gruppen der queeren Community zusammenbrachte. Wir trafen uns, um Gedanken auszutauschen, uns gegenseitig zu stärken und die Stimmen von FLINTA+ zu verstärken. Durch den Austausch unserer Erfahrungen haben wir einen Raum geschaffen, um Brücken zu bauen, Diskussionen anzuregen und solidarische Beziehungen zu schaffen.

Resilient Voices ist eine queere Arbeitsgruppe innerhalb von IW*S, die aus dem Bedürfnis heraus entstanden ist, einen sichereren Raum zu haben, um queere Fragen und Themen anzusprechen, die durch Unterdrückungssysteme wie Rassismus, Homophobie, Transphobie, Neo-Kolonialismus und kapitalistische Strukturen angeheizt werden. Die Aufführungen bewegten, rührten und begeisterten uns. Wir konnten lachen und loslassen! An alle, die teilgenommen haben: Danke für euren Mut, eure Verletzlichkeit und eure kreativen Beiträge. Und vielen Dank an ILGA Europe für die Finanzierung dieser Veranstaltung.
