With this conference, we are aiming to organise against the Bezahlkarte in Berlin and Brandenburg. We would like to invite activists, organisations, affected people, groups and individuals to come together and get involved in the fight against the dehumanizing and discriminating Bezahlkarte. To have a collective impact, we will form three working groups following a legal, a social and a political approach. Our common goal is to abolish the Bezahlkarte.

This Initiative and event is organised by International Women* Space in collaboration with Space2groW and We’ll come united Berlin/Brandenburg and other activists and individuals.



  • 10:30-11:00 Registration
  • 11:00-11:30 Opening
  • 11:30-12:30 Panel
  • 12:30-13:00 Engagement with the crowd
  • 13:00-14:00 LUNCH
  • 14:00-16:00 WORKSHOPS
  • 16:00-16:30 Tea-Break
  • 16:30-18:00 Final plenary



11:00 Opening

11:30 Panel

The continuation of voucher systems as a means of exclusion and dehumanisation in Germany We will start with a panel discussion on the continuation of voucher systems in Germany. We invited three affected groups who fought against the voucher system in Germany, from the 90s until now. They will not only address the individual consequences of the system, but will also talk about the resistance against it. The same system existed in the past and it was abolished: we will listen and learn how to abolish it again.

13:00 Lunch

14:00 Working Groups Meeting

In the working groups, we would like to organise and discuss upcoming collective and individual actions in Berlin and Brandenburg. Each workshop will begin with an input. The workshops will take place simultaneously.

Legal – Input Pro Asy

In the legal group, we will talk about possible ways to eliminate the payment card through legal action. We want organisations to be prepared when affected people seek for their support. We want to learn from the past and prepare for future court procedures.

Social – Input Nina Collective from Hamburg and Café Exile

The Social group is going to work on the establishment of a voucher exchange stystem for Berlin and Brandenburg. The approach that some organizations in affected cities have implemented is the following: people that are affected can buy vouchers with their payment cards, and then exchange them for cash from individuals. Members of an initiative from Hamburg will also share their relevant experiences. Since the Märkisch Oderland (MOL) region already has the vouchers, there is already a high demand for a voucher exchange infrastructure.

Political – Input Flüchtlingsrat Berlin

We do not accept the racist and populist structure that stands behind this political tool to bring right wing politics in praxis. Therefore we want to find political ways to fight against the payment card. There was a reason why it was abolished in the past, and we will find ways to do it again. We want to create a network to fight this together with demonstrations, campaigns or what not to get public attention and in the end abolishment.

16:00 Tea Break

16:30 Closing plenary

At the end we will all come to together to refelct on the outcome of each working group and define the next steps of our collective movement.


Contact: bezahlkarte@iwspace.de