COVID19: migrant women in Europe resisting under increased control, abuse and inequality

This online discussion will reflect on the different experiences of migrant women and girl’s resulting from COVID19 measures, which have increased abuse, precariousness, isolation, etc. for them. It is part of a series of two online discussions that will be available in English and Spanish.

The series will detail how migrant women and girls -refugees, workers or part of family reunification, undocumented, etc.- have worked together to provide essential support, safe spaces, and collective action through campaigning and advocacy. It will outline experiences in Germany, Spain, Serbia and Belgium and Europe, including providing political recommendations, in particular for the EU recovery fund.

In this online discussion Nurhidayah Hassan will present the new WIDE+ briefing to be published after the online discussions, which reviews EU funds to migrant women’s associations before and in the context of COVID19. The briefing concludes that the very necessary work of migrant women in supporting other women is in generall overlooked.


Tatiana Retamozo
Chair of the LatinAmerican and Caribean women’s network (RED) @Spain
The RED network is a national network bringing together associations and groups accross Spain to advocate for the rights of migrant women. In this webinar, Retamozo will be reflecting on the network’s nation wide advocacy actions in the context of Covid-19 and the mutual support measures that they are currently carrying. She will also report from one of the refugee camps on the recent events and current situation.

Oluwakemi Oyewole Kimi
Advocacy group of NGO Atina @Serbia
Oluwakemi Oyewole Kimi is women’s and human rights activist, an advocate and public speaker dedicated to the advancement of the position of women all around the world. She is natively from Nigeria, and currently residing in Serbia, where she is very active within the Advocacy group of young women supported by NGO Atina, a feminist organization with the aim to support independence, empowerment, and full social inclusion of women and girls. Kimi is actively engaged in building capacities of professionals in Serbia working within civil society organizations and institutions in addressing the issues of migration, position of women in migration, as well as in promoting anti-discrimination standards and policies in order to create a framework for tackling root causes of gender-based violence. She is also actively involved in supporting girls and women refugees and migrants, especially those suffering different forms of violence.

Silvia Zúñiga
Feminists for Nicaragua @Basque country, Spain
Zúñiga will speak on their experience coordinating the Resistance Emergency Fund for supporting migrant women in a vulnerable situation in the context of the pandemic, which has been an effort shared with other three women migrant groups in the Basque country. She will also address the issue of the current situation of Nicaraguan migrant women. The emergency funds is supported by Calala Fund.


The event is finished.


08 Jul 2020


16:00 - 18:00



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