IWS @ Sound of peace

Fact is Europeans think differently of ukraine refugees
Many say and I quote: “Look, Ukrainians are like us,
they have blonde hair, blue eyes, they drive the same car as we do,
they are educated.” And that is why we have been seeing
Racism at the borders!

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IWS RADIO #14 | #MakeNoise – Connecting European Struggles with WIDE+

On the occasion of 25th of November, the Day of Elimination of Violence Against Women, the gender and migration working group of WIDE+ met in Berlin to discuss the persistence of violence against migrant women in Europe, and to plan and create a collective response and resistance against violence, in all its aspects - gender-based, structural and/or institutional violence.

IWS RADIO invited a few participants from different European countries, to share the stories of their respective and common struggles, to speak about their political work and organisations.

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IWS RADIO #13 | Navigating the German Asylum System while Queer and Trans

M, a new IWS member, joins Jennifer to share the ins and outs of navigating the asylum process while also being queer and trans. M gives a detailed glimpse into the entire journey from the initial airport procedures to life in the Lager - and the crucial information and support that enabled her to go through it all. Then shifting from the personal to the political, the two discuss the ways that Germany’s image as a ‘queer haven’ is in stark contrast to the brutal realities facing those seeking asylum as a queer person.

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Drastische Maßnahmen: Geflüchtete besetzen Baum auf dem Oranienplatz

Berlin - Mit ihrer Aktion fordern die Aktivist*innen für Bleiberecht den Berliner Senat auf, ein Landesaufnahmeprogramm für afghanische Geflüchtete zu erlassen.

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Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg: Respect Refugee Rights, respect the agreement you signed in 2014

Napuli is back in the big tree at Oranienplatz, Kreuzberg - protesting again against the same thing she was in 2014 - denying the rights of refugee action.

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Bürger*innenforum Pankow zur Bundestags- und Berlinwahl 2021: Grundrechte, aber nicht für alle?!

Lucy Lavenda Samuel from the Break Isolation Group (BIG) of IWS participated in a citizen's forum at Kultur- und Bildungszentrum Raoul-Wallenberg (KuBiZ) in Berlin-Weißensee on 13. August, 2021 alongside the following groups and activists: Syrine Boukadida (Alarme Phone), Die Urbane, BENN Weissensee, Eric Noel Mbiakeu (We’ll Come United)

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Latitude on Air – Black Genocide

Jennifer from IWS was recently on Latitude on Air to discuss “Black Genocide” and the decades of systemic violence against Black people with the team of Wearebornfree! Empowerment Radio and Biplap Basu.

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