International Women* Space Feminist, anti-racist political group in Berlin Wed, 26 Mar 2025 09:34:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 International Women* Space 32 32 Open Call for Submissions: Resilient Voices Vol. 1 Fri, 14 Mar 2025 10:41:47 +0000 We’re going to print! Are you a queer FLINTA* creative? Have you shared your work at one of the Resilient Voices poetry slams? Or do you have a powerful text or image that deserves a platform? We’re looking for texts, poetry, prose, illustrations and photographs to publish in print and digital formats.

Have you got something in mind? Let’s amplify our voices together. Send us your texts and images:

Deadline 15.04.25

How was IW*S active in October? Thu, 31 Oct 2024 12:13:11 +0000

Curious about what we’ve been up to? Here’s a look at all the events we (co-)organized, spoke at, or attended throughout October, along with other topics and news that had our attention. Where did we go? Who did we connect with? What opinions did we share? How are we making a difference? With our monthly review posts, we want to give insight into our work: building community, creating support systems, sharing resources, and amplifying the voices within our community in political discussions.

In diesem Abschnitt werden die verschiedenen Veranstaltungen hervorgehoben, an denen wir im Oktober teilgenommen,  organisiert oder mit-organisiert haben, und die unser aktives Engagement für die Förderung von Gemeinschaftsbeziehungen, die Schaffung von Unterstützungssystemen, die gemeinsame Nutzung von Ressourcen und unsere politische Arbeit zeigen.

“Tech and Society Summit”; Panel: Safety beyond surveillance: a rights and justice framework for safety in EU digital policies

On the 01. October 41 civil society organizations, co-hosted the “Tech and Society Summit”. The event aimed to foster dialogue and debate between civil society and recently elected EU decision-makers, focusing on the intersection of technology, society, and the environment. Jennifer Kamau from IW*S took part in the panel talk “Safety beyond surveillance: a rights and justice framework for safety in EU digital policies”. The talk discussed how the last EU mandate saw a surge of tech and data-driven surveillance, within and at the EU borders, from spyware and mass hacking to migration control and racial profiling, dangerously eroding the EU’s fundamental rights and values. Instead of pouring resources into surveillance and criminalization infrastructures, the conversation explored the question of what political responses are needed to address the root causes of social problems and visions for safety centered on rights and justice, away from the current paradigm that prioritizes technological quick fixes and extensive or mass surveillance, which lead to harms and discrimination. The Talk was also joined by Anna Buchta (EDPS), Saskia Bricmont (MEP), Elina Castillo Jiménez (Amnesty International), and Sarah Chander, (Equinox Initiative for Racial Justice), moderated by Chloé Berthélémy, (EDRi).

Am 01. Oktober veranstalteten 41 Organisationen der Zivilgesellschaft gemeinsam den „Tech and Society Summit“. Ziel der Veranstaltung war es, den Dialog und die Debatte zwischen der Zivilgesellschaft und neu gewählten EU-Entscheidungsträger*innen zu fördern, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf der Schnittstelle von Technologie, Gesellschaft und Umwelt lag. Jennifer Kamau von IW*S nahm an der Podiumsdiskussion „Sicherheit jenseits der Überwachung: ein Rahmen für Rechte und Gerechtigkeit in der digitalen Politik der EU“ teil. In dem Vortrag wurde erörtert, wie während der letzten EU-Mandatsperiode ein Anstieg der technologie- und datengesteuerten Überwachung innerhalb der EU und an den Außengrenzen zu verzeichnen war, von Spionageprogrammen und Massenhacking bis hin zur Migrationskontrolle und der Erstellung von Racial Profiling, wodurch die Grundrechte und Werte der EU in gefährlicher Weise untergraben wurden. Anstatt Ressourcen in Überwachungs- und Kriminalisierungsinfrastrukturen zu stecken, wurde in dem Gespräch die Frage erörtert, welche politischen Antworten erforderlich sind, um die Ursachen sozialer Probleme anzugehen und Visionen für eine Sicherheit zu entwickeln, die sich auf Rechte und Gerechtigkeit konzentrieren, weg vom derzeitigen Paradigma, das technologischen Schnelllösungen und umfassender oder massenhafter Überwachung den Vorrang gibt, die zu Schaden und Diskriminierung führen. An dem Gespräch nahmen auch Anna Buchta (EDSB), Saskia Bricmont (MdEP), Elina Castillo Jiménez (Amnesty International) und Sarah Chander (Equinox Initiative for Racial Justice) teil, moderiert von Chloé Berthélémy (EDRi).

Pan-African Feminism in Conversation

On the 8th of October, Jennifer Kamau from IW*S took part in a Panel Talk about Pan African Feminism, organised by Frauenkreise Berlin. The talk was also joined by Marianne Ballé-Moudoumbou from the Pan-African Women’s Liberation Organization (PAWLO) and the Chkoun Collective, moderated by Céline Barry. 

African independence processes are in motion. In this context, Eurafrican trade relations and migration and border regimes are often at the center of anti-colonial critique and intervention. As feminist pan-African thinkers and practitioners point out, intersectional perspectives are crucial for a decolonized future. Against this backdrop, the conversation explored which issues are currently on the agenda of pan-African feminism.

Am 8. Oktober nahm Jennifer Kamau von IW*S an einem Podiumsgespräch über panafrikanischen Feminismus teil, organisiert von Frauenkreise Berlin. An dem Gespräch nahmen auch Marianne Ballé-Moudoumbou von der Pan-African Women’s Liberation Organization (PAWLO) und das Chkoun Collective teil, moderiert wurde das Gespräch von Céline Barry. 


Afrikanische Unabhängigkeitsprozesse sind in vollem Gange. Eurafrikanische Wirtschaftsbeziehungen und Migrations- und Grenzregime stehen dabei oft im Zentrum antikolonialer Kritik und Interventionen. Allerdings sind, wie panafrikanische Praktikerinnen* und Denkerinnen* aufzeigen, intersektionale feministische Perspektiven entscheidend für eine dekolonisierte Zukunft. Die Diskussion widmete sich der Frage, was vor diesem Hintergrund auf der aktuellen Tagesordnung des pan-Afrikanischen Feminismus steht.

Miss Read Berlin “To the Furthest Edge Where Our Freedom Begins: Afro-feminist Collective Struggles”

On the 12th of October, Jennifer Kamau took part in the discussion about “To the Furthest Edge Where Our Freedom Begins: Afro-feminist Collective Struggles”, at this year’s missreadberlin. Participants: Marianne Ballé Moudoumbou, Yezenia León Mezu, and Jennifer Kamau (IW*S), moderated by Anguezomo Nzé Mba Bikoro.

Movements mark the stories of communities coming together and those rupturing to an end. Solidarity work comes with radicality, loss, grief, and the practice of conflict and repair to create spaces of safety, legal change, and forms of transformational justice. In the re-telling of our own narratives, we looked back and forward to the movements and moments of ritual, retreat, and revolt through literature and intimate gatherings that provided the imagination through transglobal connections from the Black women of the Black Panther Party, Combahee River Collective, Kitchen Table: Women of Color Press, Riverwood (KEN) to ADEFRA. It is in our differences and our connections that we march common and uncommon struggles to redefine our experience of freedom as a healing journey.

Am 12. Oktober nahm Jennifer Kamau an der Diskussion zum Thema „To the Furthest Edge Where Our Freedom Begins: Afro-feministische kollektive Kämpfe“, bei der diesjährigen missreadberlin teil. Teilnehmer*innen: Marianne Ballé Moudoumbou, Yezenia León Mezu, und Jennifer Kamau (IW*S), moderiert von Anguezomo Nzé Mba Bikoro

Bewegungen markieren die Geschichten von Gemeinschaften, die sich zusammenfinden und solche, die sich auflösen. Solidaritätsarbeit geht einher mit Radikalität, Verlust, Trauer und der Praxis von Konflikt und Reparatur, um Räume der Sicherheit, des rechtlichen Wandels und Formen der transformativen Gerechtigkeit zu schaffen. In der Nacherzählung unserer eigenen Geschichten blickten wir in der Diskussion zurück und nach vorne auf die Bewegungen und Momente von Ritualen, Rückzug und Revolte durch Literatur und intime Zusammenkünfte, die die Vorstellungskraft durch transglobale Verbindungen von den Schwarzen Frauen der Black Panther Party, Combahee River Collective, Kitchen Table: Women of Color Press, Riverwood (KEN) bis hin zu ADEFRA. Es sind unsere Unterschiede und unsere Verbindungen, die uns zu gemeinsamen und ungewöhnlichen Kämpfen führen, um unsere Erfahrung von Freiheit als eine heilende Reise neu zu definieren.

ILGA Europe Conference, Bucharest

We’re thrilled to have participated in this year’s ILGA Europe Conference in Bucharest, represented by Jackline N Gathoni from Resilient Voices from the 16th – 19th of October. With over 400 activists and allies gathered under the theme “The Call to Courage”, we explored new strategies to protect LGBTI rights in challenging times. The energy was electric as we connected, shared ideas, and strengthened our movement. In an interactive Workshop, we explored collective strategies focused on the inclusion for disaster-impacted and persecuted LGBTIQ displaced persons in mainstream refugee work in Central and Eastern Europe and beyond, with presentations from key organizations, including Queer without Borders (Poland), Gender Stream (Ukraine, Slovakia), ALO (Czech Republic), and Resilient Voices of IW*S. The session aimed to provide a comprehensive overview of the current landscape.

Each speaker shared their organization’s unique experiences, challenges, and solutions, highlighting successful practices and persistent barriers impacting the inclusion of LGBTIQ displaced persons. After the presentations, participants engaged in small group discussions to reflect on the strategies presented, explore their applicability in different contexts, and identify additional challenges and opportunities. The workshop fostered a deeper understanding of intersectionality in refugee services and promoted actionable insights for improving support systems.

Wir freuen uns, dass wir vom 16. bis 19. Oktober an der diesjährigen ILGA Europe Konferenz in Bukarest teilgenommen haben, vertreten durch Jackline N Gathoni von Resilient Voices. Mit über 400 Aktivist*innen und Verbündeten, die unter dem Motto „Der Ruf nach Mut“ zusammen kamen, erkundeten wir neue Strategien zum Schutz der LGBTI-Rechte in schwierigen Zeiten. Wir knüpften Kontakte, tauschten Ideen aus und stärkten unsere Bewegung. In einem interaktiven Workshop erkundeten wir kollektive Strategien, die sich auf die Einbeziehung von katastrophengeschädigten und verfolgten LGBTIQ-Geflüchteten in die reguläre Geflüchtetenarbeit in Mittel- und Osteuropa und darüber hinaus konzentrieren. Es gab Präsentationen von unterschiedlichen Organisationen, darunter Queer without Borders (Polen), Gender Stream (Ukraine, Slowakei), ALO (Tschechische Republik) und Resilient Voices von IW*S. Ziel der Veranstaltung war es, einen umfassenden Überblick über die aktuelle Situation zu geben.

Die Redner*innen berichteten über die einzigartigen Erfahrungen, Herausforderungen und Lösungen ihrer Organisation und hoben erfolgreiche Praktiken und anhaltende Hindernisse hervor, die sich auf die Integration von LGBTIQ-Geflüchteten auswirken. Nach den Präsentationen diskutierten die Teilnehmer*innen in kleinen Gruppen über die vorgestellten Strategien, untersuchten ihre Anwendbarkeit in verschiedenen Kontexten und ermittelten zusätzliche Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten. Der Workshop förderte ein tieferes Verständnis der Intersektionalität in der Geflüchetenhilfe und lieferte umsetzbare Erkenntnisse zur Verbesserung der Unterstützungssysteme.

Weaving Liberation – Digital Liberation Retreat

By the end of October Jennifer Kamau was a speaker on a panel about Fascism and its effects on migrant-led organisations and work in the EU from Weaving Liberation.

Weaving Liberation hosted a week of connection-building, practice-sharing and knowledge-strenghtening around transformative visions of digital technologies, organisational practices and movement resourcing. The days were packed with different formats and activities. The last day focused on organising, mapping and concretely thinking of next steps.

Ende Oktober nahm Jennifer Kamau als Rednerin an einer Podiumsdiskussion von Weaving Liberation über Faschismus und dessen Auswirkungen auf von Migrant*innen geführte Organisationen und die Arbeit in der EU teil.

Weaving Liberation war Veranstalter einer Woche, in der es um den Aufbau von Kontakten, den Austausch von Praktiken und die Stärkung von Wissen über transformative Visionen digitaler Technologien, organisatorische Praktiken und die Ressourcenausstattung von Bewegungen ging. Die Tage waren vollgepackt mit verschiedenen Formaten und Aktivitäten. Der letzte Tag konzentrierte sich auf das Organisieren, Kartieren und konkrete Überlegungen zu den nächsten Schritten.

Dear EU leaders: Change course and end your war on migrants! Wed, 30 Oct 2024 11:35:50 +0000 Following Ursula von der Leyen’s recent endorsement of offshore detention centres, and other EU leaders announcing various rollbacks on asylum and refugee rights, migrant-led organisations write to EU institutions to demand alternatives to the EU’s deadly border regime. 

Ursula von der Leyen, European Commission, EU Interior Ministers,

We, organisations led by migrants and racialised people, along with our supporters, write to European leaders to condemn the violent, punitive and immoral turn in European migration politics in recent weeks. 

In recent weeks, we, residents of Europe  organising amongst both new and long-standing migrant communities, have watched as EU leaders have declared war on migrants and international law.

From illegal proposals to suspend the right to asylum and adopt offshore migrant processing models, the creation of EU ‘safe’ third-country lists and extended periods of internal border checks in the Schengen area, to our consistent reality of prison-like detention centres, state violence and racial profiling, illegal pushbacks and violent and unlawful deportations, European leaders have reached a point of no return. 

These announcements are part of a trajectory of worsening demonisation of migrants and the complete erosion of international law. For almost a decade, the European Union has pursued violent, ineffective and expensive migration measures that expand prison-like detention centres, endorse racial profiling and facilitate pushbacks and violence at borders. 

Human rights organisations have consistently framed these developments as flagrant violations of international law. We agree. However, we should also clarify that European leaders are unashamedly emulating a fascist politics reminiscent of Europe’s genocidal and colonial history.  We see the consistent demonisation and blame of our communities as a clear attempt to distract Europe’s residents from decades of political, economic and environmental failures. 

Rather than orient policies toward safety, protection and social provision for all, European leaders have settled for a politics of securitisation, criminalisation, and violence. The EU has pursued migration policies geared toward criminalising our communities, militarising borders, and endorsing far-right and racist violence. 

What you frame as a ‘migration crisis’, is actually a global inequality crisis. Recent announcements on migration conveniently evade responsibility for Europe’s past and present role contributing to the root causes of migration: displacement caused by climate change and environmental destruction, resource and wealth extraction,  colonialism, conflict, military intervention and political destabilisation. The EU is presenting an inhuman, unworkable response to problems it itself has created and contributed to.  

Attacks on migrants rights are the beginning of attacks on everybody. Anti-migrant politics and the subsequent degradation of rights have opened the door for rollbacks in women’s rights and the right to abortion, anti-gender movements, anti-worker movements and the widespread repression of civil liberties.  The far-right forces that birthed this narrative and the centrist ones that normalise them are responsible for broader threats to democracy and the rule of law. Collectively, these trends disproportionately impact communities at risk of state violence, including (undocumented) migrants, racialised, queer and trans people, and sex workers.

We call on leaders to change course and present a meaningful alternative to current EU migration policy, which is illegal, immoral, and unworkable.

Instead of wasting billions on new offshore detention centres, illegal and costly deportation procedures, and the militarisation of borders, European leaders could implement  policies in compliance with human rights, toward economic well being, safety and community care, and invest in long-term solutions to address climate degradation, conflict, and economic decline. 

We need:

  • Safe and legal routes for migrants, asylum seekers and refugees;
  • Pathways to regularisation and an end to the criminalisation of people on the move;
  • Address the root causes of why people flee their countries, including by ending EU investment in the militarisation and securitisation of borders, the weapons trade, fossil fuels, and other industrial strategies contributing to conflict and climate degradation in the global South;
  • Policies that focus on addressing the needs of all people (including migrants, shift and gig economy workers, unpaid carers, and those in precarious work) instead of prioritising corporate profits;
  • A comprehensive economic and social strategy for everyone living in Europe.

We call on European leaders to change course and end their war on migrants. Instead, reorient your policies to centre a politics of care, protection and safety for all, including migrant communities. 

Drafted by:

  1. Equinox Initiative for Racial Justice – Europe
  2. Greek Forum of Migrants – Greece
  3. International Women* Space – Germany
  4. Movement for Asylum Seekers in Ireland (MASI) – Ireland
  5. Equipo del Decenio Afrodescendiente – Spain

Read the letter with the signatories here.


This letter is the first joint initiative of the Migrant Justice Community of Practice. Consider joining the community of practice to develop future actions with us. 

Building a Migrant Justice Community of Practice Wed, 23 Oct 2024 08:00:45 +0000

Equinox Initiative for Racial Justice, Greek Forum of Migrants and International Women* Space are building a Migrant Justice Community of Practice: a coalition of migrant-led organisations working to shift European migration approaches away from punishment, violence and control toward community, care and social provision.  

In a climate of growing far-right, anti-migrant political power across Europe, migrant and racialised communities are increasingly vilified, criminalised and scapegoated for a range of social problems.

We are seeing the hardening of punitive, criminalising and discriminatory migration laws and policies, as well as an increase in legislation, resources and infrastructure that militarises borders and European migration policy.

We want to see resources, legislation and policy used to protect people’s lives rather than support systems of punishment, containment and control. We need an alternative force that centres the needs, goals and approaches of grassroots migrant activism. 


Building beyond punitive migration strategy

We are building a translocal coalition of grassroots groups working collectively to shift power in European migration approaches. The coalition seeks to bring together organisations working to redistribute resources and power away from punitive institutions and toward social provision and community care. We focus on building power amongst migrant and racialised-led justice organisations who are commonly under-funded and excluded from decision-making processes.

The coalition includes:

  • Migrant Justice Community of Practice: a space for migrant and racialised people-led organisations to meet, build power and discuss strategies for building beyond punitive migration control. The Migrant Justice COP will meet on a monthly basis.
  • Migration solidarity group: a group of organisations working to open up strategic spaces and corridors of power to the Community of Practice, so that political agendas and strategies to combat criminalisation can be collectively shaped. The solidarity group will support and work in solidarity with migrant-led organisations, more effectively coordinating and using resources to achieve structural change.


Our Goals

  1. Shift power in political activism toward migrant led and racialised organisations
  2. Work toward an alternative migration system based on care and protection
  3. Change how EU resources, laws and policies engage with the topic of criminalisation, surveillance, punishment and control


Who we are

The Community of Practice is coordinated by Equinox Initiative for Racial Justice, the Greek Forum of Migrants, and International Women* Space.

Jennifer Kamau

Jennifer Kamau is a Berlin-based activist and researcher. She is one of the initiators of the International Women* Space, a feminist, anti-racist political group in Berlin with refugee and migrant women* and non-migrant women* as members. This network emerged from the “famous” occupation of the Oranienplatz in Berlin-Kreuzberg some years ago, as a feminist response to the predominantly male concerns of the insurgent refugees.

Adla Shashati

Adla Shashati originates both from Sudan and Greece. She is a journalist with a degree in Media and Cultural Studies and an M.A. in  New Media Technologies. She is a member of the Sudanese Community in Greece and the director of the Greek Forum of Migrants.

Sarah Chander

Sarah Chander is Director and co-founder of Equinox Initiative for Racial Justice. In the past, she has organised European grassroots movements on racial justice, digital, migration, feminism and LGBT rights.

Get involved

Migrant or racialised-led organisations with abolitionist and feminist approaches to migrant justice work are welcome to join our Migrant Justice Community of Practice. In particular we are centering those working at the intersection of various forms of oppression (including womens’ rights, sex workers, queer and trans issues, persons with disabilities);

Mainstream migration policy organisations working on EU or national migration policies are welcome to join the migration solidarity group.

If you are interested in finding out more about the Community of Practice or supporting our work, please contact



The Migrant Justice COP stems from an initial project between Equinox and the Greek Forum of Migrants, supported by the European Philanthropic Initiative for Migration, gathering organisations working at the intersection of structural racism and migration. That project conducted an initial scoping review of organisations and collectives working to build beyond punitive migration policy and toward other methods.

Since, Equinox, the Greek Forum of Migrants and International Women* Space Berlin came together to build the migrant justice community of practice, supported by the Allianz Foundation.

Sign our call for EU leaders to change course and end the war on migrants Wed, 23 Oct 2024 06:03:58 +0000

Equinox Initiative for Racial Justice, Greek Forum of Migrants and International Women* Space invite you to join us in writing to EU leaders to condemn recent European political announcements on migration, and demand alternatives to the EU’s deadly border regime.

In recent weeks, EU leaders have declared war on migrants and international law. From illegal proposals to suspend the right to asylum and adopt offshore migrant processing models, the creation of EU ‘safe’ third-country lists, to our consistent reality of prison-like detention centres, state violence and racial profiling, illegal pushbacks and violent and unlawful deportations, European leaders have reached a point of no return. With this letter, we call on leaders to change course and present a meaningful alternative to current EU migration policy, which is illegal, immoral, and unworkable.

Read the letter here: EU leaders: Change course and end your war on migrants

Please sign via this form.

Who can sign? We invite migrant-led and racialised-led organisations to sign the call. We also encourage migrant-support organisations, individuals and academics to join the call as supporters (indicate in form).

This letter is the first joint initiative of the Migrant Justice Community of Practice (see below). For now, due to urgency, we are not accepting changes to the letter. However, consider joining the community of practice to develop future actions with us.

Please feel free to forward the invitation to your networks!


About the Migrant Justice Community of Practice

Equinox Initiative for Racial Justice, Greek Forum of Migrants and International Women* Space are building a Migrant Justice Community of Practice: a coalition of migrant-led organisations working to shift European migration approaches away from punishment, violence and control toward community, care and social provision.

Find out more here.

Kind wishes,

Adla, Jennifer & Sarah

Equinox Initiative for Racial Justice, Greek Forum of Migrants and International Women* Space

Palestine: We call for an intersectional and feminist solidarity that transcends borders Tue, 08 Oct 2024 10:23:33 +0000

As we mark one year since the beginning of the current brutal assault on Gaza, we stand unapologetically in solidarity with the Palestinian people.

We honor the Palestinian women*, who, in the face of immense pain, death, and oppression, sustain families and communities.

Our feminism is anti-colonial and anti-racist at its core, meaning a radical transformation of society. We reject capitalist greed, colonial violence and patriarchal exploitation, which lead us only to death and destruction. Instead, we choose solidarity, sustainability and freedom. We choose life.

We call for an intersectional and feminist solidarity that transcends borders. The fight against colonialism is urgent and global; it connects women and queers everywhere who experience the violence of cis-hetero-patriarchy, capitalism and white supremacy.

We condemn sexual violence while rejecting the exploitation of sexual violence in the service of genocide. Our lives and bodies must be free from all violence: patriarchal, homo/transphobic, colonial, capitalist. We are united in our demand for freedom, safety, dignity, and the right to self-determination.

After a year of unimaginable terror in Gaza, and escalation of colonial violence in the West Bank and Lebanon, we say loud and clear:

Stop the genocide in Gaza!
Stop all military aggression!
Abolish all colonial projects, nations and borders!
Abolish patriarchy and capitalism!

How was IW*S active in September? Mon, 30 Sep 2024 10:22:28 +0000

Curious about what we’ve been up to? Here’s a look at all the events we (co-)organized, spoke at, or attended throughout September, along with other topics and news that had our attention. Where did we go? Who did we connect with? What opinions did we share? How are we making a difference? With our monthly review posts, we want to give insight into our work: building community, creating support systems, sharing resources, and amplifying the voices within our community in political discussions.

In diesem Abschnitt werden die verschiedenen Veranstaltungen hervorgehoben, an denen wir im September teilgenommen,  organisiert oder mit-organisiert haben, und die unser aktives Engagement für die Förderung von Gemeinschaftsbeziehungen, die Schaffung von Unterstützungssystemen, die gemeinsame Nutzung von Ressourcen und unsere politische Arbeit zeigen.

BIPoC Climate Justice Summit

From the 09th to 13th September we took part in the “BIPoC Climate Justice Summit”. The event brought together Black, Indigenous, and People of Color to discuss and address the unique impacts of climate change on BIPoC communities. The summit aimed to create a safer space for BIPoC voices, experiences, and leadership in the climate justice movement. On the 10th September Rose Wanjiku from IW*S discussed with the other panelists, Andrea Ruiz from Voces de Guatemala and Llanquiray Painema the topic “Understanding different BIPoC Perspectives on  social justice; what is working within our movements”.  The days were filled with workshops and panels, covering different themes related to climate justice like the workshop “Transiting the black female identity in Spain” that aimed to make visible the oppressions of black women in Europe, contextualized in Spain and the discussion “Reflecting on the application of decolonial approaches to building durable activism” by Rebels of Colour.

Vom 09.-13. September nahmen wir am “BIPoc Climate Justice Summit” teil. Die Veranstaltung brackt Schwarte, Indigene und People of Color zusammen um über die Wirkung des Klima Wandels in BIPoC Communities zu diskutieren. Der Gipfel strebte an einen safer space für BIPoC Stimmen, Erfahrungen, und Führung in der Klimagerechtigkeits Bewegung zu schaffen. Am 10. September hat Rose Wanjiku  from IW*S mit den anderen Diskusstionteilnehmer*innen, Andrea Ruiz von Voces de Guatemala and Llanquiray Painema das Thema “Die verschiedenen BIPoC-Perspektiven auf soziale Gerechtigkeit verstehen; was in unseren Bewegungen funktioniert” besprochen. Die Tage des Gipfels waren abwechslungsreich, es gabe Workshop und Panels mit verschiedenen Theman in Bezug zu Klimagerechtigekit. Zum Beispiel den workshop “Das navigieren von weiblicher Identität in Spanien” welches die Unterdrückung von Schwarzen  Frauen in Europa, spezifisch in Spanien sichtbare machte, des weiteren gab es eine Diskussion zum Thema “Refklektieren über die Anwendung dekolonialer Ansätze zum Aufbau eines dauerhaften Aktivismus” von Rebels of Colour”.

Fachtagung: Besondere Schutzbedürftigkeit und Aufnahmegarantien

On the 11th and 12th September the “Fachtagung: Besondere Schutzbedürftigkeit und Aufnahmegarantien” was organised by Xenion e.V. On the 12th Jennifer Kamau from IW*S co-organized a workshop about political traumawork with Ariane Brenssell and Tatjana Seehof. 

The workshop explored how our understanding of trauma shapes the way we deal with people who are struggling with the consequences of traumatization.

The consequences are often treated as individual problems or illnesses. However, traumatization arises in social circumstances that can be traumatizing in themselves.

The term “contextualized trauma area” is used to describe the working methods of women’s advice centres and women’s emergency hotlines, which are based on a power-critical approach to traumatization.

Influenced by research on the work of counseling centers, in which Ariane Brenssell was significantly involved, this approach was briefly presented in the workshop.

Am 11ten und 12tem September fand die “Fachtagung: Besondere Schutzbedürftigkeit und Aufnahmegarantien”, organisiert vom Xenion e.V. satt. Am 12.September co-organisierte Jennifer Kamau mit Ariane Brenssell, Tatjana Seehof einen Workshop zum Thema “Politische Traumarbeit: Positioniert psychosozial beraten.”

In dem Workshop wurde behandelt wie das Verständnis von Traum den Umgang mit Menschen, die mit den Folgen von Traumatisierung zu kämpfen haben prägt.Oft werden die Folgen als individuelle Probleme oder Krankheitsbilder behandelt. Dabei entsteht Traumatisierung in gesellschaftlichen Verhältnissen, die für sich traumatisierend sein können. Unter den Begriff der “kontextualsierten Traumarbiet”, wurde die Arbeitsweise der Frauenberatungsstellen und Frauennotrufe gefasst, die einer machtkritische Herangehensweise an Traumatiserung zu Grunde legt.

Geprägt durch eine Forschung über die Arbeit der Beratungsstellen, an der Ariane Brenssell maßgeblich beteiligt war, wurde dieser Ansatz im Workshop kurz vorgestellt werden.

Resilient Voices Poetry Slam


On the 18th of September, we hosted another Resilient Voices Poetry Slam at OYA Bar. The space was shared with artists, writers, poets, speakers, and activists. An evening of vulnerability, courage, and connection sparked meaningful conversations, laughter, and reflection.

This is more than just an open mic—it’s a space where we come together to express, heal, and connect through the art of spoken word. Each story became an act of resistance, building solidarity and fostering a deeper sense of community, especially among queer refugees and migrants.

This event is exclusively for FLINTA (women, lesbian, intersex, non-binary, trans, and agender individuals). We are dedicated to fostering a safer, inclusive space free from TERFS and transphobia. Be part of the next evening of unfiltered expression, where your voice can be a source of strength, healing, and connection! Follow us on Instagram to know when the next Poetry Slam is happening.

A huge thank you to OYA Bar for the collaboration and to ILGA Europe for their support in making these events possible.

Am 18. September veranstalteten wir einen weiteren Resilient Voices Poetry Slam in der Oya Bar. Der Raum wurde mit Künstler*innen, Schriftsteller*innen, Dichter*innen, Redner*innen und Aktivist*innen geteilt. Es war ein Abend der Verletzlichkeit, des Mutes und der Verbundenheit, der zu bedeutungsvollen Gesprächen, Lachen und Nachdenken anregte.

Dies ist mehr als nur ein Open Mic – es ist ein Raum, in dem wir zusammenkommen, um uns durch die Kunst des gesprochenen Wortes auszudrücken, zu heilen und zu verbinden. Jede Geschichte wurde zu einem Akt des Widerstands, die Solidarität schafft und ein tieferes Gemeinschaftsgefühl fördert, insbesondere unter queeren Geflüchteteten und Migrant*innen.

Diese Veranstaltung ist ausschließlich für FLINTA* (Frauen, lesbische, intersexuelle, nicht-binäre, trans- und agender-Personen). Wir setzen uns für einen sichereren, inklusiven Raum ein, der frei von TERFS und Transphobie ist. Sei Teil des nächsten Abends des ungefilterten Ausdrucks, an dem deine Stimme eine Quelle der Stärke, Heilung und Verbindung sein kann! Folgt uns auf Instagram, um zu erfahren, wann der nächste Poetry Slam stattfindet.

Ein großes Dankeschön an die OYA Bar für die Zusammenarbeit und an ILGA Europe für die Unterstützung bei der Ermöglichung dieser Veranstaltungen.

Ubuntu Soup Kitchen

In September our Break Isolation Group organised an Ubuntu Soup Kitchen. The Ubuntu Soup Kitchen project that began in 2022 aims to build bridges between ourselves and other marginalized groups in society through cooking and offering a warm meal to unhoused families, through a packed food distribution at the so-called hot spots in Berlin. We aim to foster the spirit of solidarity and compassion with this collective action.

Im September hat die Break Isolation Gruppe die Ubuntu-Suppenküche organisiert. Das Projekt Ubuntu Soup Kitchen, das 2022 begann, zielt darauf ab, Brücken zwischen uns und anderen marginalisierten Gruppen der Gesellschaft zu bauen, indem wir eine warme Mahlzeit für obdachlose Familien kochen und anbieten, indem wir an den sogenannten Hot Spots in Berlin verpackte Lebensmittel verteilen. Mit dieser gemeinsamen Aktion wollen wir den Geist der Solidarität und des Mitgefühls fördern.

Wustermarkt Erntefest

On 28.09.24, our Break Isolation Group was invited to the Wustermark Erntefest in Brandenburg. Under the motto “The market for good things from the region”, WusterMARKT showcased the sustainably produced food that producers in the region have to offer. The food offerings were complemented by local arts and crafts, delicious food and a supporting program with live music and activities for children and adults.

There were hands-on activities for young and young-at-heart, and the Break Isolation Group offered information and discussions on fair living conditions for all.

Am 28.09.24 war die IW*S Break Isolation Gruppe zum Erntefest in Wustermark eingeladen. Unter dem Motto „Der Markt für Gutes aus der Region“ zeigte der WusterMARKT, welche nachhaltig produzierten Lebensmittel die Erzeuger*innen der Region zu bieten haben. Ergänzt wird das Lebensmittel-Angebot durch lokales Kunsthandwerk, leckeres Essen und ein Rahmenprogramm mit Live-Musik und Aktivitäten für Kinder und Erwachsene.

Es gab Mitmachangebote für junge und jungebliebene Menschen, die Break Isolation Gruppe not Infos und Gespräche zu fairen Lebensbedingungen für alle an.

Don’t let Europe go backwards! ECCAR General Conference 2024

The ECCAR (European Coalition of Cities against Racism) General Conference 2024 under the motto “Don’t Let Europe Go Backwards” took place at the end of September. This anniversary conference, hosted by the City of Heidelberg, reflected the essence of ECCAR’s mission—the vital role of municipalities in combating racism, fostering diversity, and ensuring equal opportunities at the local level. Partnering with civil society, local communities, and international organizations, the importance of cities in safeguarding human rights, especially at a time when minorities in Europe face increasing dangers, was emphasized. During the Conference, Jennifer Kamau from IW*S had the opportunity to connect and share knowledge about the fight against fascism and racism.

Die ECCAR-Generalkonferenz 2024 fand vom 23. bis 25. September 2024 unter dem Motto „Don’t Let Europe Go Backwards“ statt. Diese Jubiläumskonferenz, die von der Stadt Heidelberg ausgerichtet wurde, spiegelte den Kern der Mission von ECCAR wider – die wichtige Rolle der Kommunen bei der Bekämpfung von Rassismus, der Förderung von Vielfalt und der Gewährleistung von Chancengleichheit auf lokaler Ebene. In Zusammenarbeit mit der Zivilgesellschaft, lokalen Gemeinschaften und internationalen Organisationen wurde die Bedeutung der Städte für die Wahrung der Menschenrechte hervorgehoben, insbesondere in einer Zeit, in der Minderheiten in Europa zunehmend gefährdet sind. Während der Konferenz hatte Jennifer Kamau von IW*S die Gelegenheit, Kontakte zu knüpfen und Wissen über den Kampf gegen den Faschismus und Rassismus auszutauschen.

How was IW*S active in August? Mon, 23 Sep 2024 08:59:39 +0000

Curious about what we’ve been up to? Here’s a look at all the events we (co-)organized, spoke at, or attended throughout August, along with other topics and news that had our attention. Where did we go? Who did we connect with? What opinions did we share? How are we making a difference? With our monthly review posts, we want to give insight into our work: building community, creating support systems, sharing resources, and amplifying the voices within our community in political discussions.

In diesem Abschnitt werden die verschiedenen Veranstaltungen hervorgehoben, an denen wir im August teilgenommen,  organisiert oder mit-organisiert haben, und die unser aktives Engagement für die Förderung von Gemeinschaftsbeziehungen, die Schaffung von Unterstützungssystemen, die gemeinsame Nutzung von Ressourcen und unsere politische Arbeit zeigen.

Black Connected Struggles

On August 11th, we took part in the Black Connected Struggles event organised by the Black Liberation Collective and Eyfa Berlin. One of the conversation rounds was moderated by Jennifer from IW*S and gave input on how Black struggles are and need to be connected in political discourse and action. The exchange focused on the struggles and Genocides in Sudan, DRC, Haiti, and Palestine. Apart from the input the audience engaged with the speakers and an open, participative discussion emerged. The event ended with a dance debrief organized by Jacky from IW*S.

Am 11. August wurden wir vom Black Liberation Collective und Eyfa Berlin zur Veranstaltung „Black connected Struggles“ eingeladen. Die von Jennifer von IW*S moderierte Gesprächsrunde gab Anregungen, auf welche Weise Schwarze Kämpfe im politischen Diskurs und in der Aktion miteinander verbunden werden können und müssen. Der Austausch konzentrierte sich auf die Kämpfe und Genozide im Sudan, der Demokratischen Republik Kongo, Haiti und Palästina. Neben den Beiträgen diskutierte das Publikum mit den Referentinnen und es entwickelte sich eine offene und partizipative Diskussion. Die Veranstaltung endete mit einem Gruppen Tanz, angeleitet von Jacky von IW*S.

Demonstration for the Friedensstatue

An estimated 200,000 girls and women were affected by Japan’s systematic abductions and forced into sexual slavery during World War II. The peace statue is a symbol of hope for these women and for victims of sexual violence worldwide. On August 14, 1991, Kim Hak-Soon was the first to publicly break her silence and denounce the Japanese government, exposing the extent of Japanese war crimes. She was one of the countless young women and girls labeled “comfort women” by the Japanese military who were sexually abused by soldiers during the Asia-Pacific War (1931-45).

As the the “comfort women” and Kim Hak-Soon on the 14th of August were commemorated, it is crucial to think about all women and girls worldwide who are victims and survivors of sexualized violence which is used as a weapon of war.  The “Comfort Women” working group of the Korea Association erected the peace statue in Berlin-Moabit, the statue commemorated the “Comfort Women” since 2020 . Today, such memorials are more important than ever to pass on the history of these women, but the district office in Mitte has announced that it intends to have the peace statue removed by the end of September 2024. To save the memorial you can sign the petition.

Schätzungsweise 200.000 Mädchen und Frauen waren während des Zweiten Weltkriegs von Japans systematischen Entführungen betroffen und wurden zu sexueller Sklaverei gezwungen. Die Friedensstatue ist ein Symbol der Hoffnung für diese Frauen und für die Opfer sexueller Gewalt weltweit. Am 14. August 1991 war Kim Hak-Soon die erste, die öffentlich ihr Schweigen brach und die japanische Regierung anprangerte, indem sie das Ausmaß der japanischen Kriegsverbrechen aufdeckte. Sie war eine der unzähligen jungen Frauen und Mädchen, die vom japanischen Militär als „Trostfrauen“ bezeichnet und während des Asien-Pazifik-Krieges (1931-45) von Soldaten sexuell missbraucht wurden.

Wenn wir am 14. August Kim Hak-Soon und den „Trostfrauen“ gedenken, ist es wichtig, an alle Frauen und Mädchen weltweit zu denken, die Opfer und Überlebende von sexualisierter Gewalt sind, die als Kriegswaffe eingesetzt wird.  Die AG „Trostfrauen“ des Korea Verband hat die die Friedensstatue in Berlin-Moabit errichtet und das Denkmal in Berlin-Mitte erinnert seit 2020 an die „Trostfrauen“. Heute sind solche Denkmäler wichtiger denn je, um die Geschichte dieser Frauen weiterzutragen, doch das Bezirksamt Mitte hat angekündigt, die Friedensstatue bis Ende September 2024 entfernen zu lassen. Um das Denkmal zu retten, kannst du die Petition unterschreiben.

Resilient Voices Poetry Slam

On August 21st, we gathered at OYA Bar for our Poetry Slam Night, organized by Resilient Voices from IW*S. Resilient Voices creates safer spaces to address queer issues and topics fueled by systems of oppression. We were thrilled to see the people showed up, participated, and shared their poems and voices with us. We found strength in each other, made new connections, and fortified our community as queer refugees and migrants. This is the power of collective storytelling.

We were thrilled to see how many people showed up, participated, and shared their poems and voices with us.

Am 21. August trafen wir uns in der Oya Bar zu unserer Poetry Slam Night, die von Resilient Voices vom IW*S organisiert wurde. Resilient Voices schafft sichere Räume, um queere Fragen und Themen anzusprechen, die durch Unterdrückungssysteme genährt werden. Wir waren begeistert, dass so viele Menschen gekommen sind, mitgemacht haben und ihre Gedichte und Stimmen mit uns geteilt haben. Wir haben Kraft aus dem Austausch geschöpft, uns vernetzt und uns als queere Geflüchtete und Migrant*innen bestärkt gefühlt. Das ist die Kraft des kolletiven Storytellings. 

Wir waren begeistert, wie viele Menschen kamen, teilnahmen und ihre Gedichte und Stimmen mit uns teilten. 

Lager Visit to Doki

Our most recent Lagervisit was on August 24th, to Doberlug-Kirchhain (Doki). In our peer-to-peer community space, from the IW*S Break Isolation Group, we shared our experiences, fears, coping skills, and challenges as women* who are in the asylum system. We shared material resources and connected over some snacks and laughter.

Unser letzter Lagerbesuch fand am 24. August in Doberlug-Kirchhain (Doki) statt. In unserem Peer-to-Peer-Communityraum, vom IW*S Break Isolation Group, sprachen wir über unsere Erfahrungen, Ängste, Bewältigungsstrategien und Herausforderungen als Frauen* im Asylsystem. Wir teilten materielle Ressourcen und tauschten uns bei Snacks und Lachen aus.

Do you live in a Heim / Shelter in Berlin or Brandenburg > Could you answer a few questions about the Bezahlkarte? Wed, 21 Aug 2024 17:33:12 +0000

The introduction of the Bezahlkarte for refugees is taking us back then to the old system of Vouchers we once fought to be abolished.

We want to identify where the Bezahlkarte is already in use and where it will be soon. We want to know what information is being shared about it and what questions people have.

We have created a short survey for anyone living in Heims / Shelters in Berlin or Brandenburg.

There are only a few questions and it will take just take a few minutes to answer.

Information shared is anonymous.




The Voucher System was used to pay refugees social assistance by the State. In 2012 the O-Platz refugee movement come together to fight the voucher system and the Residenzpflicht. Both stopped! Over the past years, refugees received this assistance through cash or over the counter cashing cheques!

Now, we see a change and the introduction of the Bezahlkarte which is taking us back then to the old system.

IW*S are hosting open meetings on the Bezahlkarte topic for organisations / collectives / individuals to join together again and to oppose this again! This survey will support and ground our work.

IW*S is looking for support with WordPress Maintenance / Wartung Thu, 15 Aug 2024 11:52:02 +0000

regular (at least monthly) maintenance checks
– Plugin, Theme + other Updates
– Backups
– WooCommerce support

Please email if you are interested
