Zwischen Unterkunftsuche und Lobbyarbeit

In Berlin kämpft ein Netzwerk von BPoC-Organistionen für die Gleichbehandlung von rassifizierten Geflüchteten aus der Ukraine

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Our BREAK ISOLATION GROUP three years on

WATCH THE VIDEO. We are developing a series of workshops and initiatives as a way to make clear that we condemn any form of oppression, violence, discrimination or intimidation as we fight and defend our rights amidst rigid and oppressive asylum structures, processes and systems.

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Re/Assembling Anti-­Racist Struggles – A New Open Archive at FHXB Museum

Together with many people from East, West and reunified Germany, the FHXB Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg Museum has been working for some time to tell the stories of the struggles against racism and anti­-Semitism. Together, new ways of collecting, processing and presenting are being sought

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Call for accommodation for BiPoC refugees fleeing the war in Ukraine

Since the beginning of the attack on Ukraine, IWS has been working to support Black women and Women of Color who are arriving from the Ukraine. Now, we have teamed up with EOTO, ISD and Migrationsrat to collaboratively support any BlPoC refugees fleeing the war in Ukraine.

We need your help!
Can host BIPoC arriving from Ukraine – either short or long term?

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IWS @ Sound of peace

Fact is Europeans think differently of ukraine refugees
Many say and I quote: “Look, Ukrainians are like us,
they have blonde hair, blue eyes, they drive the same car as we do,
they are educated.” And that is why we have been seeing
Racism at the borders!

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IWS RADIO #14 | #MakeNoise – Connecting European Struggles with WIDE+

On the occasion of 25th of November, the Day of Elimination of Violence Against Women, the gender and migration working group of WIDE+ met in Berlin to discuss the persistence of violence against migrant women in Europe, and to plan and create a collective response and resistance against violence, in all its aspects - gender-based, structural and/or institutional violence.

IWS RADIO invited a few participants from different European countries, to share the stories of their respective and common struggles, to speak about their political work and organisations.

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