“We then flew all the way to Nairobi, still restricted in cuffs.” – report of the deportation to Kenya on 26.10.2022
Statement Concerning Illegal Deportation From Leipzig, Germany To Nairobi, Kenya on 26.10.2022 at 0055 Hrs via Evelop Airlines, SL (EVE 735)
Pressemitteilung: Menschenunwürdige Massenabschiebung nach Kenia am 26. Oktober!
In der Nacht vom 25./26. Oktober fand eine Sammelabschiebung nach Kenia statt. Rund 100 Personen aus dem gesamten Bundesgebiet wurden in den frühen Morgenstunden in Halle/Leipzig gesammelt und mit einem Flug der Gesellschaft Iberojet nach Nairobi abgeschoben - gegen ihren Willen und ohne jegliche Vorankündigung. Dies ist nur eine der vielen Abschiebungen, die unter anderem nach Gambia, Senegal, Ghana, Monrovia, Pakistan, Georgien, Serbien, Albanien, Bulgarien und in andere Teile Osteuropas stattfinden.
“Hello everybody. This is a report on the deportation situation currently, from the Lager in Borgsdorf” – Lager Reports, October 2022
The lager reports are a compilation of audio messages recorded by women living in different shared accommodation facilities for refugees in Berlin and Brandenburg.The reports are coordinated by the Break Isolation Group, a self-organised refugee women only group within International Women* Space. The voices of the lager reports speak to the daily lived experiences of the women living in these facilities as well as addressing current situations, and emerging issues. Topics discussed include general living conditions, access to basic essentials and services, racism, deportations, the COVID-19 pandemic, and many outstanding other issues.
“Good evening, everyone. This is ___ from Michendorf” – Lager Reports, October 2020
The latest lager reports - audio reports on the situation with coronavirus and other topics from women living in refugee accommodation centres in and around Berlin - with transcription in English and translation into German.