Napuli is back in the big tree at Oranienplatz, Kreuzberg – protesting again against the same thing she was in 2014 – denying the rights of refugee action.

We demand that the Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg District and the Berlin Senate respect their 2014 agreement with the Refugee movement to be able to use Oranienplatz as an info point for events and protests, as and when requested.

On Friday, August 27th, 2021, a series of events by the Tak Theater – including a discussion with Napuli about the Refugee movement occupation of Oplatz – was scheduled to start at Oranienplatz. This was forbidden by the police before the start. The police relied on formal errors in the registration. The fact is, however, that the police grossly disregarded the special permit, a result of the negotiations between the Refugee Camps on Oplatz and the Senate / District in 2014. The approval is unlimited in time and is therefore also valid now. Logically, this disregard has led to a protest that needs to be expanded. Arbitrary refusal is unacceptable. At the moment, Napuli, a refugee activist is back on the tree she sat on for 5 days in 2014, until the Senate and the district understood that it was not just about empty words, but also about the true implementation of the agreement. This is where we are today again.

But Napuli is not alone. We urge you all to come to Oplatz and protest in solidarity against the unacceptable police decision. We are here – we will stay!

We will fight, freedom of movement, freedom of living, freedom of expression is everybody’s right!!

See the reference to Napulis, hunger strike on top of a big tree in 2014, at Oplatz for the basic human rights of refugees in Germany Berlin