On this page, we will be collecting information, service providers and links for women and refugees during the corona-pandemic. If you can think of something to add, please email it to iwspace@iwspace.de


Karada House have set up an ad hoc relief line for queers, womxn and otherwise marginalized people in Berlin that need support so they can avoid going outside if they’re immunocompromised, chronically ill, asthmatic or elderly:

IF YOU NEED HELP: please fill out this form or send an email relief@karada-house.de



Hilfetelefon Gewalt gegen Frauen
Telephone : 08000116016
Languages: English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Turkish, Kurmanci, Romanian, Polish, Russian, Albanian, Bulgarian, Serbian, Vietnamese
Webiste: www.hilfetelefon.de

Telephone: 030- 611 0300 // Email: info@big-hotline.de
Every day from 08:00 – 23:00 h.
Skilled translators can be organized within 30 minutes
Website: www.big-hotline.de

Berliner Krisendienst
Krausnickstr. 12a, 10115 Berlin
Office hours: 16.00-24.00  // counselling via telephone 24 hours a day, everyday 
Telephone 030 390 63 – 10
Languages: Counselling in English is possible, conversations in other languages can be arranged through translators of the Gemeindedolmetscherdienst
Website: www.berliner-krisendienst.de

Gewaltschutzambulanz Charité Berlin
(Gewaltschutzambulanz is bound by patient-doctor confidentiality even towards the police and courts of justice)
Birkenstr. 62, 10559 Berlin (Left  Entrance Haus N)
Monday – Friday 8:30 – 15:00h
Please ask for an appointment : Phone: +49 30 450 570 270  // Email: gewaltschutz-ambulanz@charite.de
Languages: Arabic, Turkish, Russian, English, Italian, Polish

XOCHIHUACATL latin american womens accociation
ONLY telephone counseling
Language: Spanish
Teléfono: (+49) 30 278 63 29
E-mail: mail@xochicuicatl.de
Website: www.xochicuicatl.de/language/es/asesorias/asesoria-en-caso-de-violencia-intrafamiliar

SUSI intercultural womens center:
ONLY telephone counseling
Telefon: 030 78959394 // Email: E-Mail: susifrz@aol.com
Counceling in different languages: English, French, Italian, Farsi, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Vietnamese 
Website: www.frauen-gegen-gewalt.de/de/organisation/s-u-s-i-interkulturelles-frauenzentrum.html

LARA (specialised on sexualised violence)
ONLY telephone Counselling
Monday – Friday 9.00 – 18.00 h
Languages: German, English, Farsi, Arabic, Turkish, Polish, Russian
Website: www.lara-berlin.de/angebote/willkommen

Interkulturelle Initiative e.V. (Counselling)
ONLY Counselling through telephone and email
Office hours:Monday -Thursday: 10.00 – 16.00h,  Friday: 09.00 – 18.00h
Telephone: 030 – 80 19 59 80 // Email: beratung@interkulturelle-initiative.de
Languages: Translators can be arranged

Women’s Counseling TARA
Ebersstr. 58, 10827 Berlin
Telephone: 030 – 787 18 34 0 // Email: frauenberatung.tara@gmx.de
Languages: German, English, Turkish, Farsi
Website: www.frauenberatung-tara.de

Womens Counseling in FRIEDA FRAUENZENTRUM:
Proskauer Straße 7, 10247 Berlin
Telephone: (030) 422 4276 // E-Mail: frieda@frieda-frauenzentrum.de
Languages: English and German

Women’s Counseling BORA: ONLY telephone counseling
Telephone:030 – 927 47 07// Email: beratungsstelle@frauenprojekte-bora.de
Languages: English, Polish, Vietnamese

Hestia FrauenhausThey offer: offer you protection, accommodation, support and advice.
Telephone: 030 – 559 35 31 // Email: pub@hestia-fh.de
Languages: German and most definitely English


We are in contact with some women that are in need of a place to stay during this time, if you have a spare room please contact us on iwspace(at)iwspace.de so that we can connect you.

Karada House has set up an emergency relief fund to support Queers & Womxn in Berlin. If you can donate something, please do! 100% of the money will be redistributed. IF YOU CAN OFFER HELP: please fill out this form or send an email to relief@karada-house.de

Decolonize Corona Solidarity 1.0:  Crowdfunding action “At the moment there are many solidarity actions due to the Corona crisis. Also from the state side there is a lot of support. However, many of these measures are not accessible to everyone, whether through language barriers, information channels or structural obstacles. It is our concern to ensure a minimum of basic services for a particularly vulnerable group of people. Your donations go exclusively to Black women* with experience of flight.

Aufruf von Schlafplatzorga:Wenn ihr euch vorstellen könnt jemanden aufzunehmen, wenn ihr Fragen habt und wenn ihr eigene Ideen habt, wie man die Betroffenen unterstützen kann, schreibt eine E-Mail an sleepingplaceorga@systemli.org, oder schreibt uns auf Facebook: facebook.com/schlafplatzorga. Weitere Infos.

Fundraiser for the Solidarity Network of WZ Rio: United, several women organized in different collectives, organizations and institutions of the West Zone of the city of Rio de Janeiro have initiated a campaign to amplify the collection of basic goods like food, water and cleaning products, as well as personal hygiene items, to the families of the neighbourhoods and favelas of this region of the city. The contribution received by the groups will be directed mainly to the neighbourhoods of Sepetiba; Santa Cruz; Campo Grande / Bosque dos Caboclos; Pedra de Guaratiba; and Vargem Grande.


Pressemitteilung Flüchtlingsrat zur Corona-Krise: Zugang zu Unterkunft, Leistungen zum Existenzminimumund medizinischerVersorgung für Allesicherstellen! (25. März) 

Gemeinsamer Appell von We’ll Come United, Landesflüchtlingsräten und bundesweiten Medibüros/Medinetzen (20. März): Gesundheitsversorgung sicherstellen! Lager auflösen! Menschen und ihre Rechte schützen! 

Meldung von Women In Exile and friends “Die Covid-19-Pandemie und Flüchtlingslager” vom 16. März