Dear EU leaders: Change course and end your war on migrants!

Following Ursula von der Leyen’s recent endorsement of offshore detention centres, and other EU leaders announcing various rollbacks on asylum and refugee rights, migrant-led organisations write to EU institutions to demand alternatives to the EU’s deadly border regime. 

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Palestine: We call for an intersectional and feminist solidarity that transcends borders

We stand unapologetically in solidarity with the Palestinian people. We honor the Palestinian women*, who, in the face of immense pain, death, and oppression, sustain families and communities.

Our feminism is anti-colonial and anti-racist at its core, meaning a radical transformation of society. We reject capitalist greed, colonial violence and patriarchal exploitation, which lead us only to death and destruction. Instead, we choose solidarity, sustainability and freedom. We choose life.

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“To be a refugee” – IW*S statement on World Refugee Day 2024

On this World Refugee Day we must confront the harsh realities faced by millions forced to flee their homes. As refugees we ask, are we offered the protection we deserve? Does data protection apply to those seeking asylum? Does freedom of movement and speech extend to refugees? The inhumane treatment of displaced people exposes the hypocrisy of nations claiming to uphold human rights.

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We are calling on the EU to reject the EURODAC reform

EURODAC reinforces a violent system of surveillance, detention, and deportation of migrants. The EU aims to expand the database to children as young as 6, facial images, and to give easier access to police. These changes will transform EURODAC into a violent tool of mass surveillance. 109 organisations, IW*S included, are urging EU lawmakers to reject the ongoing reform of EURODAC.

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Haushaltskürzungen: integrationspolitisch fatal und langfristig unwirtschaftlich

Stellungnahme der gewählten Vertretungen des Landesbeirates für Partizipation Berlin bezüglich der Kürzungen des Integrationsfonds und anderer sozialer Maßnahmen im Berliner Haushalt 2024 / 2025

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Wir fordern einen Koalitionsvertrag mit expliziten antidiskriminierungs- und vielfaltspolitischen Maßnahmen

Offener Brief an die verhandelnden Parteien - Wir machen uns große Sorgenum die Zukunft unserer pluralen Berliner Stadtgesellschaft und die vielen Errungenschaften, die in den letzten Jahren erarbeitet wurden und strukturell zu spürbaren Verbesserungen beigetragen haben.

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