News, updates and infos from IWS, our network and beyond...

We urgently need donations! Wir brauchen dringend Spenden!

We have hit a rough patch and are turning to you, our community, for support. Any donation, no matter how small, one-off or regular, is greatly appreciated and goes a long way in supporting us and our work and, in turn, the women* we work with as well.

IW*S’ Break Isolation Group receives Initiative Award from Jugendliche ohne Grenzen

Our Break Isolation Group (BIG) received the 2023 "Initiative Award" for honorary engagement (ehrenamtliches engagement) at the gala-night organized by Jugendliche ohne Grenzen (JoG).

“Angry Black Woman” – Anne speaks at O-Platz on World Refugee Day

We are humans, born warriors and winners, we are many things before we are refugees! This, is our power!
We shall be silent no more! For our revolution is here!
So I will say it one last time, this is your wake up call!
It is either all of us are free, or none at all!

Vote for Asya Abubakar Abdirahman for the Landesbeirat für Partizipation

I am Asya Abubakar Abdirahman and for those who know me, I am better known as Captain. I am running for a seat on the Berlin Landersbeitrat für Partizipation (Berlin State Advisory Board for Participation).

Eröffnung der Ausstellung “O-Platz: Selbstermächtigung und Kämpfe der Migration” im FHXB Museum

Wir laden Euch herzlich zu der Ausstellung „O-Platz: Selbstermächtigung und Kämpfe der Migration“ ein. Mit dieser Ausstellung stellen wir die 10-jährige Selbstermächtigungsgeschichte geflüchteter Menschen, die in der Besetzung des Oranienplatzes und später auch innerhalb der Gerhart-Hauptmann-Schule in der Ohlauer Straße ihren Höhepunkt fanden, wieder in den Fokus der Gesellschaft.

Wir fordern einen Koalitionsvertrag mit expliziten antidiskriminierungs- und vielfaltspolitischen Maßnahmen

Offener Brief an die verhandelnden Parteien - Wir machen uns große Sorgenum die Zukunft unserer pluralen Berliner Stadtgesellschaft und die vielen Errungenschaften, die in den letzten Jahren erarbeitet wurden und strukturell zu spürbaren Verbesserungen beigetragen haben.

Our Revolution is Coming! We are Coming! IWS speech at 8th March Demo 2023

Jacky from our Break Isolation Group speaks for International Women* Space at the Internationalist 8th March Demonstration “Our Revolution is Coming!”

O-Platz wurde 10! – Baustelle Migration

Our resistance is alive. O-Platz is alive. 10 years ago the Oranienplatz in Kreuzberg and later also the Gerhart-Hauptmann School in Ohlauer Straße were occupied. To mark this anniversary, we gathered at Oranienplatz from 5.10.-9.10. and celebrated the history of the rebellious refugee movement.

IW*S RADIO #16 | Ukraine: BIPoC refugees reflect on their experiences nine months on

Nine months after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, IW*S’ Jennifer Kamau has a discussion with three BIPoC women*, who were studying at university in the Ukraine. This IW*S RADIO episode highlights the intersectional challenges that BIPoC refugees are confronted with in the state of displacement: from the way that border officials prioritised white Ukrainians over BIPoC migrants, to the countless institutional barriers, the spread of misinformation and the sexual violence that women* face in these vulnerable situations - to name a few.

The Future is OURS! – IWS Speech at Rage, Resistance, Revolution! Demo, 25th November 2022

Ann speaks for International Women* Space at the Rage, Resistance, Revolution! Demo organised by the Alliance of Internationalist Feminists Berlin on 25th November 2022.