Statement on racist police violence – Stellungnahme zu rassistischer Polizeigewalt – Linker Block der Silent Demo Berlin
Bei den Berliner Protesten am vergangenen Samstag anlässlich des Mordes an George Floyd durch weiße Polizisten in den USA, rief uns die deutsche Polizei eindrücklich in Erinnerung, dass auch hierzulande rassistische Polizeigewalt zum Alltag gehört.
In the shadow of Corona: Police Violence against women and children in a Lager in Brandenburg
On June 1st a women, who lives in a Lager* in Brandenburg sent us an alarming video-clip, recorded on the day before. The video depicts a police-operation in the Lager: In a small corridor several police officers are pinning down a woman on the floor, other officers are securing the site, many residents (including children) can be heard screaming.