8th March – International Women* Space https://iwspace.de Feminist, anti-racist political group in Berlin Wed, 20 Sep 2023 20:27:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 https://iwspace.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/cropped-hand-purple-small-32x32.png 8th March – International Women* Space https://iwspace.de 32 32 Our Revolution is Coming! We are Coming! IWS speech at 8th March Demo 2023 https://iwspace.de/2023/03/we-are-coming/ Fri, 10 Mar 2023 15:05:22 +0000 https://iwspace.de/?p=76389

Jacky from our Break Isolation Group speaks for International Women* Space at the Internationalist 8th March Demonstration “Our Revolution is Coming!”

Hi Everyone, My name is Jacky, from International Women Space and Break Isolation Group.

Since time immemorial, and across the globe women endure the burdens of society’s broken structures and systems. In a pecking order, women rank at the bottom of the social barrel. Choked by gender roles and expectations, robbed of their autonomy to choose. Our bodies are not our own. Groped, raped, left for dead, being the walking dead, the hashtag dead! Many names we acquire, those of us who rebel Bitch. Whore. Crazy, dramatic men haters! Gender separatist! And my favourites? Angry Black Woman. Bitter Feminist.

Life feels like a constant run. Fleeing from families, religious shackles, abusive partners, societal standards, systemic inequality, horrific sexual violence, psychological trauma… Like human pawns of racial capitalism, we are shuffled on the chessboard of humanity. Decisions over our bodies, reproduction and lives remotely made without us. Inhumane ways invented to keep women in their place multiply. From corrective rape to Female Genital Mutilation, domestic violence to marital rape, sexual violence to financial violence, incest to femicide, street to cyber harassment. We are endangered!!

Yet our security and protection remains culturally and systemically tied to a man, how fucked up is that!

So yes we are fucking angry! Furious even! Just the audacity to ask us to settle for torture, dehumanisation, injustice, death! To be silent as militarised borders wipe us out? In the Mediterranean and within Fortress Europe Through racist systems and poisons of capitalism, from accelerated asylum processes to illegal deportations. We are fed up.

Hell No!

Today we reclaim our voices and power! With vows to break these chains of oppression and burn all patriarchal, racist, imperialist systems to the ground.

Woman. Goddess. Empress. Mother Earth. Fearless Warrior. I am all that and more. Trans. Queer. Religious. Childless. Married. I come in many shapes, bodies, forms. I am a survivor, i am diversity, beauty and life itself. All I have is my person, my body, my talents, my beauty, intelligence…my identity, my sanity and I reclaim it!

Your underestimation of me is the ace up my sleeve. It’s your weakness and my strength. Strength with which we kick forth our revolution. And soon we shall attain a world that does not patronise or tokenise, but embraces inclusivity and equality.

Our revolution is coming! We are coming!

Break the silence, break the system! – IWS Speech, 8th March 2021 https://iwspace.de/2021/03/iws-speech-8th-march-2021/ Mon, 08 Mar 2021 16:16:00 +0000 https://iwspace.de/?p=74906

8th March 2021 Demo – IWS Speech

We are here today to demand justice for Rita. Rita Awour Ojunge disappeared on April 7, 2019 from the Lager in Hohenleipisch, where she was forced to live. It took the police over two months before finding her remains, which laid only 200 metres away from the Lager where she had lived for 7 years. Over a year later, the investigation has still not been concluded — despite constant pressure on the police.
We know Rita’s case is not the only one, she represents one of many others.

The German Asylum System caused the death of Rita Ojunge.
White supremacy and racism caused the death of Rita Ojunge.
Misogyny caused the death of Rita Ojunge.

The mainstream white feminism sees the corona crisis as a regression of women‘s rights as women are returned to their traditional roles of being isolated in their homes – as if they, white middle class women, are the main casualties of the pandemic – as if they are the first to get hurt both economically and physically.

But we know that these living conditions, where even social distancing is impossible, and this type of physical, social, political, economic isolation has existed in the Lagers for a long time with the existence of the Lagers. This is the actual daily situation of women living in the Lagers from the time they enter and apply for protection in Germany and Europe. White middle class feminism has always been racist. It has never acknowledged our struggles because they benefit from it.

And then in the Lagers, social workers are using the colonial tool of divide and conquer to perpetuate the good and bad refugee syndrome. The result is continued racism towards black communities.

All of this shows: No Lager is safe. We need to self-organize.

Especially now, as Germany and the EU, under the veil of the pandemic, continue to practice restrictive border controls, constant racial profiling and rampant deportations which are enhanced by the Dublin regulation. The pushbacks and the collective expulsions continue to take place, denying people the possibility for personal and independent asylum examinations. These are fundamental violations of the right to asylum at the borders.

There is a commission that has been formed to investigate these acts being perpetuated by Frontex. But how can we trust this Commission? As Audrey Lorde says, we quote “the master’s tool will never dismantle the master’s house”.

We call for an independent, transparent and democratic commission which includes the players themselves. And as long as we are living in this country, in Fortress Europe, we demand to be a part of any politics that affect us. We have been silenced for too long and we will no longer remain silent.

We demand justice and conviction of Rita’s murderer!
We demand the abolishment of the Lager and asylum system!
We demand the dismantling of the Fascist and colonial Frontex system!

Break the silence, break the system!

Our life our resistance, break the silence break the system | 8th March 2021 Demo https://iwspace.de/2021/03/8th-march-2021-demo/ Mon, 08 Mar 2021 09:04:00 +0000 https://iwspace.de/?p=74879

Our life our resistance, break the silence break the system!

Call for 8th March 2021
International day of Women*´s Struggle

from the Alliance of Internationalist Feminists – Berlin
to all Women*, trans* and inter persons, especially trans*women, working class women*, refugee women*, Black women*, Indigenous women*, women* of Colour and disabled Women*

-In 2020, the Frontex budget was increased by more than 120 million Euro to 444 million Euro while many thousands have died on the shores of Libya and in the Mediterranean, and hundreds have died in the Atlantic on their way to the Canary Islands.
-During this crisis, the German government saves large corporations like Lufthansa with millions of Euros – money that goes towards financing deportations. On the other hand, the German arms industries are profiting more than ever by selling and exporting guns to so called “Conflict-Zones” and creating more war and death in many places, including Yemen and Northern Syria.
-Romani People are the largest minority in Europe and face ongoing and constant marginalisation, #gentrification, racism and genocide until today. In Europe, Romani people are confronted with inhumane circumstances, such as no access to water or medical care. Also police brutality against Romani has increased. Romani people are being held accountable for Corona and pushed into isolation. Europe calls it “prevention” and forces entire houses under arrest.
-In the forest near a village on the border of Croatia and the European Union, thousands of refugees have been living since December last year without shelter, no access to water or medical care in minus degrees. Bosnian authorities in the Bosnian city of Bihac moved hundreds of them to an old garbage dump. The European Union is not even watching.
-In Fall 2020 the weather is getting colder but fires have destroyed Greece’s largest migrant camp, an overcrowded facility on the island of Lesbos, leaving nearly 13,000 people without shelter. Meanwhile, European border agencies, German police officers are pushing back refugees to Turkish water – illegal deportations known as “pushbacks”.

These are not stories of a Netflix horror show. This is called: White Supremacy.
White supremacy doesn‘t have any shame in destroying the world and people’s lives through imperialist, colonialist, neoliberalist and extractivism agendas as well as femicide, embargo, border and deportation policies, supporting dictators and occupations with weapons trade and war.

We, the Alliance of internationalist Feminists believe Self-organization and self-defense is our strength in fighting against fascism, capitalism, patriarchy and white supremacy.
Our struggle has been here all along and is connecting us around the whole world. We stand hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder together. Because the fight of each sister* is the fight of all sisters*. Let us show our determination and autonomy beyond borders. Another world is possible.

Let’s be organized.
Let’s be uncompromising.
Let’s dream big.
Let’s stand up.

Where: In Front of Representation of the European Commission in Germany (Unter den Linden 78, 10117 Berlin)
When: Monday, 08.03.2021, 2pm
+Bring your slogans and signs!
++Cis men are not invited, they are advised to take another action to stop violence against women*.

Alliance of internationalist feminists

Unser Leben unser Widerstand, brecht das Schweigen, brecht das System!

Aufruf zum 8. März 2021
Internationaler Frauen*kampftag

Von der Alliance of Internationalist Feminists – Berlin
an alle Frauen*, Trans* und Inter-Personen, insbesondere Trans*Frauen, Frauen* der Arbeiterklasse, geflüchtete Frauen*, Schwarze Frauen*, Indigene Frauen*, Frauen* of Colour und Frauen* mit Behinderung

• Im Jahr 2020 wurde das Frontex-Budget um mehr als 120 Millionen Euro auf 444 Millionen Euro erhöht, während viele Tausende an den Küsten Libyens und im Mittelmeer und Hunderte im Atlantik auf dem Weg zu den Kanarischen Inseln gestorben sind.
• Einerseits rettet die deutsche Regierung in dieser Krise Großkonzerne wie die Lufthansa mit Millionen von Euro – Geld, das in die Finanzierung von Abschiebungen fließt. Andererseits profitiert die deutsche Rüstungsindustrie mehr denn je, indem sie Waffen in sogenannte “Krisengebite” verkauft und exportiert und damit vielerorts für noch mehr Krieg und Tote sorgt, unter anderem im Jemen und in Nordsyrien.
• Romnja sind die größte Minderheit in Europa und sehen sich bis heute mit anhaltender und ständiger Marginalisierung, Gentrifizierung, Rassismus und Genozid konfrontiert. In Europa sind Romnja mit unmenschlichen Umständen konfrontiert, wie z.B. kein Zugang zu Wasser oder medizinischer Versorgung. Auch die Polizeibrutalität gegen Romani hat zugenommen. Romnja werden wegen Corona zur Rechenschaft gezogen und in die Isolation gedrängt. Europa nennt es “Prävention” und stellt ganze Häuser unter Quarantäne.
• Im Wald nahe eines Dorfes an der Grenze zu Kroatien und der Europäischen Union leben seit Dezember letzten Jahres Tausende von Geflüchteten bei Minusgraden ohne Unterkunft, ohne Zugang zu Wasser und ohne medizinische Versorgung. Die bosnischen Behörden in der bosnischen Stadt Bihac haben Hunderte von ihnen auf eine alte Mülldeponie gebracht. Die Europäische Union schaut nicht einmal hin.
• Herbst 2020 – das Wetter wird kälter, aber Brände haben Griechenlands größtes Flüchtlingslager, eine überfüllte Einrichtung auf der Insel Lesbos, zerstört und fast 13.000 Menschen ohne Obdach zurückgelassen. Währenddessen drängen europäische Grenzbehörden und deutsche Polizisten Geflüchtete in türkische Gewässer zurück – illegale Abschiebungen, bekannt als “Pushbacks”.

Dies sind keine Geschichten einer Netflix-Horror-Show. Dies nennt sich: White Supremacy.
White Supremacy kennt keine Scham, wenn es darum geht, die Welt und das Leben von Menschen durch imperialistische, kolonialistische, neoliberalistische und extraktivistische Agenden sowie Femizide, Embargo-, Grenz- und Abschiebepolitik zu zerstören, sowie Diktatoren und Besatzungen mit Waffenhandel und Krieg zu unterstützen.

Wir, die Alliance of Internationalist Feminists – Berlin, glauben, dass Selbstorganisierung und Selbstverteidigung unsere Stärke im Kampf gegen Faschismus, Kapitalismus, Patriarchat und weiße Vorherrschaft ist. Unser Kampf ist schon immer da gewesen und verbindet uns auf der ganzen Welt. Wir stehen Hand in Hand, Schulter an Schulter zusammen. Denn der Kampf jeder Schwester* ist der Kampf aller Schwestern*. Lasst uns unsere Entschlossenheit und Autonomie über Grenzen hinweg zeigen. Eine andere Welt ist möglich.

Lasst uns organisiert sein.
Lasst uns kompromisslos sein.
Lasst uns groß träumen.
Lasst uns aufstehen.

Wo: Vertretung der Europäischen Kommision in Deutschland, Unter den Linden 78, 10117 Berlin
Wann: Montag, 08.03.2021, 14:00 Uhr
+Bringt eure Slogans und Schilder mit!
++Cis-Männer sind nicht eingeladen, ihnen wird geraten, eine andere Aktion zu planen, um Gewalt gegen Frauen* zu stoppen.

Bündnis internationalistischer Feministinnen* Berlin

It’s not a party – It’s a fight | 8th March 2020 https://iwspace.de/2020/03/its-not-a-party-its-a-fight-8th-march-2020/ Tue, 10 Mar 2020 18:54:31 +0000 http://iwspace.de/?p=72050 ↡↡↡↡ English, Deutsch, espanol, فارسی, العربية, Kurmancî, 한국어, Français, Shqip, Polska, Türkçe, português, italiano  ↡↡↡↡

It is not a party, it is a fight!

Call to all women, lesbians, trans* and inter persons for the revolutionary 8th March demonstration 2020 in Berlin

All around the world the fight against fascism is getting louder and stronger and women* are taking the lead of this revolution. The patriarchal system and the sexist structure try with force to marginalize, criminalize and oppress us. But they can’t make it. You can read this in the face of any woman* who is struggling anywhere in the world, on the street, on the mountain, in a boat on the see, at the border, in prison, in the refugee camp, in any occupied land. Our struggle has been there all along and is connecting us around the whole world. We stand hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder in solidarity, together. Because the fight of each sister* is the fight of all sisters*.

White supremacy is destroying the world through capitalism, neocolonialism, neoliberalism, imperialism, extractivism, embargo policies, border and deportation policies. They are supporting dictators and occupations with weapon trade and war. In Germany they change their laws every day to make new policies against refugees and migrants and revolutionaries and thus supporting conservative laws against women*.

We believe that women’s* solidarity, self-organization and self-defense is our strength in fighting fascism and racism. We will continue struggling and defending ourselves against all forms of structural, political, social and economic violence and injustice.
We call all women*, lesbian, trans* and inter persons, especially trans*women, working class women*, refugee women*, Black women* and women* of Colour to show our determination and solidarity beyond borders.

Let’s be loud:

Enough of exploiting our bodies, our lands and our resources!
Enough of killing us on the borders, in the see and on the land!
Enough of femicide!
Enough of patriarchal impunity!

+Bring your slogans and signs!
++Cis men are not invited, they are advised to take another action to stop violence against women*.

Alliance of internationalist feminists


Es ist keine Party, es ist ein Kampf!

Aufruf an alle Frauen*, Lesben, Trans* und Inter Personen
zur revolutionären 8. März Demonstration 2020 in Berlin

Überall auf der Welt wird der Kampf gegen Faschismus lauter und stärker und Frauen* führen diese Revolution an. Das patriarchale System und seine sexistischen Strukturen versuchen uns zu marginalisieren, auszugrenzen, zu kriminalisieren und zu unterdrücken. Doch das schaffen sie nicht! Das könnt ihr in den Gesichtern der Frauen* auf der ganzen Welt sehen, die Widerstand leisten. Auf der Straße, in den Bergen, in einem Boot auf dem Meer, an den Grenzen, in den Gefängnissen, in Lagern und in jedem besetzten Land. Unsere Kämpfe haben immer existiert und verbinden uns weltweit miteinander. Wir stehen Hand in Hand, Schulter an Schulter in Solidarität miteinander. Denn der Kampf einer jeden Frau* ist der Kampf aller Frauen*.

Die weiße Vorherrschaft zerstört die ganze Welt durch Kapitalismus, Neokolonialismus, Neoliberalismus, Imperialismus, Grenz- und Abschiebepolitiken. Sie unterstützen Diktatoren und Besatzungen mit ihrem Waffenhandel, ihren Kriegen, Extraktivismus und Embargo-Politik. In Deutschland ändern sie ihre Gesetze jeden Tag um Politiken gegen geflüchtete Menschen, Migrant*innen und Revolutionär*innen zu verschärfen und so auch konservative Politiken gegen Frauen* durchzusetzen.

Wir sind überzeugt, dass unsere Frauen*solidarität, unsere Selbstorganisation und unsere Selbstverteidigung die besten Waffen sind, um den Faschismus zu bekämpfen.
Wir werden weiterkämpfen und uns gegen jede Form von struktureller, politischer, sozialer und wirtschaftlicher Gewalt und Ungerechtigkeit verteidigen.
Wir rufen alle Frauen*, Lesben, Trans* und Inter Personen, insbesondere aber Trans*Frauen, Frauen* der Arbeiter_innenklasse, geflüchtete Frauen*, Schwarze Frauen* und Frauen* of Colour auf, gemeinsam Entschlossenheit und grenzübergreifende Solidarität zu zeigen.

Lasst uns laut sein:

Hört auf, unsere Körper, unsere Länder und unsere Ressourcen auszubeuten!
Hört auf, uns an den Grenzen, auf dem Meer und an Land zu Töten!
Schluss mit dem Feminizid!
Schluss mit der patriarchalen Straffreiheit!

+ Bringt eure Banner und Schilder mit!
++ Cis Männer sind nicht eingeladen, dürfen aber gerne eine eigene Aktion veranstalten, um die Gewalt gegen Frauen* zu stoppen!

Bündnis internationalistischer Feministinnen* Berlin

No estamos de fiesta – Estamos en lucha

Llamamiento a todas las Mujeres*, Lesbianas, Trans e Inter a la manifestación revolucionaria el 8 de marzo en Berlín

Alrededor del mundo la lucha contra el fascismo se vuelve cada vez mas fuerte y las mujeres somos la punta de lanza de esta revolución. El sistema patriarcal y la estructura sexista está tratando fuertemente de marginalizarnos, criminalizarnos y oprimirnos. Pero no lo van a lograr. Puedes verlo en la cara de cualquier mujer* que está luchando por todo el mundo en las calles, en las montañas, en un bote en el medio del mar, en las fronteras, en las prisiones, en los campos de refugiadxs, en los territorios ocupados. Nuestras luchas existieron siempre y nos conectan entre nosotras alrededor del mundo. Estamos tomadas de la mano, hombro a hombro, unidas por la solidaridad. Porque la lucha de cada mujer es la lucha de todas nosotras.

La supremacía blanca está destruyendo el mundo a través del capitalismo, el neocolonialismo, el racismo, el neoliberalismo, el imperialismo, el extractivismo, polticas de embargo, limítrofes y de deportaciones, apoyando y fomentando dictadores y ocupaciones con su tráfico de armas y sus guerras. En Alemania se cambia todos los días el sistema de derecho para sancionar nuevas leyes contra las personas en situación de refugio, lxs migrantes, lxs revolucionarixs y las mujeres.

Creemos que la solidaridad entre mujeres, la autoorganización y la autodefensa son las mejores herramientas para combatr al fascismo. Seguiremos luchando y defendiéndonos a nosotras mismas de toda forma de violencia e injusticia structural, política, social y económica.

Llamamos a todas las Mujeres*, Lesbianas, Trans* e Inter y especialmente a las mujeres trans*, mujeres* de la clase trabajadora, mujeres* refugiadas, mujeres* Negras y mujeres* de color

¡Hagámonos escuchar! (¡qué nos escuchen!)

Hartas de la explotación de nuestros cuerpos, nuestras tierras, nuestros recursos.
Hartas de que nos maten en las fronteras, en los mares y en las tierras
Hartas de feminicidios
Hartas de impunidad patriarcal

+ Trae tus lemas y tus pancartas
++ Los varones cis no están invitados a esta manifestación. Los apoyamos a organizar otras acciones para parar la violencia contra las mujeres*

Alianza de feministas internacionalistas


!این یک جشن نیست، بلکه مبارزه است

فراخوان برای راهپیمایی «مبارزه جهانی زنان*» ، هشت مارس 2020

در همه جای جهان، مبارزه علیه فاشیسم، نیرومندتر و با صدای بلندتر از قبل در جریان است و زنان* سوژه‌های پیشروی این انقلاب هستند. نظام پدرسالارانه و ساختار سکسیستی سعی دارد ما را به حاشیه برانند، از ما مجرم بسازند و ما را سرکوب کنند. اما آنها موفق نمی‌شوند. این را میشود در چهره‌ی هر زنی* که در خیابان، در کوهستان، در قایقی بر روی دریا، دم یک مرز، در زندان، در کمپ پناه‌جویی، و در هر سرزمین اشغال‌شده ای مبارزه می‌کند، خواند. مبارزه‌ی ما همیشه جاری بوده است و ما را در هر جای جهان که باشیم بهم پیوند می‌زند. ما دست در دست هم، شانه به شانه در همبستگی باهم می‌ایستیم، زیرا که مبارزه یک
خواهر* مبارزه‌‌ی همه‌ی خواهران* است

سلطه‌ و برتری طلبی سفیدان، جهان را از طریق سرمایه‌داری، استعمار نوین، نئولیبرالیسم، امپریالیسم، غارت منابع طبیعی، سیاست
تحریمی و سیاست‌های ناظر بر مرزها و اخراج پناهندگان به نابودی می‌کشد. آن‌ها دیکتاتور‌ها و اشغالگران را در کشورهای دیگر با فروش اسلحه و جنگ افروزی پشتیبانی می‌کنند. تنها در آلمان، قانون هر روز علیه پناه‌جویان، مهاجرین و انقلابیون تغییر داده‌ می‌شود و از قانون‌گذاری محافظه‌کارانه علیه زنان* حمایت می‌شود

ما بر آنیم که در جنگ علیه فاشیسم و نژادپرستی؛ قدرت ما از همبستگی زنانه*، سازماندهی و دفاع از خود، ریشه می گیرد. ما به مبارزه‌ و دفاع از خود در مقابل هر نوعی از بی‌عدالتی و خشونت ساختاری، سیاسی، اجتماعی و اقتصادی، ادامه می‌دهیم
ما تمام زنان* ، لزبین‌ها، تراجنسی‌*ها و بیناجنسی‌*ها به ویژه زنان تراجنسی، زنان* طبقه‌ی کارگر، زنان* پناهجو، زنان* سیاه و زنان* رنگین پوست را فرامی خوانیم، تا عزم و همبستگی خود را ورای مرزها به نمایش بگذاریم
به بانگِ بلند بگوییم:
!استثمار بدن‌ها مان، سرزمین‌ها مان و منابع‌مان دیگر بس است
!کشتن ما در مرز‌ها، در دریهاا‌ و در سرزمین‌های مان دیگر بس است
!زن‌کشی دیگر بس است
!معافیت مردان از مجازات دیگر بس است

_شعارها و پلاکاردهای خود را همراه بیاورید!
_مردان همسوجنسیت (سیس‌جندر) در این برنامه دعوت نیستند. توصیه می‌شود در آکسیونی جداگانه برای توقف خشونت علیه زنان شرکت کنند.

ائتلاف فمینیست‌*های بین الملل_ برلین
مکان: متروی ورشاور اشتراسه
زمان: ۸ مارس ۲۰۲۰، ساعت ۳ بعدازظهر


~ ليست حفلة بل معركة ~

دعوة لجميع النساء*، المثليات، العابرات والعابرون والأشخاص ثنائي الجنس

~~~ لمظاهرة 8 مارس 2020 الثورية ببرلين ~~~

أصبحت المعركة ضد الفاشية في جميع أنحاء العالم أقوي وأكثر صخباً والمرأة * تقود هذه الثورة. النظام الأبوي وهيكل التحيز الجنسي يحاولان بالقوة تهميشنا وتجريمنا وقمعنا. لكنهم لا يستطيعون القيام بذلك. يمكنكم قراءة هذا في وجه أي امرأة * تكافح في أي مكان في العالم، في الشارع، على الجبل، في قارب على البحر، على الحدود، في السجن، في مخيم اللاجئات و في أي أرض محتلة. لقد دام كفاحنا طوال الزمان وهو يربط بيننا في جميع أنحاء العالم. نقف يدا بيد، جنبا إلى جنب متضامنات معا لأن قتال كل أخت* هو قتال كل الأخوات*.

إن أنظمة إستعلاء العرق الأبيض تدمر العالم من خلال الرأسمالية، الاستعمار الجديد، الليبرالية الجديدة، الإمبريالية، النمط الإستخراجي، سياسات الحصار وسياسات الحدود والترحيل. هم يدعمون الديكتاتوريين والإحتلال بتجارة الأسلحة وبالحروب. في ألمانيا، يغيرون قوانينهم كل يوم لوضع سياسات جديدة ضد اللاجئات* والمهاجرات* والثوريات* وبالتالي دعم القوانين المحافظة ضد المرأة*.

نحن نؤمن بأن تضامن المرأة* والتنظيم الذاتي والدفاع عن النفس هم مصدر قوتنا في محاربة الفاشية والعنصرية. سنواصل الكفاح والدفاع عن أنفسنا ضد جميع أشكال العنف الظلم المؤسسي السياسي الإجتماعي والاقتصادي.

ندعو جميع النساء* والمثليات والأشخاص العابرون وثنائي الجنس، لا سيما العابرات و النساء* من الطبقة العاملة واللاجئات* والنساء* السود والنساء* غير البيض لإظهار تصميمنا وتضامننا العابر للحدود.

كفى استغلالاً لأجسادنا أراضينا ومواردنا! كفى لقتلنا على الحدود، في البحر وعلى الأرض! كفى لقتل النساء! كفى للإفلات الأبوي من العقاب!

+أحضرى* شعاراتك ولافِتتك!
++الرجال ذوي الهوية الجندرية المعيارية غير مدعوون – ننصحهم بالقيام بأنشطة أخرى لوقف العنف ضد المرأة*

تحالف النسويات الدوليات
المكان محطة فارشاوا إشتراسا
الزمان ٨\٣\٢٠٢٠ تمام الساعة الثالثة ظهرا

Ev ne şahîyek e, Ev têkoşînek e!

Ji bo meşa şorêşgerî ya 8 ê Adara 2020 ya lî Berlînê ji hemû Jinan, lezbîyenan û kesên trans re bang

Li her deverê cîhanê têkoşîna li dijî faşîzmê xurt dibe û Jin ji vê şoreşê re pêşengîyê dikin.
Pergala bavkanî û sazîyên wê yên zayendperest hewldide ku me marjînal bike, li derve
bihêle, qrîmînalîze bike û bieciqîne. Lê nikarin biserbikevin.
Hûn dikarin vêya di wecê hemû Jinên ku li hemû cihanê berxwedidin de bibînin . Em li
kuçeyan , li çîyan, di keştîyek nav deryayê de , di tixûban de, di girtîgehan de, di wargehên
penaberan de û di her welatê dagirkirî de vêya dibînin. Têkoşina me her dem hebû û a ku di
hemû cîhanê de me digihîne hev jî ev têkoşîna me ye. Dest di dest de, mil bi mil em bi hev re
di pişgirîyê de ne.

Serdestîya spî Kapitalîzm, kapitalîzma nû, lîberalîzma nû , emperyalîzm bi polîtîqayên xwe
yên navxwe û dervî sinorên xwe hemû cîhanê tune dike.

Bi polîtîqayên şer, ambargo, û bozirganiya çekan piştgiriya dîqtatoran û dagirkirinan dike.
Elmanya li hemberî penaberan û şoreşgeran ji bo polîtîqayên xwe xurt bike û bi vî hawî
sîyaseta xwe ya paşverû li dijî jinan bimeşîne her roj zagonên xwe diguherîne.

Em bawer dikin ku ji bo faşîzmê têk bibin hevgirtina me, rêxistinbûna me û parastina me ya
cewherî çekên herî baş in . Em ê têkoşina xwe bidomînin û em ê xwe li dijî her cure
neheqîyan û şîdeta sazûmanî, sîyasî, civakî û aborî biparêzin.

Em banga biryarbûn û hevgirtina sînornenas li hemû Jinan, lezbîyenan, kesên trans û bi
taybetî Jinên trans, Jinên karker, Jinên penaber, Jinên reşik û Jinên rengin dikin.

Ji mêtina çavkanîyên me, welatên me û bedenên me re bes!
Ji kuştina me ya li bejahîyê, li deryayê û li sînoran re bes!
Ji bêcezabûna bavkanîyê re bes!
Panqart û afîşên xwe bi xwe re bînin!
Mêrên zayendî ne vexwendî ne!

Hevgirtina femînîstên Enternasyonalîst Berlîn


“이것은 파티가 아니다. 우리의 투쟁이다!”

모든 여성, 레즈비언, 트렌스젠더, 인터섹슈얼을 위한
2020년 3월 8일 세계 여성 투쟁의 날 베를린 성명서

전 세계에서 파시즘에 대항하는 투쟁이 점점 거세지고 있으며, 여성*은 이 혁명을 이끌고 있습니다. 가부장제와 성차별적 사회 구조는 여성을 소외시키고 억압하며, 범죄자로 만들고 있습니다.

그러나 그들은 우리를 이길 수 없습니다. 길거리에서, 산에서, 바다 위 보트에서, 국경에서, 감옥에서, 난민 캠프 등을 비롯한 전 세계 모든 곳에서 투쟁하는 여성들이 있습니다. 우리의 투쟁은 모두 함께 하고 있으며, 전 세계적으로 우리는 연결되어 있습니다. 우리는 손을 맞잡고, 어깨를 맞대고 연대합니다. 한 자매의 투쟁은 결국 모든 자매의 투쟁이기 때문입니다.

백인 우월주의는 자본주의, 신식민주의, 신자유주의, 제국주의, 추출주의, 수출금지 정책들, 국경과 국외추방 정책들을 통해 세계를 파괴하고 있습니다. 이것들은 독재자들과 무기무역을 통한 점거 그리고 전쟁을 지원합니다. 독일은 난민, 이주민 그리고 혁명에 대항하기 위해 매일같이 법을 바꿔서 새로운 정책들을 만들고 있습니다. 다시 말해, 여성*에 대항하는 보수적인 법안들을 지지하고 있습니다.

우리는 여성*의 연대, 자기 조직 그리고 자기 방어가 파시즘과 인종차별주의에 맞서 싸우는 힘이 된다고 믿습니다. 우리는 계속해서 모든 형태의 구조적, 정치적, 사회경제적 폭력과 부정의에 맞서 싸우고 우리 스스로를 방어할 것입니다. 우리는 모든 여성*, 레즈비언, 트렌스젠더, 인터섹슈얼, 특히 트렌스젠더 여성, 노동계급 여성*, 난민 여성*, 흑인 여성* 그리고 유색인 여성*에게 국경을 넘어선 결심과 연대를 요청합니다.

함께 외칩시다:
우리의 몸, 우리의 땅 그리고 우리의 자원을 더 이상 착취하지 마라!
국경, 바다 그리고 땅에서 우리를 죽이는 행위를 멈춰라!
여성 살해를 그만 둬라!
가부장제의 형벌을 면하는 것을 그만해라!

베를린 페미니스트 국제 연합(The Alliance of Internationalist Feminists Berlin)

*슬로건을 각자 적어오세요!
*우리 집회는 남성을 초청하지 않으며, 남성들이 다른 여성폭력 반대 행동에 참여하는 것을 환영합니다.

Ce n’est pas une fête – C’est un combat

Appel à toutes les femmes*, lesbiennes, personnes trans* et inter
pour la manifestation révolutionnaire du 8 mars 2020 à Berlin

Partout dans le monde, la lutte contre le fascisme devient de plus en plus forte et les femmes* prennent la tête de cette révolution. Le système patriarcal et la structure sexiste tentent avec force de nous marginaliser, de nous criminaliser et de nous opprimer. Mais ils n’y parviennent pas! Vous pouvez le lire sur le visage de chaque femme* qui se bat n’importe où dans le monde, dans la rue, à la montagne, dans un bateau sur la mer, à la frontière, en prison, dans un camp de réfugiés, dans chaque terre occupée. Notre lutte est là depuis toujours et nous relie au monde entier. Nous nous tenons main dans la main, épaule contre épaule, en solidarité, ensemble. Parce que le combat de chaque soeur* est le combat de toutes les soeurs*.

La suprématie blanche détruit le monde avec le capitalisme, le néocolonialisme, le néolibéralisme, l’impérialisme, l’extractivisme, les politiques d’embargo, les politiques de frontières et de déportation. Ils soutiennent les dictateurs et les occupations par le commerce des armes et la guerre. En Allemagne, ils changent leurs lois chaque jour pour faire de nouvelles politiques contre les réfugiés et les migrants et contre les révolutionnaires et soutiennent ainsi les lois conservatrices contre les femmes*.

Nous croyons que la solidarité, l’autoorganisation et l’autodéfense des femmes* sont notre force dans la lutte contre le fascisme et le racisme. Nous continuerons à lutter et à nous défendre contre toutes les formes de violence et d’injustice structurelles, politiques, sociales et économiques.
Nous appelons toutes les femmes*, lesbiennes, personnes trans* et inter, en particulier les femmes trans*, les femmes de la classe ouvrière*, les femmes réfugiées*, les femmes noires* et les femmes* de couleur à montrer notre détermination et notre solidarité au-delà des frontières.

Elevons notre voix:
Assez d’exploiter nos corps, nos terres et nos ressources!
Assez de nous tuer aux frontières, dans la mer et sur la terre!
Assez de femicide!
Assez de l’impunité patriarcale!

+Portez vos slogans et vos signes!
++Les hommes ne sont pas invités, il leur est conseillé d’entreprendre une autre action pour mettre fin à la violence contre les femmes*.

Alliance des féministes* internationalistes


Nuk është parti – Nuk është luftë

Thirrje për të gjitha gratë *, lezbiket, trans * dhe personat ndërgjyqësorë për demonstrimin revolucionar të 8 Marsit në Berlin

Lufta kundër fashizmit po bëhet gjithnjë e më e fortë dhe në të gjithë botën dhe gratë * po udhëheqin këtë revolucion. Sistemi patriarkal dhe strukturat e tij seksiste përpiqen të na margjinalizojnë, përjashtojnë, kriminalizojnë dhe shtypin. Por ata nuk mund ta bëjnë këtë! Ju mund ta shihni atë në fytyrat e grave * nëpër botë që rezistojnë. Në rrugë, në male, në një varkë në det, në kufij, në burgje dhe kampe dhe në çdo vend të okupuar. Luftimet tona gjithmonë kanë ekzistuar dhe na lidhin në të gjithë botën. Ne qëndrojmë krah për krah, krah për krah në solidaritet me njeri-tjetrin. Sepse lufta e çdo gruaje * është lufta e të gjitha grave*.

Dominimi i bardhë shkatërron tërë botën përmes kapitalizmit, neokonializmit, neoliberalizmit, imperializmit dhe politikave të kufirit dhe deportimit. Ata mbështesin diktatorët dhe ekuipazhet me tregtinë e armëve, luftërat, ekstraktivizmin dhe politikat e embargos. Në Gjermani, ata ndryshojnë ligjet e tyre çdo ditë për të forcuar politikat kundër refugjatëve, migrantëve dhe revolucionarëve dhe kështu edhe për të zbatuar politika konservatore ndaj grave*.

Jemi të bindur që gratë tona * solidariteti, vetëorganizimi dhe vetëmbrojtja janë armët më të mira për të luftuar fashizmin. Ne do të vazhdojmë të luftojmë dhe të mbrohemi kundër të gjitha formave të dhunës strukturore, politike, sociale dhe ekonomike dhe padrejtësisë.

Ne u bëjmë thirrje të gjitha grave*, lezbikeve, trans* dhe ndërnjerëzore – veçanërisht trans* grave, grave* të klasës punëtore, grave* refugjate, grave* të zeza * dhe grave* me ngjyra, të tregojnë vendosmëri dhe solidaritet ndërkufitar së bashku.

Le të jemi me zë të lartë:

Ndaloni të shfrytëzoni trupat tanë, vendet tona dhe burimet tona! Ndaloni të na vrisni në kufij, në det dhe në tokë! Jo më shumë feminizëm!
Mbaro ndëshkimin patriarkal!

+ Sillni banderolat dhe shenjat tuaja!
++ Burrat Cis nuk janë të ftuar, por janë të mirëpritur të organizojnë fushatën e tyre për të ndaluar dhunën ndaj grave *!

Aleanca e feministëve* internacionalistë Berlin


To nie jest melanż – To jest walka

Apel do wszystkich kobiet, lesbijek, trans * i osób niebinarnych
Na rewolucyjną demonstrację 8 marca 2020 r. W Berlinie

Na całym świecie walka z faszyzmem staje się głośniejsza i silniejsza, a kobiety* przewodzą tej rewolucji. System patriarchalny i seksistowska struktura próbują nas z całą siłą marginalizować, kryminalizować i uciskać. Ale nie mogą tego zrobić. Możesz to odczytać w obliczu każdej kobiety*, która walczy w dowolnym miejscu na świecie, na ulicy, w górach, w łodzi na morzu, na granicy, w więzieniu, w obozie dla uchodźców, na dowolnej okupowanej ziemi. Nasza walka trwa od samego początku i łączy nas z całym światem. Stajemy solidarnie ramię w ramię, ponieważ walka każdej siostry* jest walką wszystkich sióstr*.

Biała supremacja niszczy świat poprzez kapitalizm, neokolonializm, neoliberalizm, imperializm, ekstraktywizm, politykę embarga, politykę granic i deportacji. Wspierają dyktatorów i okupacje handlem bronią i wojną. W Niemczech zmieniają przepisy każdego dnia, aby tworzyć nowe polityki wobec uchodźców i migrantów, a tym samym wspierać konserwatywne przepisy prawne wobec kobiet*.

Wierzymy, że solidarność kobiet, samoorganizacja i samoobrona są naszą siłą w walce z faszyzmem i rasizmem. Będziemy nadal walczyć i bronić się przed wszelkimi formami przemocy strukturalnej, politycznej, społecznej i gospodarczej oraz niesprawiedliwości.
Wzywamy wszystkie kobiety*, lesbijki, trans* i osoby niebinarne, zwłaszcza kobiety trans*, kobiety z klasy robotniczej*, uchodźczynie*, czarne kobiety * i W*OC, aby pokazać naszą determinację i solidarność poza granicami.

Bądźmy głośne:

Dość wykorzystania naszych ciał, naszych ziem i naszych zasobów!
Dość zabijania na granicy, na morzu i na lądzie!
Dosyć morderstw!
Dosyć patriarchalnej bezkarności!

+ Przynieś swoje banery!
++ Mężczyźni Cis nie są zaproszeni, zaleca się podjęcie kolejnego działania w celu powstrzymania przemocy wobec kobiet *.

Sojusz internacjonalistycznych feministek


Bu bir eğlence değil – Bu bir mücadeledir

Berlin’deki 8 Mart 2020 devrimci yürüyüşü için tüm kadınlara*, lezbiyen*, trans* ve inter kişilere çağrı

Dünyanın her yerinde faşizme karşı mücadele daha fazla güçleniyor ve kadınlar* bu devrime öncülük ediyor. Ataerkil sistem ve onun cinsiyetçi yapıları bizi marjinalleştirmeye, dışlamaya, kriminalize etmeye ve ezmeye çalışıyor. Ancak bunu başaramıyorlar! Bunu bütün dünyada direniş sergileyen kadınların* yüzlerinden görebilirsiniz. Sokaklarda, dağlarda, denizdeki bir teknede, sınırlarda, cezaevlerinde, kamplarda ve işgal edilen her ülkede görmekteyiz. Mücadelemiz her zaman vardı ve bizi dünya çapında birbirine bağlayanda bu mücadelemizdir. El ele, omuz omuza dayanışma içindeyiz. Çünkü her bir kadının* mücadelesi tüm kadınların* mücadelesidir.

Beyaz egemenlik kapitalizm, neokapitalizm, neoliberalizm, emperyalizm, sınır ve sınır dışı politikaları ile tüm dünyayı yok ediyor. Diktatörlükleri ve işgalleri silah ticaretiyle, savaşlarla, extraktivizm ve ambargo siyaseti ile destekliyorlar. Almanya‘da mültecilere*, göçmenlere ve devrimcilere* karşı politikalarını güçlendirmek ve bu şekilde kadınlara karşı tutucu siyasetlerini hayata geçirmek için her gün yasalarını değiştiriyorlar.

Biz, kadın*dayanışmamızın, kendi örgütlülüğümüzün ve öz savunmamızın faşizmi yenmek için en iyi silahlar olduğuna inanıyoruz. Biz mücadeleye devam edeceğiz ve kendimizi her türlü yapısal, siyasi, sosyal ve ekonomik şiddet ve haksızlığa karşı savunacağız. Biz tüm kadınlara*, lezbiyen*, trans* ve inter kişileri, özellikle trans*kadınları, işçi kadınları, mülteci kadınları*, siyah kadınları*ve renkli kadınları* kararlılık ve sınırları aşan dayanışma göstermeye çağrı yapıyoruz.

Sesimiz daha gür çıksın:

Bedenlerimizi, ülkelerimizi ve kaynaklarımızı sömürmeye son verin!
Bizi sınırlarda, denizlerde ve karada öldürmeye son verin!
Kadın kırımına son!
Ataerkil cezasızlığa son!

+Pankart ve afişlerinizi beraber getirin!
++ Cis erkekleri davetli değildir, ancak kadınlara* karşı şiddeti durdurmak için kendileri etkinlik düzenleyebilirler!

Enternasyonalist Feministler* İttifakı Berlin


Não estamos em Festa – Estamos em Luta

Chamada para todas as Mulheres*, Lésbicas, Trans* e Pessoas Inter para a manifestação revolucionária de 8 de marco em Berlin

Ao redor do mundo a luta contra o fascismo se torna cada vez mais forte, e as mulheres* estão liderando esta revolução. O (Cis) tema patriarcal e a estrutura sexista tentam fortemente nos marginalizar, criminalizar e oprimir, porém não vão conseguir. Podemos ver a nossa luta refletida na face de cada Mulher* que está agora lutando mundo à fora, nas ruas, no campo, num bote no meio do mar, nas fronteiras, nas prisões, nos campos de refugiadxs, ou nos territórios ocupados.
A nossa luta sempre existiu e nos conecta no mundo inteiro. Estamos de mãos dadas, ombro a ombro juntas em solidariedade, por que a luta de cada Mulher* é a luta de todas as Mulheres*.

Acreditamos que a solidariedade entre Mulheres*, a auto organização e a autodefesa são as melhores ferramentas para combater o fascismo e o racismo. Seguiremos lutando e nos defendendo de toda a forma de violência e injustiça estrutural, política, social e econômica.

Convocamos a todas as Mulheres*, Lésbicas, Trans* e pessoas Inter, especialmente a mulheres trans*, mulheres* da classe trabalhadora, mulheres* refugiadas, mulheres* negras e mulheres* racializadas para demonstrar nossa determinação e solidariedade para além das fronteiras.

Vamos gritar alto!

Basta de explorar nossos corpos, nossas terras e nossos recursos naturais.
Basta de nos matar nas fronteiras, nos mares e em terra.
Basta de Feminicídios.
Basta da impunidade patriarcal.

+ Tragam suas palavras de ordem e seus cartazes!
++Homens cis não estão convidados, os encorajamos a buscar outras ações para acabar com a violência contra as Mulheres*.

Aliança Feminista Internacionalista


Non è una festa – È una lotta

Invitiamo tutte le donne*, lesbiche, persone trans* e inter
per la manifestazione rivoluzionaria dell’8 marzo 2020 a Berlino

In tutto il mondo la lotta contro il fascismo sta crescendo e diventando sempre più rumorosa e dirompente e le donne* stanno prendendo la guida di questa rivoluzione. Il sistema patriarcale e la struttura sessista cercano con forza di emarginarci, criminalizzarci e opprimerci. Ma non ce la fanno! Lo si può leggere nel volto di ogni donna* che lotta in qualsiasi parte del mondo, in piazza, in montagna, in una barca nel mare, al confine, in prigione, nel campo profughi, in ogni terra occupata. La nostra lotta c’è sempre stata e ci sta unendo in tutto il mondo. Siamo fianco a fianco, spalla a spalla, solidali, insieme. Perché la lotta di ogni sorella* è la lotta di tutte le sorelle*.

La supremazia bianca sta distruggendo il mondo attraverso il capitalismo, il neocolonialismo, il neoliberalismo, l’imperialismo, l’estrattivismo, le politiche di embargo, le politiche di frontiera e di deportazione. Stanno sostenendo i dittatori e le occupazioni con il commercio di armi e la guerra. In Germania cambiano le loro leggi ogni giorno per implementare nuove politiche contro rifugiat_, migrant_ e rivoluzionar_, sostenendo così le leggi conservatrici contro le donne*.

Crediamo che la solidarietà, l’auto-organizzazione e l’autodifesa delle donne* siano la nostra forza nella lotta contro il fascismo e il razzismo. Continueremo a lottare e a difenderci da ogni forma di violenza e ingiustizia strutturale, politica, sociale ed economica.
Chiamiamo tutte le donne*, lesbiche, persone trans* e inter, specialmente le donne trans*, le donne* della classe operaia, le donne* rifugiate, le donne* nere a dimostrare la nostra determinazione e solidarietà oltre i confini.

Facciamoci sentire:

Basta con lo sfruttamento del nostro corpo, delle nostre terre e delle nostre risorse!
Basta di ucciderci alle frontiere, nel mare e sulla terra!
Basta con il femminicidio!
Basta con l’impunità patriarcale!

+Portate i vostri slogan e i vostri cartelli!
++Gli uomini cis non sono invitati, si consiglia loro di intraprendere un’altra azione per fermare la violenza contro le donne*.

Alleanza di femministe* internazionaliste

We need a feminist revolution! – IWS Speech, 8th March 2020 https://iwspace.de/2020/03/we-need-a-feminist-revolution-8th-march-2020/ Mon, 09 Mar 2020 18:35:30 +0000 http://iwspace.de/?p=72020
Jennifer Kamau. Photo: Heawon

Hello women of the world! We need a feminist revolution! We need to end capitalism! Capitalism is patriarchal and racist and we can only end patriarchy and racism if we end capitalism. We need to put a stop on the process of land privatisation, to put a stop in the commercialisation of nature, to the commercialisation of women’s bodies.

We need to create a radical new global system in which women can decide where to go, be free to move and also be able to stay in their lands. For years, we the International Women Space have been quoting the Caravan for the rights of refugees and migrants who say: we are here because you destroyed our lands!

For years we have been saying that most of us are forced to migrate forced to flee the violence of capitalist wars that leave us with no other option but to emigrate, to come knocking at the door of fortress Europe asking for protection from those who can’t protect us. Because racists don’t protect their own and much less can they protect us, non-white women!

We know we are not wanted here, but we also know that Germany needs migrants, that for the capitalist system it is not enough to exploit the world’s resources. They also need us physically present here, paying the local taxes so that their ageing society can get their pensions. They need us here, this we know.

But if we are to stay here, we need to make a radical change. Because the conditions in which we migrants live are unacceptable! We live in the constant fear of deportation! This is unacceptable and it needs to be changed.

I repeat we need a feminist revolution!

And we need to work with our sisters from around the world, because the radical change must be on a global scale! What is happening now at the borders of Greece, the shady deals between the EU and Turkey, the wars and threats of war perpetrated by the imperialists, it all affects us directly!

And when I say us, I mean millions of women who are migrating as we speak, millions of women who are planning to flee, millions of women who are displaced in refugee camps all over the world. It is an international catastrophe I am speaking about and to fight it we need to build strong international alliances. And we need to refuse to accept the patriarchal, racist capitalist system! 

What happened in Hanau doesn’t surprise us, the rise of deportation threats doesn’t surprise us, the scandal at the greek border doesn’t surprise us. The Frontex and its killing apparatus at the mediterranean sea doesn’t surprise us. But it should revolt us! And this revolt, this anger must turn in to action!

We need to mobilise, to unite against a system that leaves us at the mercy of this racist, misogynistic system! That isolates us in refugee camps across the globe! We need to intervene and go against the criminal organisations forcing migrant women in to prostitution so they can pay for their journeys to Europe.

We need a militant feminism! An autonomous feminism that goes to the streets, that accuses those responsible for such violence against us! Those responsible for the feminicide we see all over the world!

We need to take to the streets more often! Not only on the 8th of March, but always! We need a feminism that creates radical and total change in society, we have to change this system in a radical way!

Europe needs migration, I repeat, in Germany there are sufficient resources, capacities and competencies to accept additional refugees. Europe needs to meet international responsibility for refugee protection.

But none of this will happen if we don’t fight! Because when we think of what happened in Hanau, we see a society that continues to tolerate racism that is structurally racist and the existence of the AFD, its presence in the german parliament is one of the proofs of it! The AFD is responsible for disseminating hate!

And we ask ourselves how long this will be tolerated? Because those of us who are not white, European, we don’t feel safe in this country! We feel the racism everyday, on the streets, in the institutions, in our personal relationships. That is why we must urgently realise that we need to do much, much more than just condemn racist attacks. We need much, much more than our indignation. We need to use our revolt and fight for our legitimate right to live a life free of violence.

We need a feminism that wants a radical change in the system!

Message of solidarity from Yuli Riswati on International Women’s Day https://iwspace.de/2020/03/message-of-solidarity-from-yuli-riswati-on-international-womens-day/ https://iwspace.de/2020/03/message-of-solidarity-from-yuli-riswati-on-international-womens-day/#comments Mon, 09 Mar 2020 18:23:47 +0000 http://iwspace.de/?p=72028
Yuli Riswati. Photo: Migran Pos: Terenia Puspita

Last week, IWS had a visit from Yuli Riswati who told us about her experiences, organising, campaigning for migrant domestic workers’ rights and reporting on the protests in Hong Kong. She was not able to join us at the demo yesterday, but she wrote us a message of solidarity that was read out:

I would like to extend a very warm welcome to all of you here who have joined today’s mass action to celebrate International Women’s Day.

It is truly a pleasure for me to convey this message of solidarity to you.  When we as women around the world try to connect to each other to celebrate and honor women of the past, present and future by continuing to struggle to break the system that still supports and confines and marginalizes women, that’s where we all begin to win.  Spirit!

On International Women’s Day there are many things and reasons for celebration, reasons for a moment to stop and re-evaluate, memories, inspiration, time to respect loved ones and admiration in the world and especially in Germany. 

Like theme of women’s world day this year “I am Generation Equality: Realizing Women’s Rights”, so it is not a party, It is a fight for Women’s Rights!

As a woman who trying to fight for and voice women’s rights through writing, a woman who is a migrant domestic worker, and has experienced the pain of discrimination, illegal detention and deportation, an important lesson I have learned over the years is that there is actually an inequitable access to information  and education coupled with the poor system of government everywhere that has prevented women from advancing, equal and fulfilled their rights.

We as women need changes in systems and good governance that can give us the opportunity to share the power to make decisions in politics, in economic and social life, in public administration and even in our own homes.

Let’s rise, and join hands to fight together.  No matter where we stay, No matter from which angle peoples look at you, Women’s Day is the perfect to say: we are proud be women.

As we celebrate this year’s International Women’s Day, let us also remember that the struggle is far from over.  Women’s empowerment and struggle should not be reduced to individual success stories.  It must be about collective well-being and justice for the collective!  For women, be it domestic workers, migrants, refugees and all!

Progress in women’s rights takes place step by step, and each victory becomes the foundation upon which it can be built.  It is our duty together to continue holding hands, struggling and building until we have raised a platform high enough to change the earth’s horizons.

Germany, 2020

https://iwspace.de/2020/03/message-of-solidarity-from-yuli-riswati-on-international-womens-day/feed/ 1
United We Get What We Want – 8th March Demo in Berlin https://iwspace.de/2019/03/united-we-get-what-we-want-8th-of-march-demo-in-berlin/ Tue, 12 Mar 2019 14:18:42 +0000 http://iwspace.de/?p=67945 “United We Get What We Want” „Gemeinsam erreichen wir was wir wollen!“ – „بالاتحاد نصل لما نريد“ – “联合起来,命运在我们手中” – «با اتحاد می‌گیریم آنچه می‌خواهیم» – “ Uni-e-s nous obtenons ce que nous voulons ! “ – “Ενωμένες παίρνουμε αυτό που θέλουμε” – “단결된 우리가 원하는 것을 얻는다!” – “JIN BI HEV RE BI HÊZ IN” – “Zjednoczone zdobędziemy to, czego chcemy!” – “Unidxs conseguimos o que queremos” – “Солидарность с женщинами* в тюрьме” – “¡Juntas lo podemos todo!” – “Kadınlar Birlikte Güçlü”

The demo in the press

Media of Korea

Media of Italy

Internationalist Feminist Demo x Supernova – Das Leftstyle-Magazin https://iwspace.de/2019/03/internationalist-feminist-demo-x-supernova-das-leftstyle-magazin/ Wed, 06 Mar 2019 18:21:07 +0000 http://iwspace.de/?p=71977 ]]> [Press] OhmyNews: Women Want Revolution! (English & Deutsch) https://iwspace.de/2018/03/press-ohmynews-women-want-revolution-english-deutsch/ Wed, 14 Mar 2018 16:38:40 +0000 http://iwspace.de/?p=65729 A news article by South Korean news agency after the International Women’s Day demonstration. German below.

[English] OhmyNews: Women want revolution

[Overseas Report] Berlin drawing letter – International women’s day demonstration in Berlin


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Women want revolution. Testimonies of women as victims of sexual slavery are changing the South Korean society. As the candlelight ‘demonstration’ became a candlelight ‘revolution’, continuous solidarity of these brave women will lead the Korean women movement and furthermore human rights movement. Written and drawn by Eunbi Kwon

 “We do not want to change this system. We want to remove this system.”

A women’s voice in the March 8th international women’s day demonstration spread out in Berlin. The system indicates patriarchy, war, racism, fascism, capitalism, poverty and violence. That is not something to change but something to remove.

The hosting organization spread out flyers in 23 languages to literally commemorate the “International Women’s Day”. Heawon Chae and Dahye Yim who were in charge of Korean have participated from the preparation meeting to advocate the issue of sexual slavery drafted by Japanese military during the second world war (“comfort women”).

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Heawon Chae, who advocated the “comfort women” issue on international women’s day

Heawon Chae, who have participated in the international women’s day demonstration every year in South Korea, was inspired many times while preparing the demonstration with women from diverse countries and ethnicities.

She thinks that the first Me Too movement started when the survivors of the “comfort women” system have spoken out. Heawon added the “comfort women” issue in the speech to advocate that women who had to be in silence for 50 years have now become women’ rights activists.

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Dahye Yim, another moderator of the demonstration

“I also posted #MeToo before I came to the demonstration. I posted what I experienced on Facebook. It is also a special day for me personally.”

Dahye Yim, who shouted out slogans in English on the truck toward more than 8,000 participants of the international women’s day demonstration, is another victim of the patriarchal power of South Korea. However, today she bravely made a powerful speech as a Korean representative saying that women should be against gender violence, oppression and exploitation to participants gathered in Berlin.

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We fight until the end, Meral who is an activist of a women organization in Berlin

When the demonstration started, I met Meral who was giving out flyers to participants on the street. She mentions that the society we live in is made from labor and exploitation of the body and soul of women. She was very excited to feel a real atmosphere of strike for the first time after participating in the demonstration every year. At least this day, women will not go to the factory, buy grocery, do laundry, cleaning, cooking and have sex but will fight for the rights everyone should have in their lives.

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Veronica, who participated with her friends

Veronica is a feminist and a refugee activist who have actively participated in feminism action groups since she was a student. She says liberation for women is not only for women but also for all genders and liberation of human beings. She had a whistle with a slogan, “no means no (nein heisst nein)”, on her neck. She mentions that the most important thing is to say “no” when you are in a situation you do not want. Adding that men should literally accept the meaning of “no”. She hung the whistle on her neck on this day because what is so natural has been countlessly ignored until now.

Bianca, who speaks out of a life discriminated against women and race

Bianca introduces herself as a person not able to belong to any side of the mainstream. 24 hours are not enough to talk about the discrimination and violence she experiences as a woman and a person of color. She especially appreciates that the hosting organization put effort to raise the voice of women who are not white in the international women’s day demonstration in Berlin. She mentions that the benefits and power taken for granted just because one is born as a white man in a developed country should not be accepted anymore.

The demonstration turned into a festival as the sun was going down. A woman dancing on the street with the music from the demo truck comes to me and grabs my hand. I felt sorry that I could not dance. I could not dance because a sound of crying rang my ears. It was tears forming on the chin of women giving testimony of sexual violence they faced after a long silence and frightened eyes staring the ground what was wavering in my head when I was looking at the women in the demonstration dancing as if liberation is there.

[Deutsch] OhmyNews: Frauen wollen Revolution

[Übersee Report] Berlin drawing letter – Demonstration zum internationalen Frauentag in Berlin

“Wir wollen das System nicht verändern. Wir wollen das System abschaffen.”

Am internationalen Frauentag am 8. Mai schallten die Stimmen von zahllosen Frauen durch die Straßen von Berlin. Dieses System beinhaltet Patriarchie, Krieg, Rassismus, Faschismus, Kapitalismus, Armut und Gewalt. Dies ist nichts was man ändern muss, sondern abschaffen.

Die Organisation, welche die Veranstaltung organisiert hatte, verteilte Flugblätter in 23 Sprachen, um den internationalen Frauentag angemessen zu Feiern. Heawon Chae und Dahye Yim, welche für die Koreanische Version verantwortlich waren, haben seit dem vorbereitenden Treffen teilgenommen um das Thema der Sexsklaven, welche vom japanischen Militär während des zweiten Weltkrieges verschleppt wurden („Trostfrauen“), zu vertreten.

Heawon Chae, welche die Thematik der “Trostfrauen” am internationalen Frauentag vertrat

Heawon Chae, die jedes Jahr in Südkorea an Demonstrationen zum internationalen Frauentag teilgenommen hat, wurde oft inspiriert während sie die Demonstration mit Frauen aus den verschiedensten Ländern und Ethnien vorbereitet hat.

Sie denkt, dass die erste Me Too Bewegung anfing, als die Überlebenden der “Trostfrauen” zum ersten Mal öffentlich darüber berichteten. Heawon fügte die Thematik der “Trostfrauen” der Rede hinzu, damit die Frauen, welche über 50 Jahre lang geschwiegen hatte und jetzt VertreterInnen für Frauenrechte sind, vertreten werden.

Dahye Yim, eine weitere ModeratorIn der Demonstration

“Ich habe auch unter dem Hashtag #MeToo gepostet bevor ich an dieser Demonstration teilnahm. Ich habe meine Erlebnisse auf Facebook geteilt. Dies war ein sehr emotionaler Tag für mich persönlich.”

Dahye Yim, welche Slogans auf Englisch zu bis zu 8,000 TeilnehmerInnen am internationalen Frauentag rief, ist ein weiteres Opfer des patriarchalischen Systems Südkoreas. Doch heute hielt sie tapfer eine starke Rede als RepräsentantIn Koreas und sagte, dass Frauen sich gegen Gewalt, Unterdrückung und Ausbeutung währen sollten.

Wir kämpfen bis zum Ende, sagte Meral, welche eine AktivistIn einer Frauenorganisation aus Berlin ist

Als die Demonstration anfing, habe ich Meral getroffen, die Flyer an TeilnehmerInnen aus der Straße verteilte. Sie erwähnte, dass diese Gesellschaft in der wir leben durch die Arbeit und Ausbeutung der Körper und Seelen von Frauen aufgebaut wurde. Sie war sehr aufgeregt, da sie, nach vielen Jahren der Teilnahme an dieser Demonstration, zum ersten Mal die Atmosphäre eines Streikes wahrnehmen konnte. Wenigstens an diesem Tag würden Frauen nicht in Fabriken arbeiten, einkaufen gehen, die Wäsche waschen, putzen, oder Sex haben, aber für die Rechte, die jeder Mensch haben sollte, kämpfen.

Veronica, welche mit ihren FreundInnen teilnahm

Veronica ist eine Feministin und eine flüchtige AktivistIn, die seit ihrer Studienzeit aktiv in feministischen Gruppierungen teilgenommen hat. Sie sagt, dass die Befreiung von Frauen nicht nur für Frauen ist, sondern für die Befreiung jedes menschlichen Wesens. Sie hatte eine Trillerpfeife, auf der ein Spruch aufgedruckt war: „Nein heißt nein, um ihren Hals hängen. Sie sagte, dass das wichtigste was man sagen kann das Wort “Nein” sei, wenn man sich in einer Situation befindet, die einem nicht gefällt. Hinzu fügte sie noch, dass Männer das Wort “Nein” akzeptieren müssen. Sie hing diese Trillerpfeife am heutigen Tage um ihren Hals, da es natürlich geworden ist dieses Wort zu ignorieren. Bis jetzt.

Bianca, welche sich gegen ein Leben ausspricht, in dem Frauen und andere Nationalitäten diskriminiert werden

Bianca stellt sich als Person vor, die sich auf keiner der beiden Seiten des Mainstreams sieht. 24 Stunden sind nicht genug um über die Diskriminierung zu sprechen, die sie als Frau und als Person of Colour erlebt hat. Sie ist besonders dankbar, dass die Veranstalter dafür gesorgt haben, dass nicht nur weiße Frauen am internationalen Frauentag in Berlin eine Stimme erhalten haben. Sie erwähnte zudem, dass die Vorteile und der Einfluss, den viele für selbstverständlich hielten, nur weil sie als weißer Mann in einem privilegierten Land geboren wurden, nicht mehr akzeptiert werden dürfen.

Die Demonstration wurde zu einem Festival als die Sonne unterging. Eine Frau, die auf der Straße, zu der Musik aus dem Truck der Demonstration, tanzte, kam auf mich zu und nahm meine Hand. Ich war traurig, dass ich nicht mittanzen konnte, da die Musik aus dem Truck in meinen Ohren klingelte. Ich sah verängstigte Augen, die sich mit tränen füllten, als sie über sexuelle Gewalt berichteten, nachdem sie für lange Zeit geschwiegen haben in meinen Gedanken, als ich mir die tanzenden Frauen ansah, als ob ihre Freiheit schon da wäre.

[Press_Reportage] “We want genuine apology from the Japanese government”, voices spreading out in the streets of Berlin https://iwspace.de/2018/03/press_reportage-we-want-genuine-apology-from-the-japanese-government-voices-spreading-out-in-the-streets-of-berlin/ Wed, 14 Mar 2018 16:35:44 +0000 http://iwspace.de/?p=65723 A news article from Yonhap News from South Korea after the International Women’s Day demonstration. German below.

[English] Yonhap news [Reportage] “We want genuine apology from the Japanese government”, voices spreading out in the streets of Berlin


[Reportage] “We want genuine apology from the Japanese government”, voices spreading out in the streets of Berlin

2018/03/09 07:07

Thousands of women shout “No War, No Fascism” on the International Womens Day in Berlin

Women of Kurdish, Tamils etc. participated… Korea Verband made a speech for the “comfort women”

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March commemorating the International Women’s Day

(Berlin=Yonhap News) Kwang Bin Lee correspondent= “We want revolution. We are against patriarchy, war, racism and fascism.”

Thousands of women came to the street of Berlin on the 8th which was the International Women’s Day (local time) to participate in the march and demonstration. The march was like a festival. Techno and traditional music was turned on from the truck leading the march and participants danced along.

It was easy to see women holding beer bottles while marching as it is typical for young Berliners in public. This was a “International Women’s Demonstration” hosted by “International Women’s Space” and 30 other organizations participating including Korea Verband.

2,000 people marched filling the four-lane road. It took more than 2 hours to arrive at the Oranienplatz, the end point, starting from Schlesisches Tor at 4pm. The demonstration welcomed only WLTI – Women, Lesbians, Trans*, Inter*. During the march, two men tried to interrupt by making loud noises with a drum and a piccolo. A drunk man ran into the march and was sent to the back by the demonstration securities.

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March commemorating the International Women’s Day in Berlin

Kurdish, Syrian and Tamils from Sri Lanka women and other women from diverse backgrounds participated. It was a demonstration on the international women’s day, but shouted out slogans against war, racism and fascism. These slogans are based on the awareness that war, racism and fascism commit violence and abuse human rights against women and other marginalized groups.

The other demonstration group starting from another spot have joined at oranienplatz around 7pm. It was a demonstration welcoming women and men. It seemed like there were about 1,000 people in that demonstration. The International Women’s Space stated in its speech that “war, fascism, capitalism, poverty and violence is a part of the system. We do not want to change this system. We want to remove this system”. Sarah, who participated on behalf of ‘FRIEDA’, mentioned that “this event is very meaningful in the sense that women from diverse countries gather in solidarity to take back the isolated rights of women”.

Kurdish women marched with a flag of three women who disappeared during their independent movements in France. Tamil women held a placard indicating the fact that 140,000 Tamils have been disappeared during the conflict.


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Tamil women participating in the demonstration


Korea Verband e.V. also made a speech about the sexual slavery drafted by the Japanese military during WWII(“comfort women”). It mentioned that “It was only 1991 when the sexual slavery drafted by the Japanese military (“comfort women”) was known by the public when Ms. Kim Hak Soon, survivor of the “comfort women” system, spoke out. Her testimony led to numerous testimonies by surviors in the Philippines, North Korea, Taiwan, China and Indonesia. Her testimony is the starting point of the Me Too movement in Korea” and added that “we want genuine apology from the Japanese government”.

There were also some Korean participants. Jiae Kim, who is in France as an exchange student, mentioned that she came to the demonstration during her travel in Berlin after reading the information from Facebook. She added that “My interest in Feminism and experience of racism in France brought me here”.

Gaya dance group giving a drum performance

It was also astonishing to see the performance by Gaya Group which is consisted of women who came to Germany as nurses 50 years ago.



[Deutsch] Yonhap news [Reportage] “Wir wollen eine ehrliche Entschuldigung von der japanischen Regierung”, verlangen die Stimmen in den Straßen von Berlin

[Reportage] “Wir wollen eine ehrliche Entschuldigung von der japanischen Regierung”, verlangen die Stimmen in den Straßen von Berlin 2018/03/09 07:07

Tausende von Frauen riefen “Kein Krieg, kein Faschismus” am internationalen Frauentag in Berlin.

Kurdische Frauen, Tamilen etc. nahmen teil… Der Korea Verband trug eine Rede zu dem Thema “Trostfrauen“ vor.

(Berlin=Yonhap News) Korrespondent Kwang Bin Lee= “Wir wollen Revolution. Wir sind gegen Patriarchalismus, Krieg, Rassismus und Faschismus.”

Tausende von Frauen sind am 8. März, dem internationalen Frauentag, auf die Straßen von Berlin gegangen, um an dem Fußmarsch und der Demonstration teilzunehmen. Der Fußmarsch war wie ein Festival. Sowohl Techno, als auch traditionelle Musik wurden auf dem Lastwagen gespielt, welcher die Demonstration anführte, und die Teilnehmer haben dazu getanzt.

Es waren Frauen mit Bierflaschen in der Hand zu sehen, während sie an der Demonstration teilnahmen. Ein Bild, das typisch ist für junge Berliner in der Öffentlichkeit. Diese Demonstration zum internationalen Frauentag wurde vom “International Womens Space” veranstaltet und 30 weitere Organisationen, darunter auch der Korea Verband, nahmen daran teil.

2,000 marschierende Menschen füllten eine vierspurige Straße aus. Es dauerte über zwei Stunden, bis der Zielpunkt am Oranienplatz erreicht wurde, gestartet wurde am Schlesischen Tor um 16 Uhr. Während der Demonstration durften nur WLTI-Menschen teilnehmen – Women Lesbians, Trans*, Inter*. Während der Demonstration versuchten zwei Männer diese mit lauten Musikinstrumenten zu stören. Ein betrunkener Mann rannte in die Demonstration hinein, wurde aber vom Sicherheitspersonal an das Ende des Marsches geschickt.

Kurdische, syrische und tamilische Frauen und auch Frauen aus vielen verschiedenen Ländern nahmen teil. Es war zwar eine Demonstration am internationalen Frauentag, doch wurden auch Rufe gegen Krieg, Rassismus und Faschismus geäußert. Diese Ausrufe sollen einem ins Bewusstsein rufen, dass Krieg, Rassismus und Faschismus Menschen, insbesondere Frauen, verletzen und missbrauchen.

Eine weitere Gruppe von Demonstranten haben den Oranienplatz um 19 Uhr erreicht und haben sich der ersten Gruppe angeschlossen. Diese Demonstration hat sowohl Frauen, als auch Männer willkommen geheißen. Es schien, als hätten in dieser Demonstration um die 1,000 Menschen teilgenommen. Der “International Women’s Space” fing ihrer Rede damit an, dass Krieg, Faschismus, Kapitalismus, Armut und Gewalt ein Teil des Systems sei. Sie wolle dieses System nicht ändern. Sie wollen das System entfernen. Sarah, die für ‘FRIEDA’ teilnahm, meinte: “Diese Veranstaltung ist sehr wichtig, da sich Frauen aus verschiedenen Ländern in Solidarität versammeln, um die isolierten Rechte der Frauen zurück zu erobern. Kurdische Frauen marschierten mit einer Flagge, auf der drei Frauen zu sehen waren, die während ihrer Unabhängigkeitsbewegung in Frankreich verschwanden. Tamilische Frauen hielten Plakate, auf denen Stand, dass 140,000 Tamilen während Konflikten verschwunden sind.

Der Korea Verband e.V. hielt zudem eine Rede über die Sexsklaven, welche während des zweiten Weltkrieges vom japanischen Militär entführt wurden (“Trostfrauen”). Es wurde zudem erwähnt, dass erst im Jahre 1991 die Taten des japanischen Militärs, als Frau Kim Hak Soon als Überlebende “Tostfrau” öffentlich darüber redete, bekannt wurden. Ihre Zeugenaussage führte zu zahlreichen Aussagen von Frauen aus den Philippinen, Nord-Korea, Taiwan, China und Indonesien. Ihre Aussage war der Anfang der Me Too Bewegung in Korea und es wurde noch die Forderung einer ehrlichen Entschuldigung der japanischen Regierung hinzugefügt.

Es waren auch einige koreanische Teilnehmer mit dabei. Jiae Kim, welche in Frankreich als AustauschstudentIn ist, meinte, dass sie zu dieser Demonstration gekommen sei, da sie bei ihrem Ausflug nach Berlin eine Anzeige auf Facebook zu der Veranstaltung gesehen hat. Sie fügte noch hinzu: „Mein Interesse am Feminismus und meine eigenen Erfahrungen mit Rassismus in Frankreich haben mich hierhergeführt”.

Es war zudem erstaunlich die Aufführung von “Gaya Group” zu sehen, welche aus Frauen bestand, die vor 50 Jahren als Krankenschwestern nach Deutschland kamen.





