Grundrechte, aber nicht für alle?! Einstehen für das Recht auf Wohnen, Partizipation und Sicherheit von Geflüchteten und Migrant*innen

Lucy Lavenda Samuel from the Break Isolation Group (BIG) of IWS participated in a citizen’s forum at Kultur- und Bildungszentrum Raoul-Wallenberg (KuBiZ) in Berlin-Weißensee on 13. August, 2021 alongside the following groups and activists:

  • Syrine Boukadida, Alarme Phone
  • Die Urbane
  • BENN Weissensee
  • Eric Noel Mbiakeu, We’ll Come United

Together, the participants discussed the following theme:

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the German Basic Law are supposed to ensure that all people have the same rights. Unfortunately, we know that this is not the reality. Racism and discrimination characterize the daily life of migrants and refugees here and everywhere in Europe.

Through cynical political calculations, regulations like the Dublin system, and to appease public opinion, the EU’s external borders are already deciding where people can arrive in search of a better life in Europe.

It continues in shelters, where refugees and migrants* are forced to live for years. Individuals and families are housed in shelters in the middle of the forest, far from the nearest village, shopping, school and work opportunities. Not to mention the impossible conditions and cramped quarters that people have to share.

When a person finally manages to get out of these terrible accommodations and thus out of isolation, the struggle for a work permit continues with the Employment Agency and the Foreigners’ Registration Office. A work permit that only allows precarious and poorly paid work.

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