IWS RADIO #10 | EU Border Politics: Dirty Deals, Externalisations & Pushbacks
Syrine from Watch the Med - Alarmphone and Christina from Women* in Exile & Friends join Killa and Jennifer to discuss EU Border Politics and how these policies impact the situation for migrants and refugees in Germany -- and what have to be our strategies to fight back.
IWS RADIO #09 | Migration & Mental Health: Creating Support Networks For Women
Jennifer and Denise discuss with Lucía Muriel and Jasmin Eding about mental health, mental illness, isolation, and torture - and how we can create a support network for migrant and refugee women living in Lagers.
Herbstseminare BeVisible 2020: Anti-Black Racism and Resistance through Self-organization
On 11. December 2020, Jennifer from IWS gave a talk on anti-Black racism and resistance through self-organizing for the third event of the BeVisible Herbseminare series organized by Trixiewiz e.V.
SPAM 5 “Ils ont partagé le monde, plus rien ne m’étonne”
Jennifer from IWS spoke on an episode of SPAM, a radio program of undesired-desired messages. The Afrika Diva Collectif activates four spaces in Germany (Berlin and Halle a.d. Saale) and the D.R. Congo (Kinshasa and Goma) to discuss connections and disconnections, colonial repercussions, im-/possible ways of interacting beyond colonial power structures and other spam.
Rote Brause – Folge 21: Es geht um Widerstand!
Rote Ampel für Polizisten / Mieter*innenkampf macht Eindruck / CSD braucht neuen Vorstand / Außerdem: Internationaler Tag gegen Gewalt gegen Frauen, nicht-binäre-, trans- und inter-Personen
“Covid is one more challenge we are having to deal with in a world that is historically brutal to women”
IWS' speech, read by Lavender Samuel at the SOLIDARITY IS NOT ENOUGH - IT IS ABOUT RESISTANCE demo on the International Day of the Elimination of Violence against Women* - 25th November 2020
Violence against women – Refugee abuse victims are inadequately protected
By Antonia Groß for berliner-zeitung.de. Germany is a signatory of an international agreement defending women's rights - but the inner workings of its own systems often do little to help.
Gewalt gegen Frauen: Partnerschaftliche Gewalt: Der Staat als Nebentäter
von Antonia Groß auf berliner-zeitung.de - Mit der Istanbul-Konvention bekennen sich Regierungen zur Bekämpfung der Gewalt gegen Frauen. Doch deutsches Recht verhindert den Schutz aller Betroffenen. Die Frauen vom International Women* Space kämpfen gegen die mehrfache Diskriminierung geflüchteter Frauen.
IWS RADIO #08 | Women Organising Against Violence and all Forms of Oppression
Lavenda, Shokoofeh, Shadia, Nujiyan, and Xalteva from the Alliance of Internationalist Feminists Berlin come together for this special IWS RADIO episode ahead of the 25th of November - the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women - to discuss violences women face and how women are organising against all forms oppressions in their own contexts and through transnational alliances.
Abortion is the essence of every woman’s right to own her own body! – in solidarity with women in Poland
IWS speech at "Techno Procesja - if I Can't Dance, It's Not My Revolution" Demo by Dziewuchy Berlin on 7th November, 2020 in Berlin. Abortion is the essence of every woman’s right to own her own body! And we from the International Women Space stand in total solidarity with the women in Poland and totally against this newly near total ban of abortion in their country!