On 11. December 2020, Jennifer from IWS gave a talk on anti-Black racism and resistance through self-organization for the third event of the BeVisible Herbseminare series organized by Trixiewiz e.V. The theme for the day was transnational, transcultural and interreligious conflicts. IWS participated alongside Iris Hefets from Jüdische Stimme für gerechten Frieden in Nahost and Hajdi Barz from Romani Phen.

Goods are free to circulate in the world but our bodies are not allowed to circulate in the world. That is the anti-Black racism that we are talking about.

Jennifer Kamau, IWS

You can watch Jennifer’s entire talk at: https://fb.watch/2oJaMMwSyA/.

A livestream of the event is also available at: https://fb.watch/2oJUpvtO3o/.